Dancing with the stars

Mar 23, 2009 21:43

Author: Abz666
Title: Dancing with the stars
Pairing: Bam/Missy, Vam,
Summery: Bam is forced to do something he does not want to do.

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in the story, the story is just made up.

Dunn and Novak are fed up with the way Bam treats them. They have spent a full week trying to think of a plan that would work to get their own back on him for all the pranks Bam has pulled on them.

After the 5th day Novak heard about dancing with the stars show with a twist. All couples are the same sex. Dunn puts Bam name forward and has been chosen to be one of the contenders on the show.

On the morning Bam is due to meet his partner, he has a sense of humour failure which leads to Dunn dragging him out of the house with Missy laughing. She shouts to him “have fun. Don’t be mean to your partner” but Bam is not listening. “I can’t believe you fuckers have done this to me. What have I done for you to be horrible to meeeeeeee?”

Dunn just smacks Bam before turning his eyes back to the read. “This is for every prank you have pulled on us. It’s pay back time. Know get your arse out and go meet your partner.” bam glares at Dunn before sulking into a dance studio muttering to himself. “The fuckers. Gonna pay for this.”

As Bam is not watching where he is going, he walks straight into his dance partner. “Hi. You must be Brandon Margera. I’m your dance partner….” bam looks at his partner and shrugs. “Call me Brandon and your dead. It’s Bam. Lets get this over with.” bam was about to walk away but was stopped.

“Don’t you want to know my name?” Bam turns and shrugs again. “Who cares. Lets go so I can be on my way.” “Well. I’ve never had this reaction from any contender on this show. I’m Derek Hough.” Bam shakes his head and looks at the ground again. “They were never forced into this. Don’t take this the wrong way but I hate dancing.”

Derek looked surprised. “Why do you not like dancing? It’s fun.” Bam glared at Derek “Dancing is for puffs. I’m not gay and I’m not planning turning into one any time soon.” this surprised Derek even more. “Just because I bloke dances doesn’t mean they are gay.” “It does to me.”
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