Beautiful seduction (Part 2 of ?)

Feb 02, 2009 13:18

Title: Beautiful seduction (Part 2 of ?)

Author: Alicez

Pairing:  Bam/Ville

Rating: R to NC-17.

Summary: He was ensnared by that soft voice..

Warnings: Dubiously consensual, OOC-ness.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Ville Valo or Bam Margera.

Authors note: A bit late, a little short, but here it is anyway! Enjoy;) I don't know how to post two things at once, so I had to post it seperately.

Sunlight shone through the curtains. Bam slowly opened his eyes, and blinked a few times at the bright light.

He groaned and gave a quick glance at his alarm clock. 10.20 AM. He turned himself over and stayed in that position for a few more minutes. Then he sat himself up and stepped out of his bed, reluctant though.

His feet touched the cool floor and he shivered, even more tempted to go back to bed. He resisted though, knowing his mother would come up and kick him out of bed if he stayed any longer because he was ‘lazy’.

He turned and went to head for the bathroom for a shower, when something caught his eye.

A pure white orchid was lying on his desk, and there was a note attached to it.

He blinked, and went over to the desk to get the note. He held it in his hand, as he walked back to his bed, and sat down, unfolding it.

Just before he wanted to read it, his foot touched something that hadn’t been there before. He bent down to pick it up and see what it was.

It was another orchid, a white one. This one, however, wasn’t so white anymore. It looked like it had been trampled on, and dirty stains covered the delicate petals.

He shrugged and picked up the note, reading it.

“Dear Bam-Bam (you don’t mind me calling you that right?)

First of all, good morning. Is it always that you stay in bed until this late? I must say, I am surprised. On a side note, you do look beautiful when you’re asleep, darling. So peaceful. Like nothing in the world could stir up that peace.  But that is not what I am writing you about.

I want you to meet me, outside your house in the front garden, this evening at midnight. I have something to show you, something that I can’t just tell you on paper. Make sure you are warmly dressed, because you will be gone for quite a few hours.

Love, V.

P.S. I attached another orchid to this note, because I noticed the other one had been flattened by you. Not to mention that it was dirty. Darling, surely your mother has taught you to be careful with gifts you received from other people? Lovely woman, by the way, I have noticed you resemble her, more than you know.

See you tonight,


He couldn’t move. Thoughts whirled through his head, but one kept coming back.

That Ville person, had been in his room? He had been watching him sleep?!

He scanned the note again, and yes, there it was.

“On a side note, you do look beautiful when you’re asleep.”

He didn’t know what to feel, as there were too many emotions that overwhelmed him. Disbelief at the fact that he had been watched while he was sleeping, anger at that the man had been in his room, and still he couldn’t help it, but also feel curiosity at what Ville was so desperate so show him.

He picked up the orchid, twirling it around in his fingers. He slowed when he noticed some tiny writing on one of the petals.

“A pure white orchid, for an equally pure-hearted person.”

He couldn’t help but feel a little flattered at those words, but after reminding himself that some kind of stalker was watching him sleep and had been in his room, the feeling diminished.

He shook his head and put down the note. What he needed, he thought while grabbing some clothes, was a good, hot shower.

~ ~

After breakfast (or brunch, as April had so kindly reminded him) he made his way back upstairs, to ‘do some homework’. His mother had given him an approving nod, but all he really wanted was to be alone again.

The hot shower hadn’t worked at all. Instead, he couldn’t help but thinking about the note when he stood under the hot water. During brunch, things hadn’t been much better. Thoughts about why it had to be him, having a stalker that is.

Furthermore, there had been an article in the newspaper about a ‘disturbance’ on the graveyard. The mayor himself had spoken with the paper, demanding that the brats who had done this had to reveal themselves, claiming the punishment would be lighter if they would just confess it.

Bam couldn’t help but snorting at the mayors comments, knowing that nor he nor his friends would be stupid enough to reveal themselves. His mother had given him a glare, and demanded if he knew anything about it.

Feeling it would be better to ignore her comment, he had excused himself with the excuse he had homework to do.

He turned on his computer, not knowing what else there was to do. He sat down heavily and started up the internet.

He was just about to check if he had any e-mail, when a thought struck him. Not about the note, but about Ville. Ville had been so beautiful, possessing such a god-like beauty, that Bam was already convinced that Ville wasn’t human. He was a creature. But what kind of creature possessed such beauty and on top of that a voice that could send him into a trance?

He started up Google, and typed in ‘creature’. A long list of websites appeared about fantasy books, stories and yes, information about creatures.

He clicked on one randomly, only to shut it down again. He felt a blush creeping over his face, even though he knew there was no one to see it.

The website he had just opened had been one about bondage. ‘Unleash the creature in you’ and ‘Come here for your secret animal desires’. He shivered in disgust, that certainly hadn’t been what he meant.

After a few more sites, he found one with some useful information about all kinds of creatures, real ones and fantasy ones. There was information about werewolves, mummies, zombies and vampires. The last one had particularly interested him.

“A vampire is a mystical creature, known to have appeared in legends and myths for centuries. Especially in medieval times, people believed vampires really existed, and the stories were used to scare children. Nowadays, the vampires only appear in fantasy books, movies or TV-series, as we know they don’t exist. The most common known vampire is vampire. There are different theories about vampires, one is that they can change into bats, and another one is that they cannot be killed, except if a wooden stack is driven through it’s heart. Another claims that vampire possess a god-like beauty, which they use to lure their prey to them. The most common theory is that vampires cannot live without blood and in order to stay alive, have to kill people, by drinking their blood. Other theories…”

Here he stopped reading. It was all the information he needed to know. What if it was true? What if Ville was a vampire? But vampires don’t exist, it said so on the website.

He shrugged and felt slightly stupid for having those thoughts. Ville was not a vampire. He couldn’t be. What he was, Bam did not know.

He stretched his muscles and pondered for a moment. He couldn’t deny that he was curious about Ville, curious to know more about him. Curious to know what he was.

He stared out the window for a few more moments, when a thought suddenly occurred to him. He stood up and froze in his tracks. Tom Welling. The kid who claimed to hear strange noises in his house and that he was constantly watched by someone.

What had those strange noises been? And who had been watching him?

Bam also remembered something else. He had seen Tom at school, sometimes walking around with a note. It said nothing, but once, he had seen Tom with a white orchid. Much like the one he had received from Ville. What if there was a connection between Ville and Tom?

He let out the breath he was holding. Of course there wasn’t a connection, Bam hardly had any evidence. Except if..

Except if he would go and see Tom. Speak to him, and know for sure that there was no connection. Yes, he would do that. Then he would know for sure.

He glanced at his alarm clock again. 4 AM. There was still time, the Westchester Institution’s visiting hours were from 4 till 6, so there had to be enough time.

“Right, so that is settled. I will go and see him,” he said out aloud.

Just then, he sensed eyes on his back. He spun around and did a double-take.


The man (creature?) smiled slightly, and stepped forward, only keeping a few inches between them.

Once again, Bam was struck by how beautiful the man who stood in front of him was. He was completely dressed in black today, emphasizing his white skin. The green eyes watched his, an unwavering gaze.

“Who are you going to see?”

The voice was soft, and there was no implying undertone in it. Just a normal question.

“N-No one,” Bam whispered.

“Oh yes, I think you are. You are going to see Tom Welling, aren’t you?” Ville softly asked.

Bam blinked in confusion, and amazement. How did he know?

“Don’t go there. It’s no use. He won’t be able to tell you anything. He can hardly speak normally, so I doubt it if he would be much of a help,” Ville said, smiling slightly.

“W-What are you doing here?” He finally seemed to have regained his speech.

“Just checking on you if you received and read my note.”

Bam turned slightly, lowering his gaze to the ground. He couldn’t stand the intense gaze any longer.

“O-Okay. I’ve read it. You can go now.”

Fingers slid under his chin, tilting it, to meet Ville’s gaze.

“I have not yet received an answer. Are you coming?”

Bam shivered slightly.

“Y-Yes. I’ll come. I don’t think I have any choice,” he added under his tongue.

Ville’s smile widened, and suddenly there were lips on his again. Bam pushed against Ville’s chest, but found that any resistance melted away after a few moments.

The kiss was hot, and demanding. His hands reached up, and his fingers twined in Ville’s hair. Ville’s arms were tight around his waist, holding him securely.

Suddenly it was all gone.

He blinked and looked around him.

Ville stood by the window, a smirk on his face.

“Remember, tonight at midnight.”

He could only nod stupidly in agreement.

The smile widened.

“Until then.”

Bam nodded again, and turned away from Ville.

“Oh, and Bam?”

He spun around again, noticing Ville was still there.

“I can tell you this much. I am not a vampire.”

Bam was about to open his mouth and reply, but he was already gone.

Another white orchid lay on the window sill. He stalked over to it and picked it up. Another note was attached to it.

Remember, tonight at midnight.


~ ~

Yup, it’s a (slight) cliffhanger;) Let me know what you think and more will be on it’s way soon!

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