Completing the Family - Chapter 1 {reformatted}

Jun 18, 2008 16:28

Title: Completing the Family
Rating: PG-13 to NC17
Warnings: language, adult situations, mpreg (Someone's a mommy!), few dramatic situations, OOC-ness, AU
Disclaimer: If this were real, I wouldn't have to write about it. No sue <3
Summary:Ville's about to give Bam the gift of a lifetime.
Pairing: Vam <3
Chapter #: 1 (Multichp. hopefully)
AN: I'm  kinda rusty at writing ^_^;; Please forgive me if it's horrible! *searching for some assistance, like grammatical errors and tips are welcome*
AN2: Ville's not in a band, Burton is a famous pianist, Bam is still Bam
{Recently Edited}

[Chapter one]

A whimper slid silently throughout the house, slicing the stiff air. It was the only telltale sign of that there was life after the barrage of sound that had occurred earlier. The owner of said racket,  though, did not seem to have that much life left in him. The figure lay limp upon the bathroom floor, their face pressed against the cool tile while they recovered from the ordeal. Chocolate colored curls damp with sweat swirled upon an equally moist face, sticky with tears of pain, and the figure's dull green eyes shimmered against their paler-than-usual visage. All of which, though it implied beauty, only revealed the tortures the poor artist had been through for at least a week.
      All of a sudden, that awful feeling swam over the poor man, alerting him that the event previous was making its way around once more. His stomach churned and clenched before the bile rose in his throat again. He sat up quickly to hunch over the toilet again before spilling everything left in him to the depths of the once shining porcelain bowl.

"Ville?" A voice called in the distance, accompanied by rushed footfalls. "You up again?"

Ville looked up from his current position to the doorway, looking more exhausted than he had before. This had to have been his third or fourth regurgitation that day and, besides being dehydrated, which he figured he must have been by then, there was nothing more he wanted to do than sleep. After blinking a couple times, his eyes finally focused on the disapproving gaze of his roommate, who looked quite unhappy to be awoken a second time that night.

"Hey, Burton. What time is it?" Ville croaked, forcing a bit of small talk to ward of Burton's rage.

"About an hour since the last time we woke up." Ville sighed. The tone of Burton's voice meant there'd be a lecture to be had. "Listen, Ville...Have you even told the father yet? There's no reason you should be going through this all alone." He wet a towel before handing it to Ville, intending for him to clean his face.

Ville shrugged in response while wiping his face with the cold towel. "Well, we've only known...Maybe a week. I'll get on it in time, Burton." He flushed the toilet, feeling the sickness had gone on as long as it would for the night. Burton sighed angrily at Ville's nonchalant attitude.

"A week is plenty enough time! You've had to deal with it alone for a week, haven't you? Besides...." Burton lowered his voice to a murmur. "It is his fault after all..." He hadn't intended for Ville to hear it, and gasped when his friend turned on heal, green eyes blazing.

"It is my child, too, Burton! It is both of our faults together, and none of your fucking business!" The man hissed, turning back around immediately before returning to his room. He heard his roommate sigh before another door closed down the hall before collapsing onto his bed. Ville sighed as well...If it wasn't morning sickness, it was mood swings. Sure, he'd been angry about Burton's comment, but if not for him being pregnant, he wouldn't have snapped...Well, not as extreme. If I wasn't pregnant, he wouldn't have said it, his mind seemed to reply sarcastically. Still, he knew why Burton said it, and understood how protective the older man was of him, but it still hurt how much the man was disappointed in Ville.

After dragging him to a doctor's appointment after about a week of being sick, they both realized that, while visiting his lover in America, Ville had gotten knocked up. Or, that's how Burton put it, though Ville didn't see it as crudely. Though it had happened purely on accident, Ville was confident that his boyfriend would happily accept it...Or so he hoped. Still, he'd been reluctant to tell him for certain reasons, and it only upset Burton more and more day by day. "I'll tell him, Don't worry" had seemed to become the ender to all conversations, and excused Ville each and every time. It was definitely his crutch that gave him temporary confidence, and he knew Burton could detect that.
    He snuggled under the covers, happy to be able to sleep instead of napping on the bathroom floor. He'd tell Bam. He would...He just didn't know how....or when.

A shrill ring bounced about the room, starting Ville from his already restless slumber. Rolling over, he grabbed his phone from the nightstand table and answered it before looking.

"Hello?" He croaked, eyes still closed.

"Hey, Willa!" A voice chirped in English, causing Ville to jump up, instinctively messing with his hair. "Guess who just got back from the competition?" He could nearly hear the smile in Bam's voice and smiled along, despite the nausea returning to his stomach.

"Could it be Bam Margera, the one who called me at...5 am?" He chuckled slightly. Bam didn't seem too phased by it, though, and continued happily.
    "It could be. It could also be the Bam Margera who kicked everyone's ass in the competition and brought home a trophy." He gloated happily, causing Ville to laugh. He grunted, suddenly, as a spike of increased nausea hit him. When was this going to end? No pun intended, he was literally sick of it by now.  If not for his stomach being seriously hollow, he was positive that his bed would have been covered in sick by now.

"Babe, you there?" He heard Bam say out of nowhere. After answering, the man continued. "You're really quiet today....Are you still sick?" The softness of Bam's voice made him melt, and he wanted to cry. Ville wasn't exactly sure why, but his eyes started to sting, and he wiped them as quick as possible before answering.

"Actually..."He started before being cut off, which actually didn't bother him too much.

"Oh, hey, baby. I got to go, but...Hey, you're still coming down to visit me, right? I mean, if you're sick, you don't have to, but..."

That was something even Ville hadn't been sure of that. He never learned whether air travel had been ok-ed by the doctor, and he didn't know what risks he could be taking. What if he got sicker on the plane, or if the turbulence caused miscarriage or something? Was he willing to take that chance? Sure, he'd be going to see the love of his life, but he could be putting his child on the line...Their child...
    "Of course, Bammie. I'll be leaving tomorrow." They hung up quickly, exchanging 'I love you's before Ville rushed, once more, to the bathroom, needing to empty his stomach.


Bam waited in the terminal with an uneasiness settling onto his shoulders. It had been like this since Ville left his home almost a month ago to go home and get better instead of going to Bam's skate competition as usual. The feeling only grew the longer they were apart and he wasn't used to it. The feeling showed up when he and Ville first admitted their attraction back in, well, college, when Ville had decided to study abroad. He'd been the reason Bam stayed so long, as they discovered about a year of being friends, and were now a couple of at least three years. In fact, they were in the group of people who wondered why they hadn't at least eloped yet, but Ville had his insecurities, and Bam respected them. That had been the end of that. Still, he couldn't help feeling married, worried about his "spouse" at all times of the day, even when they were safely cuddled together in their bed, he worried. When Ville was gone, he worried more. I'm gonna get ulcers, I swear...Bam thought, plopping into his chair. Ville had called him fifteen minutes ago and was still not in his sights. It only made his heart ache a little more.
    He suspected the Finn had the flu or something along those lengths. While with Bam, he spent the majority of his time being ill or being tired. He ached, he cried, he got sick: flu. That was the only thing it could be, and Bam could feel that ulcer stretching. He'd lost sleep during the competition due to lack of contact between the two, and almost lost his mind. Nearly cost him his trophy, too, but...Well, the key word is 'nearly'.

"Bam, are you there? Yoo-hoo..." He blinked as a hand swam in front of his vision. Looking up, he found the Finn he'd been searching for the entire time. A smile broke out on his face, touching both ears, and he rose to embrace the man. He felt the worry disappear immediately and cupped Ville's face before crushing their lips together. That was reunion enough for them. Bam stepped back to inspect his Ville before frowning, worry rushing back in a second. Ville had become much skinnier in their time apart, he could tell easily. His face was pale and he had dark shadows under dulled green eyes. His whole physique, his demeanor, seemed slumped and tired.

"Baby, you really are sick..." Bam whispered, rubbing Ville's cheek. He was chilly. The man nodded before laying his head on Bam's shoulder.

"Kind of, yeah." He responded weakly, wrapping his arms around Bam's neck. "And it took everything I had to keep Burton off the plane." He chuckled, though it was brief. Bam wanted to carry him, and nearly did, but then they would have had no way to carry the suitcases. He had to resist that protective instinct, but just for the moment. Inside, while they brought Ville's luggage to the Hummer, Bam was beating himself up. How could he have let his boyfriend get this sick? If he'd been there, it wouldn't have been this bad...Or would it? What wasn't Ville telling him?


EN: Okay, I know...It's really bad...And really short. Trust me, though! I'm gonna do my best <3 First chapter is always the worst for me, but I am determined to make a good story. It took a long time to write, though, so maybe it's halfway possibly....longish...2nd chapter will, hopefully, be longer!
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