Broken Promise - Chapter 3

Feb 28, 2008 19:50

 Title: Broken Promise - Chapter 3
Author:  michellemthrfkr

Pairing: Bam/Missy, mentions of Ville/Jonna, mentions of Vam (The pairings will change, don’t worry.

Rating: PG-13 (for now)... Actually, I guess this chapter could be PG.

Summary: Ville made a promise to Bam that he didn't keep. Now they're both engaged and miserable.

Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone, anything, or anyplace.

A/N: I know chapter 2 sucked, but I think this and the next chapter will make up for it.
Chapters: 1 2

“That was that Ville dude, wasn’t it?” Novak asked with a confused look. When he didn’t hear anything he turned around to look at Bam. He was crying.

“Bam, you okay?” Bam said nothing. The hurt on his face was almost too visible. “Don’t worry about it dude, he probably just forgot who we were.” As soon as the words left Novak’s lips he would’ve done anything to take them back. Bam collapsed to his knee’s and sobbed.

In a matter of thirty seconds Bam had been the happiest and most depressed he’d been in four years. All the tears he’d been holding back finally spilled from his eyes. He couldn’t stop himself. All he could do was sit there and wallow in his sadness.

“Er-Bam-I think we need to go…” Novak said shakily. He looked up and noticed how many people were staring at them. “Bam,” he kneeled down and looked Bam in the eyes, “I think we should leave before the papparazi and shit get here.”

Bam nodded and sniffled as he got up to help Novak carry what could’ve easily been sixty gallons of alcohol out of the store. He was hoping Novak wouldn’t say anything about it when they got back in the car, but he knew that he needed to explain.

“Uh, Bam… what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” Bam lied. But he knew that anyone, even Novak, would know that wasn’t the truth. It was the first time Bam remembered crying in front of anyone for at least a good five years.

“If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s okay. I just want you to know that if you do, I’m here for ya.” He looked at Bam and noticed he was softly crying again, so he pulled over. “I don’t think I should take you home to Missy like this. She’ll probably just flip out.”

Bam nodded. “Please don’t. She’s the last one I want to see right now.” Shit, I shouldn’t have said that.

Novak stared at Bam with confusion written all over his face. “Bam, why don’t you want to see her? I don’t think she’d be that upset, just frantic. I mean, I know you hate people worrying about you, but seriously.”

Should I tell him? Can I trust him? Bam was yet again lost in thought. He is my best friend. I should tell him. But what if he tells Missy? Then I’ll just ruin my whole life. I should just be happy with her because obviously, Ville doesn’t want me. Before he could even take another breath, Bam was weeping once again.

It was worse than he’d been in the store. This time Bam just let everything out. He’d completely forgot about Novak sitting next to him until he felt his embrace, but it didn’t help. Bam sat there shaking, gasping, and sobbing until his lungs ached. But he didn’t care, he just continued.

He looked up for a breif second and saw nothing but concern in Novak’s eyes. There was no way around it now. Bam had to explain.

As he tried to collect himself Novak released him. Bam looked to the clock and noticed that he’d been sitting there for ten minutes. He shook and gasped, desperately trying to catch his breath, and after another three minutes, he could at last breathe.

Bam looked Novak in the eyes. “Novak…” Bam sighed, “I’ll tell you something, but you have to promise me that you will tell nobody.” Bam gave him a serious look and Novak nodded.

“Ya know how me and Ville used to be so close?” Novak nodded yet again and Bam looked away. As much as he wanted to, he just couldn’t look his friend in the eyes. “Well…” Bam sighed, “we weren’t… w-we,” he sputtered, his whole body shaking, “we w-weren’t exactly f-friends.” Bam looked back into Novak’s eyes. He didn’t look mad… just confused. “What I mean is…” Bam looked away again. “We were-more than just friends.”

He was too terrified to look up into Novak’s eyes again. Bam had expected him to be disgusted. To punch him and tell him that he couldn’t have a faggot for a best friend, but instead Novak spoke words that soothed Bam's nerves.

“Well… what happened? Why don’t you talk anymore?” he questioned.

Bam was in complete shock. He didn’t answer Novak’s question. Instead he looked up at him and smiled. “You’re… you don’t hate me?”

“Nah, man. Why would I hate you for something so stupid? What kind of a friend would I be if I did that to you?” Novak said, smiling back at Bam.

“A normal one.” Bam laughed.

AN: I know it may seem like it, but don't get your hopes up if you're into Bam/Novak. I have nothing against that pairing, but I don't think it's gonna happen in this story. Oh, and the next chapter should be exciting.

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