Broken Promise - Chapter 1

Feb 25, 2008 20:18

Title: Broken Promise - Chapter 1
Pairing: Bam/Missy, mentions of Ville/Jonna, mentions of Vam (The pairings will change, don’t worry.)
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Summary: Ville made a promise to Bam that he didn't keep. Now they're both engaged and miserable.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone, anything, or anyplace.

Warnings: Uh, the rating basically says it. There’s just swearing for now.

A/N: I’ve written stuff before, but never any fan fiction, and I’ve never dared to post it anywhere, so it may suck. Oh, italicized text means that it’s a thought. Oops, one more thing, the dark blue text means it's part of the letter. I put it in quotes, but it still looked to confusing, so yeah.

Bam sat at the table and tried to think of what exactly he was going to write. What the hell am I supposed to say? Oh, hey Ville. It’s Bam. You might not remember me, but we used to be in love. Or at least, I used to love you. I’m pretty sure that in your eyes I was just a quick fuck, though. What exactly am I trying to do anyway? Tell him I still love him? I guess that’s the best I’ve got.

So Bam put pen to paper and wrote…


I’m not really sure why I’m bothering to write this. I think it’s because I realized something last night. I’ve noticed that the past four years I’ve spent away from you have been completely meaningless. I still love you, Ville. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. How am I supposed to help myself?

I’m getting married in three months, and all that I can think about is you. I’ve been doing that a lot lately, and I can’t help but realize that during every moment I spent with Missy, my fiancé, I’ve been trying to convince myself she’s better than you. But she isn’t. Your arms were warm and loving; hers are cold and might as well be lifeless. Your eyes were deep and wild; hers are shallow and boring. Your expression was exciting and breathtaking; hers is dull and distant. She’s nothing but a replacement, just like you said Jonna was.

Well, obviously, she isn’t. You said she was just there to hide our relationship, that if the press saw you with a girl they wouldn’t dare suspect us. It must’ve worked, even a little too well. I just read the article. You proposed to her. Have you forgotten our deal? Have you forgotten me? I sure haven’t forgotten you, it’s impossible. I remember when I used to sneak into your hotel rooms during tours. Could you really forget it? I just can’t seem to comprehend that-that someone could just wave it from their mind. You said when Jonna moved in with you it wouldn’t affect our relationship at all.

Well, Ville, it did. I’ll always remember the day that everything changed. When I had to go back to America for a skate sesh-we made the deal that you’d come to West Chester as soon as you could. I waited weeks, months, and now, years. Four years. Four fucking years, Ville! I didn’t want to break our deal, but I couldn’t stand being so goddamn lonely. I thought dating Missy would help. It didn’t. I thought getting married would help. It won’t. I still love you.’

“Ah, fuck, that’s way too emo.” Bam whispered to himself, tossing the newly wadded paper into the trashcan. He sat there with his head rested in his hands for fifteen minutes before he once again began to write.


I heard you’re getting married and I just wanted to say congratulations. Thing’s wouldn’t have worked out between us anyway, and I hope we can put that in the past. . I would’ve just emailed you, but I don’t have your email address. More like the son-of-a-bitch changed it and didn’t tell me. It’s a good thing he didn’t move.

I’m getting married in about 3 months. Anyway, I thought that since we used to be such good friends, you might wanna come. Great, now I feel like a teenager asking some girl on a date. Get back to me soon, I need to figure out how many people will be there.


He didn’t put ‘sincerely’ because the letter wasn’t entirely sincere. He didn’t put ‘your friend’ because he still thought that for some odd reason Ville might hate him. He didn’t dare to put ‘love’ in fear of Ville’s reaction. He just simply signed ‘Bam’.

A/N: As I said, this was my first attempt, so if you already think it seriously sucks, just tell me so I don't waste my time posting more.

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