(no subject)

Jan 18, 2005 18:37

Ha! I finally made the next chapter! Thanks, Em, for pushing my lazy ass to make this one. ;)

Bam was brought back to reality when he heard a strange rustling in the bushes.

With stake in hand, Bam shifted into his power stance, as a dark figure approached him. As it got closer, he realized it was that of--or what had once been--a man. It walked towards him in a slinky, cat-like manner. The closer it got, the more he noticed his features. Lean and a bit taller than he. And that's when it hit him. Standing before him was Ville Valo.

"Ville!?" said Bam, in total disbeleif.

"Oh, look. Bammy Boy's finally found his place in the world." He says, in a mock voice, while lighting up a cigarette.

Bam was taken aback by the harshness of his tone. "B-but, I thought you d-died." Tears formed in Bam's eyes as he remembers the stories of Ville's disappearance, scattered across magazines and T.V. screens, and then a few months later, reported dead.

"More like, undied." he says, while taking a long drag on his cigarette.

"Y-you're a vampire?" A sheer look of horror appeared on Bam's face, as he realized that Ville Valo--his longtime best friend--was a vampire. Blood sucking fiends put only on this earth for the sole purpose of having him, the slayer, kill them.

"You've seemed to have dumbed down a bit since the last time I saw you."

Ville moved closer to Bam, only a few inches away from his face.

"Surprised, are you?"

Bam thought about it for a second. He wasn't. He actually found it kind of ironic. That thought, in the midst of all this confustion, brought a slight smile to his lips. Ville was amazed at how he could smile at a time like this, and felt somewhat intimidated. The innocence in his eyes reminded Ville of the crush he always had on Bam, unknowing that it was mutual. This made him want to tease Bam a bit, just to see what effect it had on him.

"So, uhm... what have you been up to?" Trying to pretend it was a normal conversation between the two, totally ignoring the fact that his best friend was now a vampire.

Just the usual, evil vampirish things." Said Ville, in a seductive voice, while moving closer to him.

Bam made a nervous laugh through a puff of smoke, trying to avoid Ville's gaze. And what was he supposed to do? Stake him? His best friend? Who he had possibly, and was almost sure, that he had more than just friendly feelings for? And then just go on like nothing happened. No, that couldn't happen. There had to be some way around this.

"Uhm, well, nice catching up with you, but it's getting kinda late. Uh, bye!" Said Bam nervously, as he turned around and ran as fast as he could, leaving Ville a little dumbfounded.

As soon as he got home, he ran straight up to his room, trying to avoid any human--or unhuman--contact for the rest of the night. Bam went into the bathroom and turned on the water and stripped down to his shimmies. As he stepped under the hot water, his mind wondered to the events of that night. He was somewhat sad, because he had finally--at least almost--gotten some closure over his death, and now finding out he's a vampire? But it also made him happy, knowing that he wasn't gone forever, and that he could possibly do something, but what? And he'd have to tell the others at some point. This was all too overwhelming for poor Bam. Their conversation brought up old feelings, that he hoped would stay buried.

Damn, Ville's as sexy in death as he was in life. Bam thought absentmindedly. Then he froze. Ohh, not again. He's my best friend, and a guy, for that matter, I can't possibly have these kind of feelings for him. Why the hell do I? He's a vampire, a vampire that I'll eventually have to kill. Why did I have to be the chosen one? I'm just a dumbass skateboarder punk from Pennsylvania, why me?

Bam decided to sleep on his problems, he'd tell everyone in the morning.
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