
Feb 02, 2009 13:09

Title: Illusion (sequel to Possession)

Author: Alicez

Rating: R/NC-17

Summary: It’s an illusion.

Disclaimer: Still the same as ever, I don’t own them.

Warnings: Non-con

Authors notes: The companion to Possession, only this time it’s Ville’s POV. Constructive critism much appreciated;)

He is on his hands and knees again, facing away from me. His wrists are tied to the bedpost with silk ribbons. I know he won’t flee, he wouldn’t dare too, but the ribbons are more than just decoration. It’s a sign that he belongs to me, is mine only. The ribbons are tied tightly around his wrists, but not too tight, I don’t want to hurt him too much.

My fingers traces patterns down his spine, gently. It’s seems like a tender caress, but we both know it isn’t. I know he knows, because he slightly trembles, increasing as my fingers continue their journey down his spine.

I sit back for a moment, my hands still on his back, to admire the work of art I have created. Blood covers his back, if you look closely, you can distinguish words beneath the wounds.


Over and over again. Line after line covers his back with the same handwriting. Just saying it isn’t enough. I want him too feel I own him. That he belongs only to me, that he is mine.

I lean down, my breath close to his ear.

He trembles even more.

“I know you want this.”

My whispered words are so soft, that you can hardly hear them. But he does hear them. They sink into his mind and they stay there, convincing him that he does want this, that he does not want to struggle against me. That he wants to submit himself to me.

My tongue slips out and traces a path at the shell of his ear, another tender caress. He shivers as I work my way down his back, my hair softly brushing along his spine.

He lets out a moan. Unvoluntarily, but is a moan. I stop for a moment, as a feeling of possessiveness overwhelms me.

“You are mine.”

I’ve said it many times before, I have carved the words into his back, but still I cannot resist saying those words again.

He stiffens for a moment as my teeth start marking him. I bit and suck hard in his neck, leaving large marks, then make my way down his back.

When I reach his buttocks, my hands find his hips, holding them in an iron grip. I let my fingers once more trace a path down his back, and then let them enter him. Filling him.

When I think he’s sufficiently prepared, I position myself at his entrance. I wait for a moment, listening to his ragged breathes, feeling his trembling body beneath my own.


I push myself into him in one thrust, stopping for a moment to feel his tightness. My finger nails dig into his hips so tight, that I know there will be bruises tomorrow. Not that it matters, it only adds more to the marks I’ve already made on him.

I set in a rough pace, and he lets out moans again. Soon, our moans mingle together in one, and then we are screaming, screaming so loud as we both come hard.

I collapse on his body, knowing I don’t weigh that much. I stay in that position for a few moments before I roll off and pull his spent body into my arms.

“Sleep my love. Sleep,” I whisper softly.

He moves a bit, trying to find a comfortable position and soon his breathing eases.

I stay awake, contemplating at the irony of the events that had taken place no more than a few minutes ago.

He is so convinced he belongs to me, that he is mine. But he doesn’t know that it is the other way around.

I belong to him, as much as he belongs to me. I leave my marks on his body, claiming him, but he leaves his own too. When he lets out those moans, he is obliviously marking me.

Marking my soul.

Letting me know that I belong to him.

Letting me know that I am his.

Later, as sleep prepares to take me, I realize, it’s an illusion. It’s an illusion that he is all mine. For I am his just as much.


Well, I hope you enjoyed it from Ville’s point of view and the irony of the title;)

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