(no subject)

Sep 24, 2007 21:38

Title: Love On The Rocks
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam
Rating: I'm going with PG-13 for crude humor, foul language, and alcohol references...**drunk make out scene.**
Summary: Bam's new found friendship with Ville had made him question parts of his life he has long since repressed. Through an unexpected visit from the Finnish rock star, many bottles of beer, and a special tattoo; Bam must decide if he wants to embrace a side of himself that he has always longed to explore.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Authors Notes: I don't know if I'm actually covering any real life time lines/events correctly. I was just going with what I thought would be an interesting fan fic.

That night had been one of the wildest in recent memory. Bam, Ville, and associated friends decided to drive into Philly for an all night drinking bing. Bam leaned against Ville as they walked from the last bar to the next one. They were laughing, even when there was nothing to laugh at. Bam couldn't remember the last time he had been so happy. Ville actually got drunker quicker then he normally did. This was mostly due to the fact he was still adjusting to the time difference and was still very tired.

As the night wore on, they some how found themselves at the home of a friend of a friend. Bam, in particular, found himself in the company of two very lovely, but probably underage, girls. They clung to him and drug him around the mass of people in attendance. His eyes scanned over the room, looking for Ville. He found the brooding Finn sitting at a make shift bar, cigarette dangling from his lips, beer bottle in one hand. Their eyes meet as Bam was pulled past him and they exchanged grins. Ville winked, causing the bad boy of skating to giggle uncontrollably. Lucky for Bam, most wrote it off to his sheer level of intoxication.... and the two girls with him.

Bam plopped down on the floor, unable to move any more. The girls took places on either side of him, leaning against him. Bam didn't give them a second thought as the rest of his party joined them in a make shift circle. "Lets play spin the bottle!" Someone announced and the game started before Bam had even realized it. Bam continued drinking as the game played out around him. When his eyes weren't drifting to Ville, his thoughts certainly were with the older man. Once or twice he could have sworn he saw Ville looking back at him. But that had to be his imagination, right?

Bam was so lost in his thoughts that he barely realized he was being pulled in for a kiss until it had happened. The girl went for his lips but planted a sloppy kiss right on his cheek. The girl was too drunk to notice the difference, or when Bam used his jacket sleeve to wipe his cheek off. He took a long drink from his beer and tried to focus on the game at hand. However, he was soon lost in his own thoughts again. "Bam... Bam! It's your turn." Novak yelled, tossing a empty plastic cup at Bam. It bounced off his forehead and brought his attention back to the others. He looked down at the bottle and shrugged. Why not? Whats the harm? He reached out and spun the bottle.

People cheered, girls crossed their fingers, Bam drank more of his beer. When it stopped it was pointing between two girls. They started arguing over who got to kiss Bam. "No no no.... thats not how you play the game." Dunn announced, waving his arms about, unable to sit up straight. "Bam has to kiss whoever the bottle is /pointing/ at. So... who is it actually /pointing/ at?" Dunn asked, looking to the others to see if anyone knew the answer. Bam wasn't paying attention for sure. He was struggling to his feet, almost falling over in the process. The game was the furthest thing from his mind. He was on a mission to see Ville and was already stumbling over to the bar, deaf to the female whines that followed his departure.

Dunn, staggered to his feet and attempted to concentrate long enough to locate the lucky winner of Bam's kiss. Even in his drunken state he could easily see the clear path to the only person the bottle could be pointed at. It was like... fate. Dunn grinned and yelled, "Ville!" As if answering a question that only he heard, Bam raised his arm, pointing to the ceiling with his index finger and answered, "exactly!"

Indeed the bottle was positioned between the two girls and right at Ville, who was still sitting at the bar. Bam grinned devilishly at the innocent figure of his Willa Walo. It seemed like a good enough reason as any. He had often wondered about what it would be like to kiss Ville. Ville nearly fell off his stool when he suddenly found Bam's face in his own. He blinked several times, finding it hard to focus on Bam's face. "Wille...I want to kiss you." Bam announced softly, which made Ville's heart jump into his throat.

Bam meant, of course, I /have/ to kiss you. But neither of them seemed to notice that small detail, and it wasn't like Ville hadn't often thought about what kind of kisser Bam was. Ville half grinned, swaying a bit in his seat. He reached out quickly and placed his hand on the back of Bam's neck. He yanked the skater close and kissed him. The crowd cheered, clinking glasses together and the party continued. What they didn't know was that Bam lingered, deepening it a little (which Ville gladly returned). He slowly parted their lips, but only because he was falling to the floor. He landed on his knees and leaned his head against Ville's knee. Ville smiled as he played with Bam's hair, swaying some more in his spot.

You know how a movie looks when everything suddenly speeds up? And then it goes blank when its trying to transition from one scene to the next? Thats how Bam felt. He felt like everything suddenly sped up on him. He swore it was like someone pushed the fast forward button and people start racing past his face. He was suddenly up and out side, no in a car. They were driving some where and it was cold. Novak was throwing up... some where. He knew this because he could see himself laughing at Novak.

Only when he was falling through a door did Bam get some sense of real time again. The last few hours a blur of loud music and shot glasses clinking together. Thankfully the door belonged to his own home. He laid there laughing with out having a clue what was so funny. Ville staggered in after him, also laughing. Bam only laughed harder as Ville tried to hush him. "Your going to wake the whole fucking neighborhood." Ville said, leaning against the door to close it. He slumped to the floor and watched Bam. They were both completely trashed. Ville kept leaning over to the side. He would stop himself from completely falling over, only to repeat the process with the other side. He was laugher harder because of it, which made Bam laugh harder.

"Fuck 'em." Bam slurred, struggling to sit up. He pulled his jacket off and kicked his... no wait... he didn't have shoes on, or socks for that matter. No problem, one less thing to take off. He crawled over to Ville, pressing his nose against the older man's nose. "Your drunk." He commented, unable to focus on the green eyes that gazed at him. Ville laughed, "so are you love." Bam scoffed and knelt in front of Ville. "Bullshit... I'm completely sober!" He waved his arms as he said this, the movement so drastic in his drunken state that he nearly knocked himself over.

Ville laughed more and reached out and managed to catch Bam. He pulled Bam closer, wrapping his arms around the younger man in the process. They gazed silently at one another as Ville reached up and brushed a lock of hair from Bam's face. He felt like they were surrounded by static... a secret energy that meant something special was forming between them. God he wanted it to be real. That what he was feeling wasn't just one sided. Whether by accident, or by chance, Bam brushed his lips against Ville's.

Ville was so stunned he let Bam fall over. Bam hit the floor and laughed more. Ville shook his head, trying to clear it of the cobwebs that seemed to forming in it. He struggled into a standing position and helped Bam up. What they needed to do now was to go to bed. Bam leaned against Ville heavily, which wasn't totally a good idea since Ville could barely keep himself up.

Once upstairs Bam pushed away from Ville. He turned sharply, almost falling over in the process. Throwing his arms around Ville, Bam tackled him onto the bed. Ville would have normally been able to doge this kind of attack, but he was too drunk to even realize what was happening until he was in the mist of wrestling with Bam. More laughing ensured as they rolled around on the bed. Their hands seemed to be everywhere as the fought for who would pin who. Twice, one of them had almost fallen from the bed. This had only made them laugh more.

Ville flipped over Bam and tried to sit up but was successfully pushed back down. Bam climbed on top of him, holding Ville's hands above his head. He grinned down at Ville, both of them breathless, their eyes dancing with excitement. Bam's head was spinning all over the place and he couldn't explain it but he felt like his whole body was alive and tingling with excitement. Like how he felt when he was facing a new trick, or getting ready to pull a prank. He was on fire, but this blaze had nothing to do with money or fun. It was something much more... personal... intimate. He would have hated to admit it, but it was because of Ville.

Slowly, Bam's smile faded, which caused Ville's to fade too. He hesitated for a moment, but finally leaned in to brush his lips against Ville's. Now that was defiantly intentional. Ville leaned up in an attempt to return it, but Bam had moved back a little. Ville could see the uncertainty in those blue eyes. "Bammie..." Ville voice came softly, breaking the silence that had seemed to settle over them. Bam looked down as Ville leaned up, (as much as he could considering how Bam still had him pinned.) kissing Bam's neck. The action caused Bam eyes to close, but it defiantly sent a shiver of pleasure down his back.

Bam was as scared as he was excited, but he wanted this badly. By all visible accounts, Ville was into it too. Bam's judgment was clouded by the alcohol in his system, pushing aside the reservations he might have had. For now he could only think about the beautiful lips begging for him to kill them. Following his normal line of thought, Bam threw caution to the wind and kissed Ville.

When Ville returned it, Bam loosened his grip on the older man's hands. They slipped from his own and slipped under the edge of Bam's shirt, caressing his hips. The world was out of control and he couldn't tell what was up and what was down. But the more they kissed, the more on fire they were. The first few kisses may have been sweet and innocent, but they defiantly didn't stay that way for long.

The kissing continued as they hungrily explored one another's mouths. Bam felt them move and he was soon on his back. His head was half hanging off the side of the bed. Ville placed his hand behind Bam's head, entangling his fingers in the soft brown locks. Bam wanted to laugh, Ville's hair was tickling his neck and cheeks as they continued to kiss. He ran his hands along Ville's slender frame, and after pushing against the bed, Bam was once more on top of the Finnish rock star.

He was kissing Ville's neck, working Ville's shirt off, when a new sensation started to fill his stomach. He knew what it meant and wished it away. But it was inevitable that the sheer volume of booze he had consumed would come back and haunt him. He tried to roll off Ville, but Ville stopped him, pulling him in for a new kiss. He returned it, wanting nothing more then that. He started to lay down with Ville again, his own shirt inching its way off. His stomach flipped and he felt it rising in his throat. Bam pulled away from Ville violently, falling onto the floor in time to rid his stomach of what little he had to eat that day.





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