(no subject)

Jun 19, 2008 00:48

Title: The House That Man-Love Built
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam, Johnny Knoxville/Ryan Dunn… actually multiple pairings might be more appropriate…
Rating: R for content and ES for Excessive Smut.
Summary: What brought Bam, Ville, Johnny, and Ryan together….
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to Ville Valo, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, or Johnny Knoxville. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends.
Authors Notes: This started off as a crack fic for Jezebel1389… but it deserves its own mini series. Enjoy! This too is dedicated to the lovely Jezzie! **** OMG! It's been a million years, literally! I've missed you guys so much! I hope you enjoy my little update. More tomorrow!

For now Reward Week is on hold since I have had no time to work on the chapter. :( Sorry guys!

“Where is my angel?” Johnny asked quickly as he descended the stairs, looking for Madison.

“Daddy!” Madison ran over to Johnny and hugged him.

It looked like his little 8 year old daughter, but didn’t sound like her. “Are you sick?”

“The flu.” Bam said, walking over to them with his shirt pulled up over his nose.

“Oh baby.” Johnny pulled her close, rubbing her back. “You didn’t have to come over if you were sick.”

“Mommy said I had to. Besides… I would rather be here, then with mommy and her stupid boyfriend.” Madison grumbled before coughing and sniffing back snot in her congested nose. “And I got to see Bam and Ryan. I haven’t seen Bam in such a long time!”

Bam smiled, patting Madison on the head. “I’ve missed you too.”

Ville stopped at the bottom of the stairs, taking in the scene as Ryan walked over to him.

“Have you been made aware of the rules while Madison is in the house?” Ryan asked Ville softly.

“Been made aware of? Have you been watching a CSI marathon again?” Ville asked, not understanding why Ryan was acting like this.

“When Madison is here… there is no fooling around.” Ryan said, still talking in a low tone.


“And we don’t sleep in the same room.” Ryan added.

“I don’t sleep in the same bed as you two anyways.”

Ryan shook his head. “None of us sleep in the same bed. It’s just how we always have done things.”

Ville crossed his arms, “Alright, so Johnny hasn’t come out of the closet, so you two can’t get cozy. I get it… I will keep my hands to my boyfriend.”

“No you don’t get it.” Ryan said a slight rose in his voice. “No one sleeps in the same room.”

Ville’s eyes narrowed, “Ummm… no. No, see you don’t get it. Bam is my boyfriend. Just because you can stand not sleeping in the same bed as Johnny doesn’t mean I have to forsake my lover. As long as we are in the same house, we will share the same bed. That has always been our rule. And since I will be respectful of your rule, I would hope you would be respectful of ours.” Having said his piece, Ville went to move past Ryan, frowning more when he was stopped.

“This will not keep you on good terms with Johnny.” Ryan whispered through his teeth.

“And this will not get you on good terms with me. We have always gotten along Ryan… but it could easily change if you don’t let me go.” Ville hissed, giving Ryan a moment to let him go before yanking his arm away from Ryan.

Bam looked up, his smile falling from his face when he saw the level of annoyance on Ville’s face. Pulling his shirt down he hurried over to the other man. “Ville…”

Touching Bam on the side, Ville leaned in and whispered to him.

Bam’s eyes moved over to Ryan who had walked over to them. He watched as Ryan mouthed I tried to tell him. He looked up at Ville again, reaching out to place his hand on Ville’s side.

“Who’s that daddy?” Madison asked, her voice breaking a little. She leaned against her father, her eyes that matched Johnny’s on Ville’s.

“Oh that’s right… I don’t think you guys have met. Ville this is Madison, my daughter. Maddy this is Mr. Ville Valo he is…”

“My boyfriend.” Bam said, cutting Johnny off. Johnny and Ryan were as surprised as Ville after hearing Bam’s casual announcement. Crouching down, he looked Madison in the eyes. “My boyfriend of several years.” He added with a smile.

Madison smiled, looking to Ville. “Hi Mr. Ville…that’s a funny name.”

Ville smiled, crouching down as well. “That’s because I am from another country. A place called Finland. It takes me seven hours to get to America on an airplane!”

“Wow! You travel all that way to see Bam?” Madison asked, surprised to hear such a statement.

“I do… because Bam means a lot to me… and I’ll do whatever I can do to spend time with him.” Ville said, standing back up so he could hold Bam’s hand.

“Do you love him?” Madison asked, looking to Bam.

“Yes… is that alright?” Bam asked, slightly nervous.

“As long as Ville loves you too.” Madison said looking to Ville.

“I love him a lot.” Ville said softly, leaning in to kiss Bam on cheek.

“Then it’s alright…” Madison said, looking to her father. “Can I have some ice cream daddy? It will make my throat feel better.”

Johnny blinked, still shocked that he had just heard that conversation. “Sure… I think we have some left… if Bam didn’t devour it all.” He was able to crack a small joke at the end, making Madison giggle which lead into more coughing. “Then maybe you should get some rest before dinner.

“Hey! I didn’t eat that much!” Bam cried, following them into the kitchen.

Ville looked to Ryan, noticing the annoyance in his eyes. “Gee… that wasn’t too bad.” He turned and followed Bam into the kitchen.

Ryan’s eyes moved over the people in the room. Ville was sitting in the right corner of the couch, eyes focused on the TV set before them. Curled up ever so comfortably was Bam, practically nestled at Ville’s side. His right arm was on Ville, his fingers tugging on his own lips. Ville was leaning into Bam, his hand playing with the skater’s hair.

His eyes moved to Johnny who was in the left corner of the couch, Madison curled up at his side sound asleep. Ryan didn’t need to see it, to know that Johnny’s hand was running over Bam’s ankle.

He drew in a breath, remembering the conversation that had started all of this. When Bam and Johnny had been together they had decided it was best for Madison not to know the truth. When Ryan had come into the picture, they had all agreed that Madison should be left out of the loop on that one. The last thing Johnny wanted was Madison innocently telling her mother about daddy’s gay orgy… possibly resulting in him never seeing his daughter again.

Now though… Bam just busts out and tells her that he’s gay… and introduces Ville as his boyfriend. Part of his anger was jealousy due to the fact that Johnny never wanted to come out of the closet. He never wanted to tell his daughter about his dark homosexual secrets… or at least not before she was old enough to vote.

This meant he wouldn’t get to cuddle with Johnny while she was here like Ville and Bam could. Not to mention the fact that the couch was going to be his bed for the next couple nights. Madison had her own room and Bam and Ville were in the guest room. He would have stayed in the guest room, or left to go and do something else. How could he forget this was Johnny’s weekend to have Madison?

He blinked when he saw Johnny get up.

Johnny carefully moved out from next to Madison, just as quickly he scooped her up in his arms. Kissing his daughter on the head, he moved through the living room so he could take her upstairs to her room. “I’ll grab a blanket and a pillow from the closet for you.”

Ryan tried not to frown as much as he wanted too; answering with what he hoped was a pretty convincing smile. “Thank you.”

“Would you like to go to bed now baby?” Ville asked Bam softly.

“Yeah… that sounds nice.” Bam said with a smile, leaning in to kiss Ville. “You can do dirty things to my body and then we can go to sleep.”

“And wake up and do more dirty things?” Ville asked, chuckling with Bam.

“Sounds lovely…” Bam got up and waited for Ville, taking his hand as they walked by Ryan. “Do you want to come to bed with us… since you can’t sleep with Johnny?”

“That sort of defeats the purpose… but thank you for offering anyways.” Ryan said softly, getting up when Johnny came back down with the stuff for him.

“Sorry about this love.” Johnny said softly, passing the blanket and pillow over to Ryan. “It’s only for a few days.”

“I know the drill.” Ryan said, offering Johnny a some what more convincing smile. “Get some sleep; I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.” Ryan said, leaning in to give Johnny a quick kiss, one of the only kisses he would get while Madison was here.

“I love you too.” Johnny said, turning to Bam and Ville. “And you too.” He added giving Bam a kiss as his hand moved off Ryan. He reached out and touched Ville’s side, rubbing it as his kiss with Bam was prolonged just slightly longer than Ryan’s. “Try and keep it PG-13 alright?” He asked, looking at Ville, both of his hands on his sides.

“So you’re not mad at me that we told your daughter…” Ville trailed off.

“Why would I be mad at you? It’s your business…” Johnny said with a smile. He slowly pulled away from Ville, his hands the last thing to move.

Ville smiled softly, “I’m glad… I didn’t mean to cause problems if I did. I just… don’t want to be away from Bam.”

Johnny smiled. “I understand. Good night guys…” He kissed Ryan again quickly before heading off to bed.

Bam started to head for the stairs too but was stopped when Ville didn’t move. He looked between Ville and Ryan, Ville was watching as Ryan made up the couch bed.

“I’m sorry… about our fight earlier Ryan…” Ville said softly.

“It’s alright Ville… if anything… I should say I’m sorry. I could have handled that much better.” Ryan said, walking over to them.

“No hard feelings?” Ville asked, leaning in to kiss Ryan’s cheek.

“None at all.”

Bam smiled, throwing his arms around Ryan’s neck, kissing him deeply. “Sure you don’t want to come upstairs and play naughty adult games with us?” Bam asked, running his hands through Ryan’s hair, kissing along his neck.

Ryan shook his head, “No… I’m fine. I already went a week without Johnny; I can go one more weekend.”

“If you change your mind…” Bam winked and took Ville’s hand, heading for the stairs with him. “Good night.”

“Good night Ryan.”

Ryan waved, “Good night.” Sitting on the end of the bed, Ryan tried to calm himself down. After crawling under the blankets, he looked up at the ceiling. Closing his eyes, he thought about lying in bed with Johnny. But like his lover upstairs, his dreams took him to a very different bedroom.






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