*dodges flying objects* Sorry it's late!

Apr 19, 2008 21:00

Hi all. 
Sorry it's late, but we're currently painting the house so, updating is taking longer than expected.
But, enjoy the very short update, and I promise to make the next chapter longer!

Title: Swanheart - Chapter Two: Failing
POV: Third
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Pairings: Beicca, Minde, eventual VAM & eventual LINBU
Summary: Ville Valo and Bam Margera go to school together and are in the same circle of friends. But when a fight between two mutual friends brings them closer together, what happens?
A/N: AU. Completely and utterly AU. OC, too, there are several OCs.
Disclaimer: DK, DO, NH, okay? Swanheart belongs to Nightwish. Any OCs are of my own creation, so don't steal them! XD

Prologue: Light
Chapter One: Play Dead

First two periods almost bored Bam to tears. Double math. The only thing that kept him from throwing something, anything, at the teacher, were Ville’s musings and Cat and Cass’s jokes.

Well, to an extent.

The four of them sat at the same cluster of tables, set at the back of the room, and there were only so many bondage jokes one guy could take from two girls.

“Hey, Cat, you remember the handcuffs attached to my bed?” Cass grinned cheekily.
Cat smirked. “What about them, babe?”
Cass raised her eyebrows. “Remember what we did with them?”
Cat grinned. “Cass, babe, I thought we agreed we weren’t going to discuss those things outside the bedroom.”
The two girls stared at each other for a moment, before bursting into hysterical giggles.
Ville looked from Cass to Cat and back again several times before getting the hint. He turned to Bam, who had his mouth hanging open like the moron he was, and grinned.
“You can relax, they’re joking,” Ville reassured Bam.
“But the bondage and the handcuffs…” Bam’s ramblings trailed off into nothingness.
Ville exchanged a glance with Cass and looked away quickly.
Bam raised an eyebrow at Ville, and Ville shook his head.

The next five minutes passed in an awkward silence.

The bell rang and everyone rushed for the door, forming a scrum. Cass, Cat, Bam and Ville hung back and waited until the scrum at the door had dispersed.

“I need a word with you four,” their math teacher spoke suddenly from his desk. They turned sharply.
“What’s wrong, sir?” Cass asked.
Their math teacher looked grim. “You’re all failing math. Ville and Cat, not so badly, but if you continue to sit up the back, giggling and not paying attention, you will slip. Which is why, starting from next lesson, you are not to sit together, at all.”
Cass started to protest but their math teacher cut her off.
“It is merely until you can show me that you can actually work. Understand?”
They all nodded meekly.
“Good, now, go.” He dismissed them.

Ville and Bam led them out of the room. Once they were out on the oval, Cat let fly at their math teacher.
“How dare he! Maybe I’m failing because I don’t get math! Maybe if he helped me, I’d pass! But, oh, no, he’s too busy with the kids who are passing!”
Cass placed a hand on her girlfriend’s arm. “Come on, babe, let’s go somewhere quiet.”
She led Cat away across the oval.
Bam made gagging noises and did poor, high-pitched imitation of Cass that, before long, had Ville laughing like a maniac.

After Ville’s giggling fit had calmed, he and Bam made their way in the opposite direction to the girls, to find their other friends.
They came upon Burton, Eicca, Migè and Linde, lounging in the shade of a very large tree.
“Well, well, well, babe, look who showed up?” Eicca said to Burton, who was resting against him.
Burton smiled lazily. “Dumb and dumber?”
Migè nodded. “The very same. Sit down. Where are Cass and Cat?”
Ville and Bam sat.
“Bam, Cass, Cat and I are all failing maths. Cat kind of ‘blew a gasket,’ so to speak, and Cass took her ‘somewhere quiet.’” Ville said, quickly relating the events of the first two periods to their friends.
“Basically, she had a hissy-fit and Cass took her somewhere so they could do what they wanted without being interrupted,” Eicca said.
Bam nodded. “Something like that.”
Linde, being Linde, had, of course, said nothing. He merely looked up from his position, leaning against Migè’s chest, to offer his opinion with his expressive grey eyes.
And we all know what they would be doing the eyes seemed to say.
Ville nodded and grinned. “That we do, Linde, that we do.”
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