Beautiful seduction (Part 1 of ?)

Jan 12, 2009 22:17

Titel: Beautiful seduction (Part 1 of ?)

Author: Alicez

Pairing:  Bam/Ville

Rating: R to NC-17.

Summary: He was ensnared by that soft voice..

Warnings: Dubiously consensual, OOC-ness.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Ville Valo or Bam Margera.

Authors note: I haven't updated since forever, when inspiration finally struck me. I've decided to take a slightly different take on the Creature!Ville, so I hope I have succeeded!

“… And now for the news on Radio ‘Westchester’: Another case for the Westchest Institution, the third one this month;  a sixteen year old boy claiming that strange noises haunt his house and that he constantly is being watched by someone. The police have investigated his home for any evidence, but none was found. The boy was immediately put into treatment and is sedated at the moment, to stop his constant rambling. How long he will have to stay in the Institution is unknown. And now for the other news, farmer Howard has finally announced …”

With a sigh, Bam turned of the radio. He sat himself upright and stretched his sore muscles. He got up and walked over to his computer, turning it on. He sat down on his chair and lost himself in thought for a moment.

That had been the third case this month, and this time it was someone he knew. Tom Welling was in his year and he had always been rather weird. Pale faced, bags under his eyes and slouching rather than walking, he had always been an outcast, so it didn’t really come as a surprise that he was the next victim. Bam had never talked to him, but there was always something about Tom that he couldn’t ignore. That’s why it hadn’t failed to notice him that the bags beneath Tom’s eyes had grown worse over the last few weeks. And then there was that time when he had caught Tom staring at him, with that slightly deranged look in his eyes.

It had happened a couple of days ago, in the cafeteria when he had been sitting with his friends, gossiping about teachers and messing about. Suddenly he had the uncomfortable sensation that someone was watching him. He’d looked around him, to see who it was, but he couldn’t see it. Still, the feeling didn’t leave him and he’d looked around once more. That’s when he saw Tom staring at him. Not knowing how to respond, he had sneered at the boy and turned himself away. But it didn’t let him go, and now Tom was in the Institution, the memory came back at full force.

Bam shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. Tom had always been a wacko, and now he was finally were he belonged; in the nuthouse. He turned his attention to his computer and opened his e-mail. He grinned when he noticed that he had one new message from Dunn. He clicked on it.

Hey Bam-Bam,

You still up for tonight? Of course you are, I shouldn’t have to ask. Anyway, make sure your folks are asleep when you leave the house (remember the last time when we got busted? I got grounded for a month; no tv, no girls, no n, and don’t forget to take the stuff with you. See you later,


Bam grinned again, remembering the conversation during lunch at school. Dunn had come up with the idea to pull some kind of prank, but they didn’t know what. Eventually, it had been Bam who had come up with the idea. They were planning to go to the cemetery that night and give a little life to the place by decorating the gravestones with graffiti. Of course, his parents were not to know of anything, though he would love to see his mother’s reaction if she knew what her son had been up to.

He got up and went downstairs, heading for the kitchen to eat something, before he would continue making the necessary preparations for the evening.


The skater froze in his tracks and swore under his breath. He knew he had to be more careful, or he would be busted. He stood still for another moment, waiting for what there was to come, but nothing came. He took another step.


He froze again.

“Bam, oh god, BAM! How can you do this to?! Why, why for God’s sake did you paint all of your father’s clothes pink?”

Exhaling slowly, Bam dared to breathe again. He smirked as he made his way down the stairs. That had been April (or Ape, the nickname he had given his mother when she had been yelling at him. He thought she had looked something like an ape, so that’s how the nickname came to it’s existence) his mother, dreaming about him. Apparently, he had been haunting her dreams as well as in real life. He smirked again, and made his way through the front door, making sure to close it as quiet as possible.

It was a clear night, excellent for what they had planned. He smiled to himself and set of to the cemetery.

“There you go guys, we’re finished!” Dunn yelled loudly, a triumph note in his voice.

“Shut up, asshole, what if someone hears us?” Novak whispered, looking around with a paranoid look on his face.

“Since when do you care? You are usually the loudest of all of us!” Dunn retorted.

“What the fuck do you mean by that?” Novak snarled.

“Well, you know…”

“Know what? I do know you’re an asshole, but something else than that..”

Bam watched as Dunn turned several shades of red, before he hurled himself at Novak, clearly intending to give him a good beating. He sighed and rolled his eyes. He had wisely said nothing, knowing his head would get bitten of if he interfered. He wanted to go home anyway, so he turned back to Dunn and Novak.

“Guys? I’m going. See ya tomorrow.”

Dunn and Novak didn’t even respond, as they were to caught up in each other. Bam rolled his eyes again and left them. For a while, he could hear an occasional “fucker” or “asshole”, but soon it faded away to silence.

When he heard nothing, except his own footsteps and the occasional rustle of branches by the wind, he slowed down. He enjoyed spending time alone more than his friends knew. He would never admit it to his friends, but he usually spent the time thinking about the world and more specifically about himself.

He spent most of the time wondering about his preferences in the love. Sure

He sighed as he allowed his mind to wander freely for a few minutes when he suddenly heard a noise. A twig, snapping. He stopped for a moment and frowned, looking around in confusion, and hoping to see what had caused the disruption. Unfortunately, it was with no avail, as he could only distinguish the faint dark outlines of the trees and bushes.

He jumped when he saw a pair of yellow eyes staring up at him. A rat, hunting. He laughed softly at his own stupidity.

He shrugged and started walking again. Then he heard it again, another twig snapping, only this time it was from a much closer distance too him. He whirled around, but there was still no one to be seen. He shrugged again, and broke into a loose run, fear starting to bubble in his stomach.

He had only run for a couple of yards, when he heard a different noise. No, it couldn’t be described as noise, a sound as beautiful as this. It was a voice, a very soft voice. It was singing in a different language. He couldn’t understand the words, but he did know the soft voice was attracting him.

He felt himself fall into a dreamlike pose, swaying gently from one side to another. The soft musical voice flowed past him like water and the words entered his mind, settling down comfortably. He felt so warm, so sleepy…

He only wanted to listen to that voice, never end. It should never end…


And now invisible strings were winding around his body, tugging him forward gently, towards that voice. He didn’t resist, but allowed himself to be lead.

Suddenly he walked out into a clearing. The strings stopped tugging him, he stood still. He was still in the dreamlike state, but he felt frozen at the same time.

There, in the clearing stood the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He was certain it wasn’t human. It was turned away from him, and it was wearing nothing more than a simple green shirt and soft brown trousers, reaching till the ground.  Its skin (he didn’t know if it was a he of she) was so pale, glowing almost eerily under the moonlight. Dark brown, almost black hair cascaded down the creatures back, coming down to its shoulders. Its body was slender, almost with girlish forms.

Bam couldn’t move. He was so lost in that soft voice, when the creature suddenly turned around, facing him. Bam let out the gasp he was holding.

The creature’s face was smooth, it’s pale lips curled into a slight smile. But that was not what had caught his attention. It were the eyes, so incredible green. It reminded him of freshly mown grass, so green those eyes were. They were staring at him, holding his gaze. He finally realized that the creature was in fact a he, as his chest was entirely flat on his chest. Bam found himself blushing slightly at the thought, but continued to hold the creature’s gaze.

“W-What are you?” Bam softly whispered, as if afraid to scare the creature away.

The man (Bam couldn’t keep calling ‘it’ a creature), merely looked at him, smiling. Suddenly he made a movement forward. He was moving forward, heading for the skater. He came to a halt, leaving no more than a few inches of distance between them. Bam closed his eyes under the intense gaze of the man, unable to hold it any longer. A sweet scent reached him, and he inhaled deeply.

He felt a warm breath against his ear, and he jumped, his eyes snapping open. The man’s face was now centimeters from his own, and he felt the blush intensify.

“My name is Ville,” the creatu- man spoke. “I know you are called Bam, or Brandon. I know a lot of things about you.”

Bam shuddered, and his eyes fell shut again. A soft pair of lips suddenly brushed his own. His eyes snapped open once more, and he pulled back, dazed. The man, of Ville, stared down at him, smiling.

An arm snaked around his waist and yanked him forward, hard. He slammed into Ville’s body, and lips covered his once more. This time, however, the kiss was not gentle any more, on the contrary. This kiss was almost possessive and held a promise, a dark promise. Bam’s hands were pressed up against the other man’s chest, half pushing him off, half pulling him against his own body.

Then the pressure was gone, and he stood alone. He looked around, surprised. A movement caught his eye, and he saw Ville a few yards away. He stared at Bam, his gaze holding Bam.

“Until we meet again, my dear Bam. Until we meet again, which will be very soon.”

Bam stepped forward, as if to stop Ville.

“Wait,” Bam whispered. “Wait. You haven’t told me anything. How do you know everything about me? And what are you?”

He hadn’t expected Ville to answer, but he has asked in a desperate attempt to keep the man from leaving.

He certainly did not expect Ville to stand next to him in a flash, his chin caught in a tight grip, slender fingers cupping them.

“In due time, Bam. In due time.”

He felt that soft brush of lips against his once more, and then Ville was gone. He blinked, and rubbed his eyes, thinking it was a dream for a moment.

Then he felt something in his hand. He looked down and saw a pure white orchid in his hand. He blinked again, then shrugged. With the orchid tight in his hand, he started walking again, slowly however. He relived his memories once more, intent on finding out more about the mysterious man.


Well, that was the first part. I shouldn’t take to long on uploading the second part, so it should be up soon.

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