Dreams Can come True 3/?

Nov 22, 2007 21:42

Title: Dreams can come true
Chapter: 3 out of possible 4 It May now be 5
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I tells ya, nothing!
Summary: Bam's planning something for Ville.
Warning: Ville sings again! this time it's Will Young! He's a british singer, so you may not know him (he won pop Idol a while back) but the songs is 'Who Am I?' Beautiful song, i strongly reccoment it.

Authors note:
Happy Birthday Ville! I worked really hard to get the idea out of my head into the right words in time for Mr Valo's Birthday! (it's still his birthday here in England so shush xD) And 'cos she told me to, This chappie is Dedicated to my friend whose LJ account has stopped working at the moment :D
Story now? I think so

(Also extra prezzie)

Chapter 1   Chapter 2

My eyes widened as the words slipped out of Bam’s mouth. I gently pressed my forehead to his, never breaking eye contact once, before my smile allowed the word “Yes” to pass from my lips. I watched the happiness sparkle in his eyes as he took something from his pocket, and gently slid a ring onto my finger.

I snaked my arms round his neck, pulling him close, as I felt his hands rest on my hips.

“I love you” He whispered, making my smile even bigger, if that was even possible.

“I love you too,” I replied, making his smile grow too.

“Let’s go” Bam gently took hold of my arm, leaving a small pile of cash on the table behind us, and lead me back outside to his car. On the drive back, I had a chance to have a good look at the ring Bam had slipped onto my finger. It was lovely. A simple silver band, I’d always said I’d thought silver looked classier than gold, with a heart of emeralds embedded in the top. I laughed in my head, I was really surprised it wasn’t a heartagram, but it was perfect.

We pulled up into Bam’s drive and I jumped out of the car, landing with a soft crunch on the leaves that littered the ground around my feet. Soon Bam’s hand was laced with mine as we walked into the empty house.

Bam made a quick phone call as I sat down on the sofa admiring the ring, it really was lovely.

“Like it?” A voice whispered in my ear. I nodded, shivering slightly as his breath tickled my skin. I nodded.

“I love it” I whispered.

“Emeralds.” He said simply “Just like your eyes” His arms wrapped themselves round my neck, hands draping across my chest. Placing a kiss to my hair, he lifted his own hand to show me the ring that he’s put on his finger, lacing his fingers with mine so the two rings were side by side. I couldn’t hold back my smile; his was identical, apart from the gemstones. The heart on his ring was made of sapphires.

“Just like your eyes” I whispered.

“Yeah,” he breathed back.

Suddenly standing up, he walked round the sofa and sat next to me. Grinning he said “I have an idea”

“Oh dear,” I laughed “I don’t like that grin!”

“It’s not that bad, honest” Bam laughed with me, making my smile grow once the laughter had died down. “Sing for me?”

My eyes widened slightly “What?” He hardly ever asked me to sing for him, only when he needed me to, like when he was stressed, sad, or ill.

“Sing for me? Just, I’d like to hear a song written by someone other than you” He quickly backtracked after seeing the look of shock and slight offence on my face. “Not that your songs aren’t lovely, ‘cos they are. It’s just, after hearing you sing Mika, was it Mika? I dunno, but yeah. I’d like to hear how you sing other songs”

I smiled slightly and let out a small laugh, “It’s alright, what would you like me to sing?”

He curled up close to me and rest his head on my chest “Dunno, something slow? Romantic maybe, you seem to pick things to suit the mood…”

I smiled again and absentmindedly started to run my fingers through his hair as I began to sing the chorus, softly.

“And who am I to tell you, that I will never let you down. And no one else can love you, half as much as I do now, and who am I to tell you, I’ll always catch you when you fall. Well I, I wouldn’t be myself at all. I wouldn’t be myself at all”

“You’re amazing, you know that?” Bam muttered into my chest. I laughed softly as he pulled away from my body and looking me in the eye.

“You are though. You did it again; you chose a perfect song to fit the mood.”

“It’s a hidden talent I guess…” I joked, smiling happily as he placed a quick kiss to my lips

“And that’s not the only hidden talent.”

“Oh really?” I smirked at him, raising an eyebrow in amusement. He nodded smiling, before falling back down onto me.

“You’re a lovely pillow”

I laughed and resumed stroking his hair.

“Can you be my singing pillow?” Bam asked after a few moments of quiet.

“Of course,” I said before I began to sing softly to him. It wasn’t long before Bam was sleeping peacefully against me. I placed a kiss to the top of his head before I slowly drifted to sleep too.

My eyes fluttered open the next morning, Bam still curled up against me. I lay there for what felt like a lifetime, just watching him sleep peacefully pressed up against me. But the moment had to go and be spoiled by the doorbell jolting him from his peaceful state. I laughed softly to myself as he sat up rubbing his eyes.

“I’ll get it” He mumbled, trying to pat down his hair as he stumbled to the door. I heard a quiet squeak from the general direction he walked off in before there was a soft click as the door shut again and Bam walked back into the room. I peered over the back of the sofa at Bam who seemed to be holding something. I cocked my head, interested in what he was so absorbed in.

“Bam?” I called, he looked up smiling. Walking over to me and sitting down, I gasped as I saw what it was. How could I have not guessed!

“Ville,” Bam whispered, “Meet Venus”

VILLE! (drawn by me)

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