*is distracted by the amount of Burton pics on her computer* mm, he's so damn fine. Oh, wait...

Apr 20, 2008 14:34

Title: Swanheart - Chapter Three: Over
POV: Third
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Pairings: Beicca, Minde, eventual VAM & eventual LINBU
Summary: Ville Valo and Bam Margera go to school together and are in the same circle of friends. But when a fight between two mutual friends brings them closer together, what happens?
A/N: AU. Completely and utterly AU. OC, too, there are several OCs.
Disclaimer: DK, DO, NH, okay? Swanheart belongs to Nightwish. Any OCs are of my own creation, so don't steal them! XD

Prologue: Light
Chapter One: Play Dead
Chapter Two: Failing

"Lily, can you and I talk?" Migè asked suddenly.
They had been sitting underneath the big tree, as a group, for no more than ten minutes, when Migè took his boyfriend by the hand and led him away, across the oval, to the bleachers.
Ville and Bam exchanged glances and shrugged. It was sort of a ‘what the hell?’ moment. Migè and Linde didn’t exactly keep things to themselves unless they had reason to.

Meanwhile, Migè was settled under the bleachers, Linde by his side, looking serious.
"Lily, I don’t know how to ask you this, but…" Migè trailed off and chewed at his lowed lip.
Linde sighed deeply. "Just tell me. You know you can tell me anything, right?"
Migè nodded. "Are you in love with Burton?"
The question took Linde completely by surprise. "Huh? What are you on about?"
Migè looked at him pointedly. "Lindström!"
Linde gulped, he knew he was in trouble. Whenever Migè addressed him by his last name, nothing good followed.
"I want you to be completely honest with me, do you love the guy or not?" Mige asked.
Linde gave him a withering look. "Since when did you care?"
"Since you started eyeing him off whenever you thought I wasn’t looking!" Migè growled, angrily.
Linde looked exasperated. "I’m dating you. You moron! How the hell did we go from that to ‘are you in love with Burton?’ hmm? I mean, come on!"
"I’ve seen you staring at his ass. Look, Lily, you’ve gotta admit, the guy’s hotter than I am."
"And so what if he is? I’m not interested in his aesthetics! I’m interested in personality! Which is why I’m with you! Stop being an insecure prick. We’ve been together for almost three years now, can’t you at least trust me?"
Migè thought it over. "I think, it’s time we took a break from each other, Linde."
Linde opened and closed his mouth several times. "You mean…"
Migè nodded. "It’s over."

He stood and left Linde on his own, under the bleachers.

Linde watched him go, blinking back tears. He felt empty, numb. He turned his attention to the ground and stared at the concrete as the full realisation to what had just happened hit him and he started to cry. He buried his face in his hands and wept.

So wrapped up in his broken heart was he, that he didn’t notice footfalls edging closer, nor did he notice the rustle of jeans as someone sat beside him. A warm arm wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Linde sobbed into the shoulder of whoever was holding him.
"Shh, Mikko, kulta, please," the owner of the arm whispered condolences to him and Linde recognised the voice, deep, soothing, calm. It was Burton.
Burton had a strange effect on Linde. All at once, the blonde’s tears stopped falling and he lifted his head. He was greeted with warm brown eyes and a kiss to his temple.
"Migè told me what happened," Burton said, softly.
Linde closed his eyes and laid his head on Burton’s shoulder. He knew that moving on so quickly was never a good idea, but Burton’s warmth against him felt so right. Then, a thought occurred to him.
"What about Eicca?" Linde asked, his eyes still closed.
Burton chuckled. "Mikko, there’s no need to worry about Eicca. He split up with me for Perttu."
Linde eyes flew open. "He did what?"
"Split up with me for Perttu," Burton repeated calmly.
Linde crossed his arms and sat up straight. "When did this happen?"
Burton grinned. "About five seconds after Migè brought you over here. He just said it in front of Ville and Bam, then went off to find Perttu."
Linde looked sceptical. "You don’t seem too concerned."
Burton shrugged. "I’m not. Five minutes after Eicca left, Migè showed up. Ville quizzed him over where you were, and he told us. I took him aside and asked him what was going on. He just pointed me in this general direction and said ‘he’s waiting for you.’ He seemed to think we’re in love with each other. Stupid, huh?"
Linde laughed half-heartedly. "Yeah… stupid."
Oh, my, god! Migè was right! I am in love with Janne! Linde thought frantically, as the second realisation in ten minutes hit him.
"If anyone’s in love, it’s Ville and Bam," Burton said. "I mean, have you seen the way they look at each other?"
This made Linde laugh. "Of course they're in love!"
"Hey, maybe we should try and get them together!"
"Great idea. Only problem is, Bam's a closet case."
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