When love and death embrace

Apr 16, 2008 22:29

Pairing; Vam
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in the story, the story is just made up. 
Summery: What happens when Ville founds out Bam is dieing. Does Ville work up the coruage to tell Bam his feelings towards him or is all this just a dream?

http://abz666.livejournal.com/574.html The call
http://abz666.livejournal.com/1569.html The funeral
http://abz666.livejournal.com/5638.html Comes round
http://abz666.livejournal.com/6322.html Ville remebers

The next day Bam goes to see Ville. Ville surprises him by being nervous around him. After a while Bam has had enough of Ville strange attitude towards him. “What is up with you?” “I don’t know where I stand with you? Are we still friends or are we more. I’m confused.”

Bam moves closer to Ville, entwines their fingers together then kisses both Ville hands. “We will always by the best of friends but I want you as my boyfriend.” Ville was smiling. “Thank god that is clear.”

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Bam had a mischievous smile. “Do you think that nurse is working on the ward again today?” “I have no idea. I think she only does the night shift at the moment. Why, what are you planning?” Bam pretend to ach shocked by what Ville just said to him. “2hat makes you think I’m planning anything.” “That smile gives it away.”

“I’m smiling because the hottest guy and sex good as just agreed to go out with me. You’re mine.” Bam moves even closer to Ville so their faces are only inches apart. “Guess what?” “What” “I can do what every I want to do to you and when ever I wanna do it.” “Like.” “Like this” Bam closes the gap and kisses Ville.

After a while Bam tells Ville he is going home. “I’ve got a part to organise, sort my bedroom out for when you come and practise skating.” Ville was smiling. “So Dunn is organising the party, Ape is sorting your bedroom out while you do your skating.” Bam nods his head. “Yep, that’s the plan. See you soon, baby.” “Why do you keep calling me baby?”

“Because you are my icle baby.” Bam was patting Ville in the check while saying this. “Bye, bye Willa. Do as you are told and be a good boy until you get out then you can be as naughty as toy want to be. As longs as it involves me.”

A week later, the hospital let Ville out as he is in good health. Bam and Dunn came to pick Ville up. As soon as Ville was out of that horrible place, he legged it towards the nearest shop. Dunn looked at Bam shocked as he has never see Ville run so fast. Then again he has never seen Ville run. “Where are you going?” Ville turns running backwards and almost run into a lamp post shouting “FAGS” before turning round and running into the shop.

When Ville came out the shop, Bam was looking crossed and Dunn had an amassment look. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAST ABOUT VILLE HERAMNNI VALO. AM I NOIT OOD ENOUGH FOR YOU OR SOMETHING.” While Bam was shouting, Ville almost dropped his fag he has just lit thought the embarrassment of people looking at what was going on. “What are you on about?” “I’m on about you calling me .. (Dunn coughs) I mean us fags then running of.”

Ville gets quite cross and starts lighting his second fag as he has finished the first one. “I WAS NOT CAL…” Dunn cuts Ville of by pushing him and Bam in the direction of the car. “I think it is time to go before you two make a bigger scene then you already have done.” Vile pushes Dunn away. “No I am fine where I am.” “Just get in the car jackass.” Bam starts to get in the car until Ville stops him by saying “no I’m not going anywhere with a dumb shi8tlike you, I’m walking. Bye.”

Ville starts walking in the opposite direction. “FINE BE LIKE THAT JACKASS.” Bam turns to look at Dunn 
“WHAT?” then he gets in the car. “What the fuck 8is going on? Have I missed something.” Dunn is confused. He gets even more confused when he gets in the car and sees Bam crying. Dunn puts his arm round him and asks Bam what is going on in a friendly voice. Bam told Dunn everything that has happened since Ville came to, apart from he is going out with him and making him cum in the hospital.

“I don’t think you should be to hard on Ville. He did not call anyone fags he meant he was going to get some cigarettes that all.” Bam looked surprised. “Since when did you know what Ville does?” “I know Ville. Since he has not had one in at least 4 weeks, he will be craving them.” “Since when did you know anything about my boyfriend? Oh shit. I should never have said anything. I promised Ville I wouldn’t say anything yet.”

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