(no subject)

Jan 11, 2009 23:17

Title: Let's Make A Bet
Author: knoxvilleblue.
Pairing: Vam
Rating: R for cussing, rape, drugs and plenty other bad stuff to come
Summary: There is a new kid in school, and everyone wants in his pants, especially Bam.. but how far will he go to get there?
Disclaimer: Cussing, Sex, Violence
Warnings: Rape in this chapter
Authors Notes: It's short, probably got a few more typos than usual, But I'm tired and nervous about tomorrow.. aaannd I know you all were annoyed at the cliff hanger on the last chapter soo.. this one will really tick ya off.. But I had to!! The next chapter is the last one, So I had to make to work, plus I haven't thought of an ending yet.. so yeah, this gives me time xD BTW: Thanks for all the lovely comments! You people rock the world!

Now on to numbah Six!

The Magical Bambam's POV

So now, here we are, stuck in the back seat of a smelly car..
Ryan had made his way up front and now stared at us from up there, gun pointed, and ready. I couldn't help but notice how badly the barrel shook, Ryan didn't want this, this was all Johnny.. I held Ville's hand tightly as time seemed to drag on.

Finally Ville broke the silence "where the hell are you taking us?" he asked, I squeezed his hand a little, I didn't want anyone to speak, I was quite fine with my blissful state of ignorance, why'd Ville have to ruin it all? Johnny's smirk was visible through the rear view mirror, "A nice place, where we can have some alone time" was all he said.

When we did finally come to a stop, it was at an old run down roach motel, the worst looking one I'd ever seen, I couldn't help but chuckle a little on the inside, leave it to Johnny to not waste a penny.. He turned in his seat and smiled at the both of us. "Now, there are some rules, and they will be followed" he said looking at Ryan then back at us, evil grin still in play "or else.." he finished, now came the obvious rules, "you scream, he shoots.. you fight back, he shoots.. you make a scene before we get into the room, he shoots.. It's pretty simple stuff, you act like an ass, you get shot" he said, now Ville was the one doing the squeezing, he must not have been very fond of how many times Johnny mentioned getting shot.. who would be? "I'm going to get a room, stay here" he said with a small laugh as he exited the car to the office.

"Gee, I hope there is a room left.." I said sarcastically once he'd left, Ryan cracked a small smile, that was a light of hope in my eyes.. Now to get to work, "Ryan, why the hell are you doing this?" I asked him, hoping I could break him down before Johnny came back. But his stare was cold, and emotionless.. He said nothing, just stared at the shaking gun in his hand, "Ryan, this isn't right and you know it.. You're the only person keeping Johnny together now, you quit this and he has no one to watch his back that leaves him powerless against everyone, Ryan you can fix this, please" I begged, there had to be something..

"Calm down Bam" he said, I shut up quickly, that didn't even sound like him, he sounded just as scared as I did.. He then smirked, that was Johnny's evil smirk.. "I would never hurt you" he said with a smile, before glaring over at Ville, taking the barrel of the gun with him, Ville tensed up with the new attention placed on him.. My mind drew a blank.

"But you'd hurt Ville? What the hell has he ever done to you?" I asked, I wanted so badly to pull Ville over so the gun wouldn't be pointing at him, Just the sight of it tore me up inside

Ryan turned red with anger "all this is his fault" he said hand shaking more furiously "It's his fault you got hurt, it's his fault we've all split up, it's his fault Johnny's now pissed, all the fucking time! It's his fucking fault we are right here, right fucking now!" He yelled, Ville's hand gripped mine so tight I could swear he was breaking it..

"Ryan, this isn't Ville's fault" I said, it sounded pathetic, my pleading tone, "Please Ryan just don't do this" I begged as I saw Johnny walking back to the car, "Ryan.." I said, no response, "Dammit Ryan!" I yelled, he jumped a little.. but it was hopeless..

Johnny hit the hood of the car, an obvious signal, because Ryan got out of the car and opened the door on Ville's side and pulled him out, while Johnny did the same to me. "act natural boys" Johnny said, I watched Ryan hide the gun and put his arm 'casually' around Ville and walk up to the room, while Johnny held my hand.

Once we reached the rat infested room, I looked around quickly, catching every exit.. only two, the door we came in, and a small window next to it.. damn, It was a small one room place, a small bathroom in one corner and a small closet in the other, great.. the closet had a lock on the door, I knew where I was staying.. There was a small bed in the middle of the room, the sight of it made me shiver, the whole room did.. but knowing what Johnny had in mind, made that one piece of furniture look like death its self.

As I suspected, Ville and I changed hands, Ville to Johnny and myself to Ryan, Johnny glanced over at me "Scream, kick, plead, you won't get shot, Ville will" he said colder than I'd ever heard before, then as I suspected, I was thrown into the closet.. It was small and dark, like my mind at the moment, all I could think about was how cold and cruel this was, how ironic as well.. All those years, I watched, and did nothing, and now, here I was wanting to do something and I couldn't.. I couldn't help Ville, or I'd make things worse, I could only sit back and be helpless as I always did. The cruelty of the situation was over bearing, why to someone I care about? No.. someone, I love.. For the first time ever, I wished it was me.

It was quiet, for a long time, every now and then I could hear whimpers and a few cuss words, but nothing really stood out. I listened close, all the while wondering what I could do, if anything.. I had to do something, If only, Ryan.. But no.. Johnny said even pleas would get Ville shot, and I wouldn't want to risk it. I sat against the wall in the small, closet, anyone claustrophobic would have had a fit withing ten seconds of being in here, even me, if my mind wasn't so occupied.. What were they doing? Why couldn't I hear anything? Then, in a flash, I missed the silence, longed for the solace of the dead silence that once surrounded me, because now, that peaceful calm had been replaced with screams.. I shivered, as I stood, ready to break through the door, But stopped.. The agony of being so helpless was going to be the death of me.

The screams went on, and on.. Ville, crying, pleading, choking.. I could do no more than cry along with him, each second the cries seemed to get louder and more pain filled.. "DAMN IT, RYAN DO SOMETHING!" I finally yelled, I couldn't stand it, I couldn't. but obviously, nothing was done, because the pain filled screams kept filling the air.. Then while all of it was going on, a new sound filled the air, the cocking of a gun. I stood again, from the floor I had miserably sunken down to, why was he doing that? Was it me? Did I piss them off? Now, more than ever, I needed out of this damn closet! 
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