Hello! How is everyone? ^_^

Jun 13, 2008 06:09

Title: The Drag Queen - Chapter 1 - At a Loss

Author: Knittlewine

Pairing: VAM, duh. I don't have any others planned at the moment. ;)

Rating: PG-13 for now. Will turn into R further down the road.

Summary: Brandon is an up and coming employee at a well respected company. An idea gets stolen from him that was sure to get him up higher in the company. In a fit of anger he attacks the man during a meeting and ends up in jail for assault. While in jail, he phones his girlfriend only to find out that she has been cheating on him with the very same man that stole his idea.

With no money for bail or a lawyer Brandon has no choice but to accept an offer that gets presented to him by a strange visitor. The offer leads him to the world of cross dressing and other anomalies that forever change his life.

Disclaimer: Never happened. Just my imagination at play.

Warnings: Nothing right now except its an AU, but in future chapters there are: Cross dressing, vampirism, drug use, violence, and smut. Oh yeah, it's going to be fun. ;)

Authors Notes: So, I've been gone awhile. =S I had alot of school junk. theatre stuff, and a icky divorce hearing (that is still going on), but I'm wanting to try my hand at VAM again. This idea was in my head before I took my long break, so I'm going to start with it. I hope you all enjoy it. <3



Bam's POV -

Looking back now I can honestly say that it was the worst day of my life. I lost everything that I cared about. Everything. Even my name.

The day started off well enough. My alarm woke me up at 5:00 a.m. sharp. I had a meeting at 9:00 a.m. I knew after this meeting I would sky rocket from my quaint cubical to a real office. I was destined to move up in the business world. After all, I had the right amount of charisma. I had the perfect girlfriend. My name, Brandon Margera, was a no nonsense type of name  and after hearing it you knew that you could trust it's owner. Me.

Hitting the 'off' button on my alarm clock, I pecked my girlfriend, Missy, on the cheek before climbing out of bed. Since I had a meeting today, I picked my favorite suite and tie just to help give me an edge. It barely took me thirty minutes to go through my entire morning routine from shower to breakfast.

By 6:00 a.m. I was at my computer in my cubical, typing away. I was going to have a chance to present my ideas for the company to a few of the high bosses during my 9:00 o'clock meeting. Everything ws ready, but I kept going back over it over and over again because I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. By 7:00 o'clock I was more than confident over my presentation. There was nothing that could stop me now. Absolutely nothing.

I leaned back in my chair, hands clasped behind my head, as I stared happily at my presentation.

"Morning Brandon. What're you looking so smug about? Did you finally beat minesweeper?"

I looked up. Robert was leaning against th eback of my cubical above my computer.

"Morning." I answered. "No, and you know as well as any one else that I don't like minesweeper."

Robert nodded. "Oh thats right. Is it Brent that likes minesweeper then?" Robert asked leisurely making his way around the cubicals to the entrance of mine. I didn't think anything about it at the time.

"I'm don't know." I said frowning. "I don't pay attention to who plays what on their computers."

Robert shrugged. "Fair enough, so what are you doing?"

I bit of a smug smile appeared on my face. "Just something for the meeting at 9. I think I have something that'll really take me far." I said proud.

"Really?" Robert said entering my cubical. "Can I see your presentation?"

"Sure, if you want." I said pushing my rolly chair back a tad so he could get to the computer. Truth be told, I was bursting with pride over my presentation, and I would have shown it to anyone that cared to look. With what I know now, I'd like to say that I would have told Robert to get out of my cubical and stay as far away from me and my girlfriend as humanly possible, but...I don't think I could. That day may very well have been the worst day of my life, but far too many happy days came after it for me to ever change anything, if I ever could.

Robert whistled. "That's quite a plan you have for the company, Margera."

"I know." I said wheeling closer to the computer. "I've been working on everything for weeks now."

"You've got a good work ethic." Robert said with a nod.

"Thanks." I said with a smile. Robert didn't seem like such a bad guy.


The first thirty minutes of the meeting consisted of the higher ups basically giving an over view of all the comings and going of the company at the time. I could hardly conatin myself. I was practically bouncing in my seat from wanting to show my presentation. When the higher ups had finished and took their seat I practically jumped out of my seat, but Robert beat me too the punch. He began going on and on about my idea, but he twisted it around himself so it put him in a good light. I tried to interrupt many times and set things straight, but the higher ups were so thrilled by my idea that they shushed me everytime like I was some three year old child.

I tried to remain quiet. I told myself that when everything was over and done with I would approach th ehigher ups with my presentation and set everything right, but with every passing second and with every word that dripped frm Roberts mouth, I grew more and more angry.

I don't even remember lunging across the table at him, but apperantly after launching myself across the table I proceeded to punh and beat him and generally do my best to try and kill him.

I do remember the police that came and got me. They had smelt like stale coffee and they had insisted on breathing on me every time they said something to me. It was disgusting. Everytime I have coffee now I think of that. The short thick black man with the 70's handle bar mustache and the taller and more stout white cop. I'll remember them both forever, I suppose, no matter how much I would love to just forget them.

I got my one phone call at the police station. Missy was who I called, of course, but I hadn't been expecting the voice that had answered the phone.

"Hello." It sounded kinda rough. Almost as if the person couldn't breath through their nose. Surely I hadn't dialed the wrong number.

"Um...hello? Do I have the right number?" I asked. "I'm trying to reach Missy."

"Brandon?" The man asked.

"Yeah." I replied with a frown. "Who's this?"

On the other end I heard a door shut and then someone in th ebackground say:

"Robert! I got the ice packs for you. Who are you talking on the phone with?"

My stomach clenched painfully as I immediately recognised the voice. There was a rustle. I assume Robert was trying to block me from hearing what he was saying.

"Brandon just called from jail." Robert said.

"No!" Missy gasped. "I didn't have a chance to tell him since he left early this morning."

"I thought he seemed a little too happy for someone who had just been dumped." Robert said.

"Here let me see the phone. I'll take care of it." Missy said.

There was another rustle.

"Hello? Brandon?" Missy said.

"Missy..." I said trying my best to swallow the large lump that had appeared in my throat.

"Hey, listen...I meant to tell you about, well, you know...about Robert." Missy said. She had never been good at being sympathetic.

"Look...Missy," I began. ", it's...it's fine, but I need one thousand dollars for bail. Okay?"

"I don't have any of your money, Brandon. I switched everything in your bank account over to Robert's." Missy said, sounding bored.

I felt my stomach drop. She wasn't going to to anything to help me.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Hey, listen, Brandon, I have to go." Missy said.

"Alri-" She hung up the phone before I could finish my sentence.

There wasn't anything else to do now except wait for my trial. I was lead back to the regular holding cells, and I stayed in there for the better part of the next day. It was probably a little after noon when Jacques came in. He was a creepy looking man that dressed in dark but eccentric looking clothes. He came through the regular cell with a small clip board, and he was jotting things down every few seconds. I thought that perheps he worked for the police station.

When he got to me he said:

"What's your name?" his voice had a pompus clenched tone to it as if it physically hurt him to breath the same air as the rest of us.

"Brandon Margera." I answered.

He nodded and jotted it down onto his clip board. "Age?"

"28" I replied. We went back and forth like that for a few minutes. He asked me questions from my shoe size to what shampoo I had used last to what I had done to be put in jail. If I hadn't had been bored out of my mind a jail I would have told the guy to take a hike, but finally the man clicked his pen shut and sighed loudly. He fixed me with a pointed gaze.

"Mr. Margera, I am here representing my boss Mr. Valo. My name is Jacques and I do believe that you would gain from working with us." Jacques said.

"What do you mean?" I asked frowning.

"Is it not true that you were fired today?"


"And that your girlfriend dumped you." Jacques said naming off his fingers

"Hey! Come on buddy cool it." I said crossing my arms with a frown.

"My point is Mr. Margera, that you will have to remain here until your court date. Afterwards you will go to jail because there is no way to pay your fines and fees for court." Jacques said readjusting his glasses. "You are exactly the type of person our company helps out. After we pay your bail you'll be relocated to a living facility until you have been trained to properly do our work."

I stared at him incrudeously. "What are you talking about?"

Jacques sighed dramatically and pinched the bridge of his nose. "In laments terms Mr. Margera. We keep you from going to jail, and you work for us. Deal?"

I frowned. I didn't know anything about the company he worked for, but if they were willing ot get me out of jail then they had to be some sort of reabilitation center or something. I didn't see any problems working some place like that. It was far better than jail.

I nodded. "Deal." I said extending one hand through the bars fo him to shake.

Jacques shook my hand quickly and then pushed his clip board through the bars to me.

"Sign in the space at the bottom." He told me before flipping out a cell phone. "Hello? Yes sir. I found another one. We'll catch a flight this evening, and you'll be able to see him by tomorrow night."

I frowned. "Where are we going, and who am I meeting?" I asked holding the clip board back out to him.

Jacque took the clip board from my hand. "We're relocating you to the company's headquarters. You'll meet you new boss, Ville Valo."


A/N - Ta DA! Hope you liked the first chapter. =) I'll have the second chapter up as soon as possible
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