Hidden - Chapter 25 - Ville

Mar 12, 2009 15:33

WARNING!!! TISSUE CHAPTER!!! (This ones a shocker,)
Rating : PG 13 - NC 17 (Locked when needed.)
Disclaimer : To my knowlage, Bam has never killed a soul, and Ville so far in life, is childless, and so this would mean that this tale is pure fiction.
Summary : Bam is a mass murderer who has been able to avoid the law for some time.
Ville is a proud father to a teenage daughter, whos mother died during her birth.
When the law starts to catch up to Bam, he flees to Finland and takes refugee in the singers home.
By holding his daughter hostage, Bam is able to convince Ville to lead a normal life. But Ville is able to wear the man down, and soon discovers the kind hearted man behind the hardened image and just why he turned to a life of crime. But will he allow himself to fall for the man threatening his daughters life? And what happens when the police close in on Bam?
P.O.V. - Alters between chapters until characters meet. (Odd - Ville / Even - Bam)
This story is now dedicated to the loyal readers who have returned after one year!



Chapters 1 - 25 - http://bonevalo.livejournal.com/1256.html


I couldn’t believe it…Ryan was dead. I stood there is shock, with Lily sobbing in my arms, as Jonne cradled his daughter, agony written all over his face. Before I could do anything, Lily had broken free of my hold,

“Ryan! Ryan no!” she cried, running to him. She shook his shoulder violently, desperate for him to wake, “Ryan wake up!” she cried. Something about her pleas made me snap out of the shock I was in, I went up to her, and gently pulled her off Ryan’s corpse,

“Lily darling, he’s dead…he’s dead…” I whispered, and we both fell to the floor, sobbing. As we sobbed, Jonne and Bam argued over Ilta, or Elle as Bam called her. I didn’t pay attention to their words, just to my daughter, the feel of her arms around me, the sound of her heartbreaking sobs. Suddenly, I heard Bam yell out,

“Hold still!” He cried, as he pointed his gun at Jonne. Jonne closed his eyes, and pulled Ilta closer to him.

“Don’t Bam…please!” I cried, “Please,” He turned to look at me, but didn’t drop his gun wielding arm.

“Shut it Valo!” He said, spitting as he spoke. I gulped, and rubbed Lily’s back, she had started trembling, “Now go and fix your fucking front door! FIX IT!” He yelled when I didn’t move. Slowly, I let go of Lily, who protested by whimpering,

“I’ll be back darling,” I whispered in Finnish. She nodded, and curled up into a little ball. Trying not to look at Ryan, I made my way to the blood splattered front door. I held my breath, so not to breath in the smell of blood, and carefully moved him off the door. Jonne was still standing next to the body, and he and Ilta both turned a pale green,

“Daddy…” Ilta whispered, looking down at Ryan. Jonne spun round so she couldn’t look at the body, and held her face to his shoulder. He patted her back and shushed her as she sobbed,

“Daddy’s with the angels now,” He whispered, holding back his own tears. I concentrated on Jonne’s voice as I moved Ryan’s body. He was singing ‘In My Heaven’ to Ilta. It meant I didn’t have to think about what I was doing. The door was covered in blood, but was easily mended, the hinges had come off, but I had spare ones somewhere. Before I could think where, Lily appeared behind me with a damp cloth. I smiled in thanks but said nothing. Lily then took Jonne’s hand and they moved to the sofa, where they both sat down. Ilta was quite now, I assumed her to be asleep, but when I glanced up, I saw her wide, horrified blue eyes, so like Bam’s, staring at Ryan. Jonne didn’t seem to have the heart to make her turn away; he was staring at Ryan too.

“Hurry up!” Bam called, waving his gun around. I nodded, and finished wiping the blood of the door. Luckily, the door was already quite a dark color, so if there was any blood left, it didn’t show.

“I need a screwdriver, and the spare hinges, they’re in the kitchen,” I said, as I stood the door up and propped it up against the wall. Bam chewed his lip slightly, then looked towards Lily,

“Lily! Go get them!” He cried. Lily look terrified, but one look at the gun in Bam’s hand and she was away. She returned a few minutes later and stood with me as I quickly fixed the door. I didn’t want to anger Bam any more. As soon as the door was shut and bolted, he lowered his gun. “Good, now go and sit with Jonne” he said. I nodded again and put my arm around Lily’s shoulder. Together, we walked to the sofa, and sat either side of Jonne and Ilta. We both put our arms around them, and the four of us sobbed. After a minute or two, we heard Bam crying too, and we all looked up, staring at him in a mixture of shock and terror.

“Random….what the fuck have I done!” He cried, and, before we could say anything, he’d flung himself at Ryan’s body. He sobbed and stroked Ryan’s hair, the words he spoke now unrecognizable.

“Leave him alone!” Jonne whispered, his expression revealing that he was too scared to yell. Bam just started shaking his head,

“Ryan I’m sorry!” He cried as he placed a kiss on his cheek. Finally, he let go of Ryans body, stood, and came back to the sofa. Ilta started whimpering, and scrambled around in Jonne’s arms, trying to get away, but he held on tight.

“Sssshhh Kulta, I’m here, I’m not going to let him hurt you!” he whispered, and she was immediately silenced by his words. At the same time, Lily lent across Jonne’s lap, and grasped my blood stained hand. I gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“Jonne, Ville, you’re going to help me move him,” Bam said in a dead pan voice. The gun in his left hand stopped either of us protesting. Slowly, Jonne pulled his daughter from his lap and handed her to a shaking Lily. The pair clung to each other. Jonne stood, and closed his eyes, then reached for my hand. I grasped it, and lead him to Ryan, with Bam following close behind. Carefully, I picked up Ryan’s legs, as Bam took his head, and Jonne his middle, however, before we could lift him, a groan came from his lips…
Hehehehehehehehehe.... comments please! Also, I have man trouble! Check my journal to help me out, the next chapter will be didicated to all those that give me advice.
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