Dreams Can come true 2/3

Nov 07, 2007 21:48

Title: Dreams can come true
Chapter: 2 out of possible 3 maybe 4
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I tells ya, nothing!
Summary: Bam's planning something for Ville.
Warning: This chapter contains quite a bit of random discription rambling, but it's my longest update, EVAR!

Authors note:
I've had a bad day really I got kicked out of my school play for NO REASON! Causing me to walk home in tears for the fifth time in a week. And I have a Favor to ask, well, two really:
1) Does Anyone have Bleed Well Acoustic? I really need it,
2) I need nice pics of Ville and Bam to use in my Art Exam at the end of November, any are welcone, just, make sure they look cute (they don't have to be together either, it can be just them on their own):D

Story now yesh?

Chapter 1

I growled to myself as I searched, frustrated, through my clothes, trying to find something decent to wear. I wanted something casual but not too causal; dressy, but not too dressy. Right now, I couldn’t seem to find it, or anything that fit that description. I was restlessly flinging items of clothing round the room, none of the clothes I’d usually wear for an occasion such as this seeming to fit my mood at the moment. I cursed under my breath as I violently drew back my hand, having hit it on the side of my wardrobe in my frantic search.

I literally threw myself into my wardrobe, moments later. Then I found myself connecting with the bottom of it.

“Oooow!” I whined as I sat up on my knees, rubbing my head whilst trying to keep myself from being poked in the eye by my clothes. I placed my hand back on the floor in an attempt to stand up, but instead of touching the smooth wooden bottom of the wardrobe, my hand came in contact with a soft, slippery material. My eyes widened slightly as my gaze dropped to the item beneath my hand, and I had a sudden strike of genius.

Grabbing hold of the shirt, I scrambled out of the wardrobe, snatching my tight-fitting-but-not-as-tight-as-my-leather-trousers jeans, as they’d been named. Almost falling headfirst onto the bed as I tripped over some of the trousers I’d been flinging about moments before, I grabbed several other items and raced into the bathroom to take a shower.

I stepped out of the shower about 15 minutes later, wrapping a towel around my naked form and quickly running a smaller towel through my hair to get rid of the excess damp. I then picked up the pace, again. I quickly cleared up the bathroom from the state I’d left it in and dried myself off faster than I ever had before. I flew out of the room, discarding the towel as I hastily pulled on my boxers. Doing a quick sweep of the room, I grabbed hold of all the articles of clothing I’d scattered around the room and neatly placed them back in my wardrobe whilst I waited for the bathroom to clear of the condensation that lingered in the air.

I was soon racing back into the bathroom. Sitting down on the closed toilet seat, I pulled on my socks and then yanked on my trousers; I stumbled around for a moment, looking desperately for a comb to run through my hair to remove any knots. I stopped by the mirror, and quickly, but neatly lined my eyes with eyeliner, before grabbing hold of the comb from the shelf and my indigo coloured, silken, button-up shirt. Pulling my arms roughly through the sleeves with one hand and dragging the comb through my damp hair with the other wasn’t a very fun task, but I managed. Running back out of the room, I fastened the buttons and searched through a very old make-up bag, which was actually an old carrier bag that I’d got from a sweet shop when I was younger. I pulled out some deep purple eye shadow, and coated the tip of my index finder with the dark powder, before gazing into the mirror and brushing it over my eyelids, faintly, but dark enough to see I was wearing it without making it look like I’d been punched several times in the face.

Stepping in front of the full-length mirror, I inspected myself, and finally giving myself the mental “Ok, you look good enough” I glanced at my watch and figuring it was alright to finally leave my room, in which I had remained prisoner for at least an hour now. On my way to the door, I grabbed a pair of shoes, which I quickly pulled onto my feet. I bounced slightly as I walked down the stairs, suddenly feeling rather girly. I saw Bam laying, with his eyes closed, half on, and half off the sofa. I tried my hardest not to laugh, he just looked so odd, lying like that in reasonably smart looking clothes.

“Bam?” I asked, causing him to jump slightly, and fall completely off the sofa, landing with a thud on the floor. Almost as quickly as he fell, he was on his feet again, brushing himself off and straightening off his black blazer. He looked back up at me with a grin.

“Ready to go?” He asked, taking in my outfit with a quick sweep of his eyes. I nodded my head with a smile as he took hold of my hand and lead me to the car that waited for us.

It was a short journey to the restaurant Bam had made reservations at. Thinking it over in the car, I figured this must be pretty important as Bam didn’t usually go to fancy restaurants let alone make reservations in them. I watched him carefully during the journey, trying to pick up any hint of what was going on from his body language. That kind of back-fired on me as soon as I realised I know nothing about reading body language, so I gave up and enjoyed the quiet car ride.

We stepped out of the car at a small, restaurant, it wasn’t a well known one, but it was pretty fancy all the same. It was completely empty apart from the one table in the middle, all light pointing to it so the rest of the gold and crimson coloured room was bathed in darkness. It was a small Mahogany table, with a blood red tablecloth draped elegantly over the top, matching mahogany chairs were placed at either end of the circular table, the red velvet cushion placed neatly on the seats. The round, white plates glinted in the light and the cutlery was wrapped neatly in a crimson napkin. A clear glass vase was placed, dead centre of the table, and in it was a single, perfect, blood red rose. I gasped, making myself feel even more like a girl.

Next to me, I heard Bam laugh.

“Looks nice, doesn’t it?” He said. I was lost for words, so I nodded.

“All for you” He added, gently, taking my hand in his and leading me towards the table.

Once seated, Light-hearted banter was exchanged whilst we ate, I was really enjoying myself, but a nagging question buzzed round my head. What’s really going on here? I didn’t really think Bam would just rent out a whole restaurant for the hell of it, there had to be some reason behind all this.

Once there was no more room left in either of us for any more food, we sat there, under the spotlights, talking and drinking, the question seemed to leave my mind for a brief moment, before Bam brought it back, by answering it.

“I actually had a reason for this, you know?” He said placing his glass back on the table. This was strange, he’d been extremely serious all day, and that wasn’t like him.

“I didn’t think you’d just randomly rent out a whole restaurant” I replied, glancing round the room slightly. I laughed softly as he faked being offended.

“Really Ville,” He shook his head before looking back up at me with a grin “Actually, it’s two things I wanted to talk to you about.”

I raised an eyebrow slightly as I lifted the glass to my lips again. “Go on,” I said quietly before taking a sip of my drink.

I saw him shift slightly on the mahogany chair.

“Well, the first thing is a family member; can’t quite remember how she’s related to me, but I know she is somehow… Anyway, yeah, she died, and she wasn’t married or anything and she recently had a kid, I think it’s about 4 months old now. A letter was sent to her relatives to see if anyone is willing to take the kid in, or it’ll have to go into an orphanage.” He paused, studying my reaction to the news before continuing “And I replied saying I’d consider it”

I smiled, folding my arms and resting them on the edge of the table. “You’re soft sometimes Bam,” I said, watching as again he put on an offended face. “But it’s a sweet thing to do, No kid should be in an orphanage if they have the chance not to.”

“So you don’t mind?” He asked, to which I shook my head “Good, ‘cos they said I’m the only person who said they wouldn’t mind taking her in, and I can have her if I want”

My eyes lit up slightly “Her? It’s a girl?” I asked, this time it was Bam’s turn to nod

“You’ll never guess the name she was given though” He teased

“You’re right, I probably won’t” I laughed, and so did Bam

“Venus” He said smiling. My eyes widened slightly in disbelief.

“You’re kidding!” I laughed “Seriously?” He nodded. This was a very freaky coincidence, so freaky it scared me slightly.

“And the second thing I wanted to talk to you about” He continued, rising from the table to come stand next to me. Taking my hand, he pulled me up.

Never letting go of my hands, he brought his face close to mine, eyes locked with each others, and he whispered ever so softly.

“Ville, Marry Me?”

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