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Aug 26, 2007 21:32

Hi, It's me, Moon Valo, and i'm back and I'm a year Older!
It was my birthday on the 21st, but It wasn't a good one, neither were the days following so it got me a little depressed...

And unfortunately it came out in this Fan Fic... now for the technical stuffs...

Title: The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You
Paring: Vam, very slightly.... well...
Rating: Everyone really...
Disclaimer: Don't Own them, just had a horrid birthday and depression came out in this... I wrote, that's all. The closest I got to either of the characters was along with the other Fangirls at the Give it a Name screaming love at Ville. Never seen Bam... :D
Warning: Character death and the whole thing that goes along with those Emotions

Authors note: I got the MCR album for My birthday, and for somereason i love the song Cancer, so Listen to that song whilst reading this to kinda, get the full effect. Cancer or Disenchanted, both give the same effect

Enjoy (Oh and i might have another Piccy up soonish :D)

When I found out, I was scared, I hid away. I hoped to myself that if I just wished it would vanish. But I was wrong, and I knew that, everyone who went through this knew that…

It was too late though, I was beyond help…

I crouched in the corner of the room, hugging my knees to my chest like a child, Tears flooded from my eyes. I didn’t bother holding them back, what was the point in it? I don’t know...

I had to tell him… He had to know, it would be unfair on him otherwise would it not? But maybe he would be better off not knowing, if I put up a mask? Hide what was going on until it was far too late. But I knew it was too late already.

It would tear him apart, I knew it would, He couldn’t stand to see me like this. A shaking wreck that hid in the corner of his room ignoring phone calls, texts, emails, or any form of contact at all really…

Could you blame me? I was terrified; I didn’t want to hurt him more than I was hurting now. It doesn’t really hurt you, it slowly eats away at you from the inside, metaphorically speaking of course. I gave in, my last few days, for that was how late it had been left, would be happy. I was sure of that.

So I booked a flight, out of the country, to go and see the one person who could always bring a smile to my face, no matter what was wrong. I knew it would hurt him, but what choice did I have? I could always run, if things went wrong that is, but that was only worst case scenario.

He picked me up from the airport, bouncing around me like I would live forever because I am who I am; he was completely oblivious to what was going on inside my body, the thing that terrified me more than anything I’d done, more than anything he’d done…

It was a nice visit, one of the best, probably because it was my last, but it was coming closer, I could feel it, I don’t know how, but I did. So I requested that we stayed inside a bit more. He asked questions, naturally, wouldn’t you if one of your best friends who usually loves going out drinking asked to stay in?

It was my last day. I felt it, only a few hours left. I asked him to stay with me, just me and him. That would make my last moments the best I could ask for. I lent against him, weakly, and muttered hoarsely “There’s something… something I need to tell you, Promise me… Promise you won’t be angry with me - for leaving this so late.”

My breath began to catch in my throat, as tears began to well up in my eyes; I clung onto his sleeve, hoping desperately that it would act as my grip on the world. “Ville? What is it?” His voice came out worried as my voice lost its volume and it began to get raspy. Tears stained my cheeks, bringing small amounts of eyeliner with them. I sobbed gently. “I’m dying Bam, I’m dying” I said in a very small and helpless voice.

“What? How?” His voice was filled with concern.

“It was bound to happen… everyone knew… but you’re the first I’ve t-told” I coughed violently causing him to grip me tighter.

“Ville?!” He cried as my breathing began to slow, tears began to slide from his beautiful blue eyes.

I smiled weakly, “I love you,” I said in barely more than a whisper. “What was it?” he asked, pleading with me through his eyes, desperately hoping this was some sick joke. I knew what he was asking, what as it that was killing his idol? How could I tell him? It would kill me inside whilst I waited for my body to catch up…

“I love you,” I said again, pausing to take my final breath, “I love you too,” He pulled me close, I wrapped my arms round him, I rested my head on his shoulder and I felt it. The tug on my soul that told me I was leaving. With my final breath I left a shaky word behind hanging in the air between us, I died before I could see or hear his reaction, but it was done…



Just a little note, Anyone going to see HIM in December?(UK)
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