(no subject)

Sep 18, 2007 22:35

Title: Love On The Rocks
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam
Rating: I'm going with PG-13 for crude humor, foul language, and alcohol references
Summary: Bam's new found friendship with Ville had made him question parts of his life he has long since repressed. Through an unexpected visit from the Finnish rock star, many bottles of beer, and a special tattoo; Bam must decide if he wants to embrace a side of himself that he has always longed to explore.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Authors Notes: I don't know if I'm actually covering any real life time lines/events correctly. I was just going with what I thought would be an interesting fan fic.

Chapter Two
It was a while before Bam and Ville could in fact get their night off for drinking. Not that they didn't talk often enough to make up for that. But Bam was getting ready to shoot a new reality show for MTV, Viva La Bam; while Ville was busy with the band. Ville actually decided, in the end, to take matters in his own hands and make a surprise trip to the Margera household.

Excitement filled him as he arrived in PA. It was the crack of dawn and Ville had barely slept at all. But that didn't matter. He was soon in his rental car and and headed out to see his Bammie. His? Well Bam was a very dear friend. There was just something about that bratty skater that just... Ville left that thought alone and instead concentrated on how he was getting to Bam.

He decided to just drive himself, wanting to have the time alone before the ensuing chaos that constantly surrounded the Margera home. However, there was soon a small snag in Ville's plan. He had never actually /been/ to Bam's house before. So Ville soon found himself very, very lost. He tried calling Bam, but he didn't answer.

By the time Ville found Bam's home, he felt like he was either going to scream or cry from frustration. He parked in the drive way and pulled his bag from the back. His hands found his pack of cigarettes, pulling one out to light it. Ville tossed his bag over his shoulder as he finished the short walk to the house. After knocking on the door, Ville shoved his hands into his pockets. He wondered if Bam was even home. Maybe he was interrupting something important? The possibility of that hadn't even occurred to him.

The door popped open before he had a chance to finish the thought. He spun around quickly to see a rather short, plump man standing in the doorway. "Umm... is Bam here?" Ville asked, plucking the cigarette from his lips. The man's eyes nearly bugged from his head as he ranted incoherently. Ville wondered vaguely if this was Bam's father, and if so, he felt sorry for Bam. "I'm sorry..." Ville tried, since he didn't understand most of what the guy at the door was getting at. Ville was tired and just wanted to see Bam. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he tried to make sense of what the man was saying.

"So he's not here?" Ville asked, sadness creeping over his delicate features. The man yelled something about him (Ville) being a punk obsessed fan, that he needed to get a life and stop bothering people. Ville tried to insist that he was a friend of Bam's but the man wasn't listening. He kept yelling at Ville, insulting him in ways that just honestly hurt Ville's feelings.

He peeked around the man and didn't see Bam. Assuming that if Bam was here, he would hear the noise, Ville opted to just leave. He turned and headed back to the car, watching over his shoulder as the door was slammed. He slipped back into the car, resting his head against the steering wheel, wondering what he should do now. He had looked forward to seeing Bam for months. He had planned with Bam for weeks about getting together. He missed his new drinking buddy and the thought of seeing him had made Ville... so happy.

He found himself pulling out of the drive way before he even thought about it. No use staying, he might as well go and get some rest at a hotel, or in the very least a drink. Of course, he had no idea where any hotels were around here. The thought of actually staying at one wasn't something he had planned on doing.

So he was lost once more, driving aimlessly around West Chester, looking for something that didn't seem to exist. It was here that he found something else that could be helpfully. He pulled over and looked at a small building. He vaguely remembered Bam telling him about how his mother was a hair dresser... or something. Could this be where Bam's mother worked? He didn't want to bother April, but maybe she could deliver a message to Bam?

He pulled out his phone and tried calling Bam's cell number again, still no answer. He chewed on his lip for a moment before finishing his fag. The door was soon opened and he was walking up to the little salon. He peeked in and looked around, noticing a few people waiting for their appointments and a few hair dressers. He stepped in all the way and walked over to the front counter. A tiny girl in her mid-20's smiled up at him, "How can I help you?" Ville rubbed the back of his neck, "Is April Margera here?"

Ape was laughing, curling the hair of one of her favorite regulars. Mrs. Wilson was telling her about the antics of her little grandchildren. The story both made her happy and sad at the same time. She wondered when she would have some grandchildren of her own. Tina, the new receptionist, hurried over to Ape and tapped her on the shoulder. She had an excited look on her face, her dark brown eyes dancing happily.

"Mrs Margera... there is someone here for you. He is so cute!" She gasped, trying to control the tone of her voice. April looked over Tina's shoulder and noticed a very tall, very slender, young man. He looked about the same age as her Bam, long straight black hair, dressed sort of like Bam: t-shirt, form-fitting jeans and a beanie.

She looked between Tina and the young man, catching his green eyes. He looked so tired and sort of sad. She asked Mrs. Wilson to wait as she went over to attend to the stranger. As she got closer she thought to herself, there is something about him. Something about his face that was too familiar. He had to be a good friend of Bam's. It was the only explanation for it. "Can I help you?" She asked in her soft, gentle voice.

Ville turned as April came over, now this made more sense. She seemed like the person Bam had told him about. There was something about her eyes that reminded him of Bam. "I'm so sorry to interrupt you Mrs Margera...." He was cut off, Ape was shaking her head and waving a hand at him. "Its just April." Ville smiled gently and nodded, "Sorry April. I.... I didn't mean to bother you at work. But I was looking for Bam. I cant find him and he isn't answering his phone..."

He trailed off, noticing how April's face fell. Bam was usually up to no good if he was missing in action. "Did you try at the house?" April asked and Ville nodded, "I tried too anyways. But there was a guy there... and he yelled at me." April was shocked, "Someone yelled at you?" She didn't know who would have been so rude to throw a friend of Bam's out. "I'm going to get a room at the hotel. Can you please ask Bam to call me..."

Ville was once more cut off by April shaking her head and hands at him. "You will do no such thing. You're coming home with me. I want to know whats going on there anyways. Can you wait like.. 15 minuets while I finish my customer?" Ville didn't want to impose on April, but soon relented to Bam's mother. He didn't have the heart to say no to such a nice woman. Plus, Bam got his stubbornness from his mother. And when she got her mind set on something, that was the end of the conversation.



Excellent! I think I finally figured this out. Sorry it took me so long to post. I meant to do this Thursday before I went away for the weekend, but I forgot too. I will put up the next chapter in a more timely manner. Hope it was worth the wait!
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