The End is so near... - Oneshot

Mar 12, 2009 21:12

The end is so near.... Oneshot

Summary - Why Ville and Bams relationship fell apart

Disclaimer - I own nothing and no one.

Rating - 15 - Volence and swearing

Warning - Volence , swearing and mpreg

“Fuck! Just fuck Ville” Bam screamed, as he threw a chair across the room. Ville cowered and tried to dodge out of the way, but the chair clipped his nose, making it bleed.

“Bammie please!” He whimpered, not even bothering to wipe his nose, it would be bleeding again in a second.

“Please? Please? Is that all you can fucking say! Not even ‘sorry I burnt dinner’” Bam yelled, punching a framed photo of Ville and Bam on the wall. Ville whimpered again as it smashed beneath his hand and fell to the floor.

“I’m sorry I burnt dinner,” Ville whispered. The words were barely out of his mouth when Bam had him pinned up against the wall by his throat.

“You’re not gonna do that again, are you?” Bam screamed. Ville tried to respond, but his windpipe was being blocked. Bam growled, slammed Ville against the wall, then loosened his grip. Ville gasped for air, as Bam screamed ‘ARE YOU?”

“N...n-no....” He whispered as he massaged his throat. He could feel a bruise forming already...yet another he’d have to hide.

“Good.” Bam said, and he went and sat down, kicking the broken picture frame as he did so. “Clean this the fuck up,” He said. Ville nodded and got to work, moving as fast as he could so as not to anger Bam.

“I’m done Bammie,” He whispered after he’d thrown the last of the glass away.

“That’s great Babe. Want to order a takeaway? Its on me,” Bam said with a smile as he patted the empty space next to him. Ville smiled weakly.

“That’d be lovely Bammie, you are so kind,” He said. He had learnt the hard way what to and not to say to Bam in moments like this.

“I’m sorry I hurt you Babe,” Bam said, kissing Ville’s cheek. Ville just nodded and leaned against him.


“Good morning Ville, Morning Willow,” Bam said cheerfully as he entered the kitchen the next morning. He kissed Willows cheek softly, and then pulled Ville in for a passionate kiss. Ville smiled as he did so, glad that Bam was in a good mood. He was running out of excuses to explain his bruises.

“Morning My Love,” Ville whispered, as he rubbed Bams nose with his own. Bam pulled him in close, and rested his head on Ville’s shoulder. Ville wrapped his arm’s tight around him.

“Morning daddy,” Willow piped up from her highchair, as she waved her sticky, jam covered fingers at Bam. Bam freed himself from Ville’s grip, and went and picked his daughter up. She giggled gleefully as he threw her up and down.

“Bam, don’t! She’ll be sick!” Ville said, as he started frying bacon for Bam’s breakfast. Suddenly, Bam stopped, put his daughter back in her high chair, and went right up to Ville, so close their nose’s were touching. But this time, it wasn’t a romantic morning hello; Ville could feel the anger coming off Bam in waves.

“I’ll do what I fucking like!” He snarled as he pushed Ville back into the oven. Ville tried not to put his hands behind him, knowing that he’d burn his hands if he did so. Bam noticed this, and grabbed the frying pan. The bacon inside was sizzling in hot, bubbling oil.

“Bam no! No, not in front of Willow...” Ville begged. He tried to move towards his daughter, knowing Bam would never hurt her, but Bam was too quick for him. He grabbed his hair and threw him to the floor. Ville quickly covered his face with his hands, knowing what was coming. Bam kicked them away and poured the hot oil and bacon onto Ville’s face. Bam laughed, Ville screamed and Willow sobbed.

“Willa!” She cried, as she reached out for him. Ville didn’t respond, he just screamed in agony. He tried to wipe the oil off his face, and burnt his fingers.

“Bam please....I need to go to the hospital....” Ville whispered. His voice shook with effort. It was taking all of him not to continue screaming. Willow continued to whimper in the background.

“Ok,” Bam said. And Ville sighed in relief, but Bam wasn’t done, “But I get to fuck you first,” He said, smiling widely. Ville whimpered.

“Bammie, I’m in agony, and Willow needs someone to watch...”

“SHUT IT! UPSTAIRS NOW, OR YOU WON’T BE GOING TO HOSPITAL!” Bam screamed, as he kicked Ville again. Ville stood quickly, shaking slightly. He nodded his head.

“Can I please put Willow in her play-pen?” he asked. Bam nodded, but said nothing. As soon as Ville had put his whimpering daughter in her play pen, Bam was dragging him upstairs by his hair.


“Bam!” Ville called from the bathroom.

“What, I’m trying to watch TV you dumb fuck!” Bam called back. Ville gulped and bit his lip. He took a deep breath and called back down to Bam,

“Can you come up during the commercials then darling?” He asked. For a few seconds, Bam didn’t respond, and Ville pondered over whether he should repeat himself.

“Ok Babe,” came the reply. And Ville sighed in relief.

5 minutes later, Ville heard Bam pounding up the stairs. He gripped the bath for support. He had no idea how Bam would react to his news. The door burst open, and Bam strolled in. He didn’t look happy.

“What? What is so good-damn important, you have to interrupt the game?” He demanded, giving Ville a shove.

“I’m pregnant....we’re having another baby....” Ville whispered. Bam smiled warmly.

“Really?” He asked, now sounding calm and kind. Ville beamed and nodded, then passed the positive test into Bam’s hands. Bam looked down at it, and then cheered “Brilliant Babe, oh I’m so happy!” He cried, and he pulled Ville into his arms.


Ville was 6 months gone. He was carrying a little boy, who they had decided to name Jasper. Bam had only hit him once since he’d announced his pregnancy. Bam wanted a son, and was going to do nothing to jeopardize that.

“Bammie, we’re home,” Ville called. He held Willow in his arm’s, he had just picked her up from day care. Bam came running into the hall; he took Willow from Ville with a smile.

“Hey darling, did you have fun?” He asked her as he held her close, and placed a kiss on her nose. Willow giggled, and grabbed Bam’s nose.

“Yeah, we did finger painting, and teacher said mine was the bestest,” She said as she beamed.

“Oh really? Do you have it so I can pin it up on the fridge?” Bam asked. Willow nodded eagerly.

“Willa has it,” She said, as she pointed behind her. Bam looked at his partner with a smile.

“Lets have this work of art then babe,” He said, moving Willow around in his arms so he could hold out a free hand for the picture. Ville smiled and went to look in his shopping bag where he had put the picture, but then frowned. It wasn’t there.

“’s gone....” He whispered. “Darling I’m sorry,” Ville said, going up to Willow and kissing her on the cheek.

“Its ok, I can do another one,” She said with a smile. Without warning, Bam put her down. She whimpered.

“Go. Upstairs.” Bam said through gritted teeth. Willow didn’t move, she simply looked at Ville with worried eyes. “NOW!” Bam yelled, and Willow ran from the room. Ville backed towards the front door.

“Bam, darling, I’m sorry,” He said, as he held up his hands. Bam pushed them away angrily.

“Are you fucking stupid or something?” He asked. Ville shook his head as he grasped the knob for the door.

“Then how the fuck could you lose the picture!” Bam growled, getting as close to Ville as possible. Ville gulped.

“I...I...don’t know...” He whispered, closing his eyes so he didn’t have to look into Bam’s angery orbs. Bam slapped him once, hard, across the face. Ville whimpered, but he finally got the door open.

“Oh no you don’t!” Bam yelled as Ville tried to slip out the door. He grabbed it before Ville could get out, and tried to slam it shut. But Ville was in the way...

“My baby...” he whispered, as blood appeared on his jeans. Bam let go off the door, horrified at what he had done. He grabbed Ville before he could fall to the floor.

“It’s going to be ok....” He said, as he pulled out his phone.


Ville placed a bunch of flowers on Jaspers grave. The little boy had been buried less than a month.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you darling,” He whispered as he ran his hand over the freshly placed tombstone. Willow was silently sobbing next to him.

“Is Jasper ok in heaven, he’ll be all alone,” She whispered, as she placed a single white rose on the grave. Ville nodded and picked her up. Tears were running silently down his face, but he didn’t wipe them away.

“Theres plenty of other babies to keep him company,” He whispered, and he pulled his daughter closer. She nodded and buried her head into his shoulder. “Bye darling, we love you,” Ville whispered, blowing a kiss towards the headstone. Willow turned her head and waved. “Come on darling, lets go home,” He whispered.

“To daddy?” She asked, looking into her fathers eyes. Ville smiled and shook his head.

“No, to our new flat. We’re never going back to Bam again,” He whispered, and kissed her on the cheek. Willow cheered.


Bam sat alone in the house. There were no lights on, even though it was dark. In his hand was a letter, crumpled after the amount of times Bam had gone to throw it away. His face was damp from the constant stream of tears that leaked from his eyes. He couldn’t believe he had lost Ville, it was all his fault. He looked to the crumpled letter again.

Dear Bam

I’m sorry, but this is the end. I’m sure you know why. Losing Jasper that way..... it was horrible. It eats me up inside knowing you are the reason I couldn’t bring my little boy into the world. I could have forgiving you, if this had been the first time you’d laid a hand on me. But you have been abusing me for years, and I can take it no longer. I just can’t put myself through that any more. I can’t put Willow through that either. She may be young, but she’s not stupid. She knows that you hurt me, and she’s scared. Don’t try and find us Bam, or I will go to the police. I want nothing more to do with you. Goodbye.


Bam sobbed once, and crumpled the paper again. Reaching into his pocket, he took out a heartagram zippo and lit it. He held the crumpled paper and watched it burn. He dropped it to the floor, not even bothering to wait for the flames to stop. The flames continued to burn as the paper landed on the floor, they spread, and the sofa Bam was sitting on caught alight. But Bam did nothing. The flames spread, taking over the whole sofa, then the curtains, followed by each piece of furniture. But Bam didn’t move, in fact, he lay down, and let the flames engulf him too....


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