Just a Whore Chp. 12b

Aug 13, 2009 22:57

Title: Just a Whore
Summary: my personal spin on the movie "Pretty Woman". Ville is a young whore, trapped and searching for his saviour
Pairing: various, but mostly focused on Vam. there will be some surprise guests though
Disclaimer: i own nothing and no one. please don't sue!
A/N: didn't mean for this one to end up so lengthy, but i just couldn't stop lol. hopefully, you'll enjoy.... grr... due to the post being large though, i had to cut some of the links and split it up. sorry for the inconvinence

Chapter 12a

This was fucking epic. Jonne and I were holding our stomachs, tears rolling from our eyes from the uncontrollable laughter. The Jackass crew were out on the skate rink, dressed in 1970’s getups that looked as if they were going to a cheesy disco. They had tried their best to skate properly in the classic four-wheel skates, but they were failing miserably. A minute didn’t go by when one of them wasn’t busting their ass on the floor. Bam was doing alright in keeping his balance, but he got a little ahead of himself when he tried to show off and do a cartwheel. I should have been concerned about his well-being when he fell face first to the floor, but I couldn’t control the laughter that came from his pain. I was starting to see why people liked this show.

After about a half hour of them trying to skate on the rink, the filming was soon moved out to the parking lot and the mystery of the large moving truck was soon about to be answered. Jonne and I followed the cameramen out to the parking lot just in time to see the boys climb into the back of the truck, their skates still on, as the larger member of the group climbed into the cab of the truck. I was confused when all the truck did was drive in quick circles around the parking lot. How are they going to stand in there?

The truck drives around for a few moments before coming to an abrupt stop and the large man gets out to open the back. We could hear the cries and groaning of pain all the way from where we stood. What the hell just happened? Deciding not to think to much of it, when the cameraman dropped his camera, I ran over to the vehicle to see if Bam was alright. The director, Jeff, was standing over them, laughing as he congratulated them and told them that they were done for the evening. The men gave no sign of a response except for a few whimpers.

“Bam,” I call into the truck, receiving a pained moan in return. “Are you alright?”

When he doesn’t respond this time, I jump up into the truck, stepping over the others until I found him underneath Steve-O. I laughed and shook my head as I rolled Steve-O off of him and helped pull him to his feet. He must have still been shaky though because I soon as I pulled him to his feet, he fell right back down, taking me down with him. We both cried in pain at the fall, partly because I fell on Bam’s skate and he fell onto Steve-O. Once I calmed down, I was able to get back up. Bam managed to stand, but I felt it necessary to put my arm around him anyway… to help hold him up.

“What the hell went on in here?” I ask as I walk him gently to the exit of the truck.

“Roller disco on wheels,” he answers. “I fucking banged my head against the wall when he hit the breaks,” Bam groans.

“Poor baby,” I pout.

Jeff helps me to get Bam down from the truck before going to assist the others. Bam should have been fine to walk, or skate on his own, but he wrapped his arm around me anyway.

“I hit my head really hard,” he whines.

“I’m sorry.”

“Kiss it and make it better,” he whispers, giving me a look that suggested he wanted more than for me to kiss a bump on his head.

“Um… not here,” I tell him, looking over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching. Luckily, everyone was either still being unloaded from the truck or skating back towards the building. “You’re friends might see.”

Bam smirks and grabs my hand. His injuries were forgotten as he pulled me along and away from the sights of everyone else to another dimly lit side of the building. I tried to watch and make sure that no one had seen us or followed us, but before I could do any good sleuthing, Bam has my back pressed against the building, his hand forcing my face back to focus on his.

“About time I got a chance to get you alone,” he smiles.

“Not my fault sweetheart. You had to go and play with your friends,” I say, trying to stay aloof, though if he kept giving me that look, I was going to succumb to his charms.

“Yeah, sorry about all of the madness,” he apologizes. “Just be happy that it was something relatively tame. You don’t want to see us whenever we get stupid.”

“And that wasn’t stupid just now?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“No, that was fun,” he laughs.

“Your kind of fun seems too painful for me…. Poor baby. You’ve got a nasty bump on your forehead.” I give him a small pout before I lean down and kiss the bruise on his skin.

“I think I busted my lip pretty badly too,” he grins.

“Really? I don’t see any marks…”

“Trust me,” he says, bringing me closer until my lips are barely an inch apart. “Its there.”

“I suppose I should make that better too,” I smirk.

Bam makes a small noise in what I assumed was agreement and I brought my lips to his in a ghostly touch, not quite kissing yet, just touching. My heart is pounding in my chest as my eyes fall to his lips. Such a foul mouth to all of his friends, but to me, they offer the kindest words and the sweetest gift: affection. His hand has moved to my cheek, the fingertips tracing my sharp cheek bone and up to my temple until it begins to run through my hair. His fingers against my scalp cause a tingle to run down my spine and I shiver at the sensation. I move my hand to the back of his neck, my nails tracing little patterns into his skin. Finally, I press forward, applying pressure to his lips.

The kiss was gentle, but it sent a spark through my body all the same. Bammie must have felt it too because the hand in my hair pulled me closer to him, our gentle kiss becoming much more firm quickly. I mimicked Bam’s motions and tangled my fingers into his brunette locks while my other hand goes to his lower back, pulling his body closer to mine. The skates make Bam fumble slightly, but he catches himself by wrapping his arm around my waist. He pushes me back against the wall and I close my eyes, letting myself become lost in the sensations.

I didn’t need any provoking as I opened my mouth and waited eagerly for Bam’s tongue. He picks up quickly on what I’m trying to do and soon his tongue is caressing my own. A low moan escaped from the back of my throat and Bam deepened our kiss, his tongue going deeper into my mouth. There is a tingly feeling going up and down my spine that is making me go weak at the knees. Our embrace is becoming deeper, more desperate and hungry as my hand starts to run up his back, my nails tracing his spine. Bam shivers in my arms as he catches my lower lip between his teeth, nibbling it lightly.

“Feel better?” I smirk when he pulls back. His eyes are focused intently on my now swollen lips, as if they were the most interesting sight to behold.

“Not yet,” he answers before kissing me lightly again.

Soon, Bam’s lips aren’t connected to mine anymore. They were moving now, grazing my skin as they ran from my lips to my jaw line and down to my neck. I pulled my hair back and offered him the skin there. I bit my lip to fight back a moan when his teeth nibbled at the base of my neck. It hurt slightly as he was biting at the bruise there, but at the same time it felt so good, making goosebumps form on my skin. My breathing turned into desperate pants as he nibbled at my neck while his hands were running along my chest to my sides. I pulled his body close to mine, marveling at how good the pressure and friction felt. He bit down hard though and nudged his knees between my legs, making me gasp when his knee brushed against my slowly engorging cock. He doesn’t stop with just brushing it though, his knee is deliberately running against my crotch trying to make me hard. It was working.

A small wave of pleasure would wash over me each time his leg rubbed against my member, but it was increased with the feel of his lips on the sensitive part of my neck. Little shocks of electricity were running up my spine, making me lightheaded, and soon I was leaning against Bam for support. He held me strongly though and continued on with his assault, his breathing becoming heavier. My heart was pounding rapidly now and all I wanted was for him to give me more of that delicious friction, more of those little waves of pleasure.

Bam seemed more than happy to comply with my silent requests, I’m sure that he would have given me more… but just before I lost myself to the sensations completely, my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. My libido was screaming at me to ignore it and just enjoy myself, but the rational part of my brain reminded me that I needed to answer it. As far as everyone knew, I was still on my corner. Christian was still on the loose, I remembered. If I didn’t answer, then someone might come by my corners to check on me. Shit!

“Bam,” I pant, trying to pull his head away from my neck.

“Hmmm…” He answers as he keeps kissing my skin.

“Bam, I have to answer my phone.”

“No you don’t,” he says. I try to tell him to get off, but as soon as I open my mouth, his lips are back on mine, his tongue squirming in my mouth.

I kiss him back momentarily, but my phone’s vibration is still going strong, an annoying reminder of the real world calling me back. I put my hands on Bam’s shoulders and push him back, despite his cute pouting. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I tense up when the caller I.D. reads “Andreas”. Bam gives me a questioning look and I put my fingers to my lips, telling him to remain silent.

I flip open my phone and answered with an annoyed, “Hello.”

“Hello to you too beautiful,” Andy spoke sensually into the phone. “Where are you? I’ve driven by both of your corners and you weren’t there.”

“Um…. Yeah, I’m at some seedy motel, finishing up with a client. W-was there something that you needed?” I ask, hoping that Andreas would believe the lie.

“I just dropped Bill off at your house.”

“How is he?” I ask, feeling both concerned and incredibly guilty. I was having such a good time tonight that I had forgotten all about Bill, about what he had to go through.

“He’s alright, I guess,” Andy replies absently. “He was a little quiet, but other than that he seemed fine. Where are you at? I’ll come pick you up.”

“Um…” My body freezes up at his suggestion. I need to decline the offer, but I can’t let him be suspicious. “You don’t have to kulta. I- I was going to stay out a little longer anyway.”

“Are you sure?” He says. “We still haven’t found Christian. You really shouldn’t be out there too long.”

“I’ll be fine,” I assure. “Don’t worry about me, ok? You’ve probably got other things to do anyway.”

“Yeah, but I’d rather be doing you,” he replies and I can practically see the devilish grin on his face.

“I’m hanging up now,” I smile, despite myself.

“You know that you want me,” he laughs.


Before he can try to say anything else, I flip the phone shut. Andreas, despite his blunt behavior, is quite the charmer. I tuck the phone back into my pocket and look to Bam, confusion is written all over his face.

“Was that your…” He says, his voice trailing off. I knew what he was referring to, so I shook my head.

“No, that was just Andreas, checking up on me,” I answer.

“Andreas?” He repeats. “He checks in on you a lot, doesn’t he?”

I didn’t like the tone in his voice. It was a little too jealous and possessive. “He’s my friend,” I tell him. “He’s just worried about me right now…. I need to get home though before he comes looking for me.”

“Already?” He asks, his face falling into a small pout. “But this is the first chance we’ve gotten to be alone.”

“Yeah…,” I sigh. “And we almost dry humped…. I’ve had fun tonight Bam, but we still need to take things slowly. If it hadn’t have been for that call… I don’t know what we would have done.”

My rationality must have snapped back when I heard Andreas’s voice. Its true, if it hadn’t been for him calling me, I probably would have let Bam dry hump me into completion. I still wanted to take things slowly with Bam, but it was getting hard to control myself around him. I don’t know what comes over me, but as soon as I’m in his arms, I lose myself.

“Alright…,” he nods. “But what are you doing tomorrow?”

“Um… I don’t know,” I shrug. I know what I was doing tomorrow night, but I didn’t want to say it.

“How would you like to go to Coney Island tomorrow then?” He asks.

“Coney Island?” I repeat, smirking a little.

“Yeah,” he nods. “You’ve never been?”

“No,” I shake my head.

“You’ll love it!” He informs excitedly. “There’s an amusement park, an aquarium, and a beach. It’ll be great.”

“I’d love to,” I say without a moments hesitation, kissing him chastely to seal the deal.

“It’s a date then,” he smiles. “Ok, I need to get out of these clothes. You go get Jonne and I’ll meet you guys in the car.”

“Alright,” I nod.

Bam grins and pulls me into one last kiss before skating off. Sighing contently, I fall back against the side of the building and smile at nothing in particular. I’ve got another date with Bam…. For some reason, that thought alone makes me happier than I’ve been in a long time.

Third Person (POV)

He stared out of the large window of his top floor penthouse, sipping absently from his glass of Brandy as he looked out at the bright lights of the city below. It always amazed him how something that looked so beautiful could be the home of the most depraved and indecent minds… though anyone who knew the man would probably lump him into that category. The city looked peaceful tonight, he thought to himself, taking another sip of the brown liquor. Normally by now, he would have had about ten calls from several of his workers, but no…. Everything was calm tonight…. A little too calm for his liking.

Tearing his eyes away from the city lights, Viggo ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair and sighed. He wasn’t used to these quiet nights. Though he would never admit it, he liked being depended on, he liked having the opportunities to show off his authority. It made him feel useful he supposed. Plus, it was always good to gain trust from his workers by doing them favors, he never knew when he might be able to profit from that trust. But tonight, no one needed him. Not even his Swedish thugs needed his help tonight.

Thinking about his muscle-men led him down a trail of thoughts that ended at Bale. He grimaced slightly when he thought of the pig. It still shocked him to think about how the man had gone off the deep end like he did. Viggo had known Bale to be nothing but corrupt slime since he had the displeasure of meeting the man, but he had also thought the man to be a bit of a coward when it came to him. When Bale had set his sights on Ville long ago, Viggo had asserted his authority in the matter, making sure that the man knew what would happen to him should he ever touch a hair on Ville’s head. Viggo had thought the man had known his place, but obviously that wasn’t the case. Apparently, his Finnish beauty was worth the risk.

Viggo sighed when he thought about his prize whore. It had truly scared him when he had heard of the attack. He was so frightened that Ville was hurt beyond repair…. But when he had tried to show his concern, the Finn had treated him with nothing but suspicion and distrust. That stung, he had to admit, seeing how he had been nothing but generous to Ville, ever since he was a naïve teenager. Sure, there were times when he had to be firm with him, but that was only to assert his authority over him. Viggo had done nothing but dote upon Ville since the moment he’d met him, so it hurt that the Finn couldn’t trust him.

There was something else off with Ville lately though, he mused. He’s not quite sure when it started, but his little Ville was acting very strangely lately. He’s been moody, absent-minded, and seems to have an excuse for everything lately. Viggo wanted to think that the whole thing was in his mind, but he knew that he couldn’t ignore the facts; his precious Ville was hiding something from him. Viggo knew that it couldn’t have been something a foolish as trying to run off, Ville wasn’t an idiot after all, but he knew it must have been something important if even Jonne didn’t know the reason for his sudden change.

Sitting down in his plush sofa, Viggo finished off the contents of his glass as he stared into his fireplace. It really wasn’t a cool enough night for the fire, but he liked the ambiance that the flames provided. Just before he lost himself to his thoughts, Viggo’s cell phone began to ring. Reaching over to the coffee table, he picked up the device and saw that someone had sent him a text message. Sliding open the phone, Viggo smirked as he read the message from his informant.

“He wasn’t on at his corners tonight. Something strange going on. Keep an eye on him.”

comments are love ^^
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