Chapter 7 To “Don’t Say ‘I Do’!

Jul 15, 2007 03:06

Here's the new chapter, sorry for taking so long. I've had an art block for over 2 months now. and thanks to my sister and B/F, it went away!

Authors: Gabrielle and Kirsi (Gabrielle writes and Kirsi helps supply ideas and beta)
Rating:story is from PG to NC-17
This chapter's Rating is PG
Summary:During Bam's Unholy Union Filming. What happens when the cameras are off? who was there, but hidden?
Hope you enjoy!

Love Gabrielle

1)Unexpected Company
2)Ville's Dream
3)Bam's Party
4)Missy's Devotedness
5)Ville's Arrival
6)An Unknown Misunderstanding

Chapter 7: Can you Find me?

Bam let Missy and Sarah get most of the show air time, he didn’t mind. Only problem was being alone, allowed him to think entirely too much. He never stopped thinking about Ville, but it only intensified when bored and on his own. For the past week, Ville had been staying at a motel near town. Ville told Bam it was due to wanting to make sure he didn’t interrupt any thing for the shootings of the show, but Bam didn’t completely believe him. Bam was on his own, hadn’t seen Ville in three days. Missing him terribly, he pulled out his cell and pushed the speed-dial number two. He’d of made Ville number one, but damned voice mail had to have that one. As the phone rings twice, then he heard breathing on the other end of the line.

“Ville? You there?”
A yawn, then replying, “ Yeah, what’s up Bammieboy?”
Bam wanted to tell him how much he missed him and ask if Ville was upset with the skater, but instead just said, “Oh, just a day to myself. Mind if we meet up for some drinks?”
Some noise came from Ville’s end of the call. Bam asks, “What’s that? Is that static? All that noise.”
“Oh, no, it’s not. Sorry, I was looking for something. I was digging in my bags from the mall. Want to meet me at the Hot Topic in the end of the mall? But come in disguise.”
“Why, everyone knows us. And how would we find each other?”
“That’s my point, I don’t want to be fawned over today, or deal with your fans either. Just us. How long has it been since we dressed up and was in public with out them knowing? It’s a bit risky, but you like that don’t you? Or are you too scared that you’ll be recognized? Or that your girl will call you home and not understand why you’re in a different outfit?”

All Ville said pricked Bam’s pride. It’s a challenge, then he’d do it. Ville was snickering to himself on his end quietly. Thank god he and Bam didn’t have the view phones, where you could see who you’re talking to while on the phone with them.

After a couple minutes, Bam responded, just as Ville had hoped.
“Okay, that’s a plan then. Any clue what you’ll be in? Should I tell you what I’ll be in?”
“Naw, I’ll find you, let’s see who can find who first. I can’t wait to find you.” Or to be found as Ville was thinking.

Both boys hung up after saying bye and the time to meet.

Bam left the house in his most simplest car, not easy there. He got the SUV out of the garage, checked his appearance again. He was dressed in loose jeans, a green shirt, with a black sweater under it, had on his thickest brown coat on, a large beanie with the bill covering his face, wore a line of eyeliner and a bit of mascara, (which took him forever to find, with out using Missy’s!) wore his Ozzy Gloves, adding to his black painted nails. It was just him mostly, but that he could hide under his hat. He thought of how Ville would never expect him to be himself, with a small chuckle to himself.

Ville, he’d already picked out some stuff from his many mall bags. He got a ball-cap put it on backwards, no make up but a bit of eyeliner, wore Trip brand pants, he almost went with the Jencos but they didn’t have any color. The Trip pants were outlined in neon green. He picked a shirt that was a skate park advertisement, it read, ‘What happens when you crash heads while on the board? Either True Love or Amnesia.’ He wore his Dark Light Shoes.
He walked out of the room, jogging to the elevator at the other end of the hall way. He pushed the white button for the main lobby. Exiting he went to the parking lot and got his rental car. He doubted Bam would remember what the vehicle looked like. He parked near the entrance of the mall. He noticed what could be Bam’s SUV, but was unsure, since the style and color are popular for that type of vehicle. He walked up to the doors, then went to the 2nd floor to walk for a bit, making Bammie wait for a bit.


Bam walked into the mall, he’d gotten there about ten minutes early, but didn’t know what vehicle Ville would be in, the rental car or a cab. He knew how Ville could be running late so he glanced past the store where they were too meet, no sign. So he went to get himself a drink at the food-mart in the center of the main floor. He was wanting to go upstairs to go look through the skate shop and maybe buy Ville something from there for Christmas. He took the manual stairs, running up there so he wouldn’t take too long. He’d hated to be kept waiting and knowing how impatient Ville could be, he knew how much it might upset the Finn. As he reached the entrance, he saw someone from the back, walking around in the store, looking over the decks. Not sure if it were a guy or girl, cause of their outfit and then long wavy hair to the shoulders. So, since curiosity got the best of Bam, he decided to go and ‘look at the decks’ and see who was looking at them too.


Ville had walked most of the top floor, then stumbled into a skate shop, wondering if he should buy himself a deck or for a friend other than Bam. He had asked a friend to drop in town for or by Christmas. After only being there a few minutes, he saw a figure walk through the door way, in a big coat and with his hat hiding his face. Ville didn’t give the stranger another thought.

Bam walked to where he was a few feet from the new person. Gauging from the height and how they carried them self, it seemed to be a guy. Then the guy went to the counter to ask about an item. Bam noticed how soft the voice was and even thought he heard an accent to it. Shaking his head, he doubted it could be Ville. Ville would go to a shop like this, but not dressed like that. Then it clicked in Bam’s head, [I] yes, he would.[/I] So, now that he’d convinced himself to find out if the ‘stranger’ was Ville or not, he walked up behind the guy. He knew that when the guy went to leave the counter, he’d see his face, maybe bump into him [I] accidentally [/I].

Ville asked the cashier what was a full package for a skate board. After hearing it depended on the type of skater and where the deck was used, he told the clerk thank you and went to turn around to leave the desk. As he did, the over-dressed guy collided into him, but had his head up, just enough that Ville seen bright dark blue eyes for a split second.
Then they guy said, “Whoa, sorry man.”
Gripping Ville’s shoulders to right him, the guy started to pull him off to the side of the shop.

Ville let himself be lead for a moment, then stopped abruptly, then stands quietly, waiting for the stranger to speak first.
"Sorry about that man, you okay? I wasn't watching where I was headed."
"I'm fine, is there anything else before I can go?"
"Well, I heard your voice and thought that you must be a tourist or new to the area. Can I help you while you're here on your stay?"
Shaking his head, Ville replied, "No, but thank you anyways. Not often to find people who offer to help others these days. Hell, I just got flipped off when I first walked in over a half hour ago at the front entrance! I don't know weather to be mad or glad, mad that it was done while I held the door open for them, or glad that it wasn't an elderly person again."
Ville chuckled, more laughing at his way of messed up thinking. The stranger laughed as well. Ville knew that sound, had learned to recognize it to learn real from fake laughter....

Bam had realized it was Ville after he heard the first sentence, but had to go on. See how long it took Ville to figure it out. Normally Ville was always the quicker of them, so it was nice to win or match at something, which was rare. Ville had a strange look to his face, as if it was dawning on him but not completely. Perhaps he was playing along now. Bam loved his outfit, was very surprised. What do you expect when you get used to seeing him in tight pants or slightly loose jeans or slacks. He'd never thought of what Ville would look like as a skater or punk. If it weren't for the singer's accented voice, Bam may have not found him, or not as quickly.

Ville became quiet, like an awkward silence. Then after a few minutes he spoke again.
"Mind if I see the face of the... well, the person who ran into me?"
Bam giggled to himself.
Ville was a bit frustrated at being out smarted, too used to getting his way. Bam always reminded him that not all or everything went how he wanted them to.
"I know it's you, Bam." Ville whispered.
Bam chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand to not be too loud. "How long did it take for you to figure it out?"
Ville just glared down at the younger man. Then he spoke finally, "I wasn't expecting it to be you, you were supposed to meet me at the gothic-punk shop. Why aren't you there?"
Bam snickered, then retorted, "So were you. Don't lecture me Valo, I may be a hypocrite, but so are you. I must admit you surprised me with the way you dressed for today. Luckily for me, you can't change your voice or laugh, or I'd of missed you completely."
Ville licked his lips then, "So you basically cheated to find me! That's not fair! And you hid your face, at least mine wasn't hid."
"Yes it was, by your hair, as usual."
"That can't be helped, it's natural."
Bam shook his head and patted Ville's shoulder.
"Then I guess that means I win, right? What's my prize?"
"What do you want Bam? It depends on what you want it to be."
Ville meant it whole-heartedly, but doubted Bam would catch the hint.
"Aww, I can't think of anything at the moment. How about what would you have wanted had you won?"
Ville thought about what he should say, knowing he could voice what he [I]really wanted [/I]. So he thought of what he was going to ask for anyways.
Then Bam spoke before Ville opened his mouth.
"I know, I want you to return you and your stuff back to Castle Bam. Stay back in your room again, leave the motel. How about that?"
Ville smiled and nodded a [I]yes[/I] to Bam. Bam then asked, "And what would you have wanted? I'm afraid I cut you off when I realized what I wanted as my prize."
Ville readjusted his hat, as he did when stalling and thinking.
"I was going to ask you if I could invite someone for the holidays?"
"Who? Certainly not Jonna, so who could you want here? The Band?"
"No, they're all with family. I wanted to invite Bert McCrakken. He's gonna be in the area, passing through, might be able to stay for the week from Christmas Eve to New Years day. But it's rude of me to ask."
"Why do you say that?
"Well you were just upset with me, and I kind of was with you. Plus, a guest asking to have a guest. Make any sense to you?"
"Yeah it does, but then most things we say only makes sense to us, not likely to anyone else."
Both just busted up laughing together.

Both walked out of the store, then stopped and leaned to the other ending in a hug. Bam's head rested against Ville's shoulder, then they pulled apart. They still had an arm behind the other's back as they walked the hall of the mall side by side. They never made it to the Hot Topic, just went to get their vehicles. Bam followed Ville to his rental and began laughing anew. His SUV, was only in the next aisle over, two spaces down. Ville turned and gave Bam a quizzical look, then Bam pointed at his car. Ville seen it and laughed too. He'd been right earlier, it was Bam's. Bam walked away to his car, turned and waved, sticking out his tongue to Ville.
Ville shouted, "Are you gonna meet me at the motel?"
"Yep, maybe even beat you there. Since I did beat you here and then won."
"Now, don't go letting all the good luck go to your head. Your ego is too much already, add much more and your brain may explode."
"Come on Valo, you're taking forever. The sooner we get you and your shit to my place, the sooner we can get something to eat."
Ville did as told, so he could lead Bam to the motel he'd picked.

End of this chapter

And to thanks for her great ideas, my sister Kirsi. she doesn't have an account yet, she mostly uses mine to leave comments with. But she is my beta now and she's awesome!
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