Chapter three of "Don't Say 'I Do'!"

Feb 17, 2007 12:27

Rating: R
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonna, Bam/Missy
Summary: Ville and Bam are realizing something...

I wasn't sure if it had to be 'friend locked' so I didn't lock it.

Chapter one: Unexpected Company

Chapter two: Ville's Dream

Chapter 3: Bam's Party in NYC

Ville got up finally, dressing himself. He pondered what he'd done or said in his sleep. Jonna never said. He went out to the studio to practice and see if he could find something of inspiration.

Back in New York City, Bam sits down at the club he'd been brought to. He'd thought of nothing but Ville since he had awoke in sweat that morning. Bam couldn't block the images of Ville's Body, the feel of his lips. Bam shook his head, trying to forget the dream. He should be thinking of Missy, not his best friend in such erotic visions and day dreams. Bam hears some of Ville's voice deep and husky as he spoke. Closing his eyes, not fighting the memories.

“Don't you want to... Have sex, make love to represent our finally found love?” Bam was just too curious for his own good, but had to ask, had to offer to the man of his heart, if only in his dreams. Bam feels himself shiver under Ville's gliding hands on his hips

His thoughts interupted by Dico, Rake, and Novak coming over to their table.Each carrying something. Rake carrying a couple of pitchers of beer, Dico with some food, and Novak with boxes that may have been gifts. Bam felt sick. Bam felt awful. Miserable at the reminders of his upcoming wedding in just two months. Hating that Monday, he'd be gack to filming his new series, “Bam's Unholy Union”. He thought that the title suited it so well. So much was wrong and 'Unholy' about this whole situation. Where to start?! First, marring his best friend from grade school. Second, not to the person he's in love with. Last, but not least, Missy knows. She's his only outlet. Bam believes she's in love with him, and he does love her, but over time, he fell out of love with her. She had been his first crush, first love, and he'd been her first in so many ways. Bam takes the offered beer, sipping on it, starring off into space.

Bam can hear that deep voice whispering to him, “Ever ride before, my Bammieboy?” Shaking his head, Ville touched Bam's opening. Bam let himself be lead to their bed. Ville had pulled him to straddle Ville. Bam remembers asking, “Shouldn't I face the opposite diretions?” Being told that they needed the lube, he grabbed it, stretching over Ville's smooth chest. Bam admits he's never don this befor and asks, “ Who should go first?” Ville spreads lube on Bam's swollen member, putting the spare lube on Bam's own fingers. Unsure, he let Ville insert on of his fingers in, adding another finger while Ville moves into Bam's hand. He heard Ville, who sounded like he was begging, “More, I need more, I need you. Please Bammie, give me yourself, all of you.” Bam replaces his fingers with the head of his cock, slowly. Next, Ville's clenched onto his hips, taking all of Bam in one pull. The feeling was amazing and shocking at once

Pulled back to the 'here and now', he answers, “Oh, what?” Dico just stared at him. Novak shakes his head at Bam, “Dude, you okay? We've asked you the same question three times. Do you want a stripper for you tonight? If not, that's cool, I'll just go and hang with a few chicks at the bar.” Bam shook his head for 'no'. Novak shrugged and went towards the bar, where a handful of women sat. Rake was sitting a table over, talking with a pair of girls, who barely looked old enough to be here. Dico nudged Bam's arm, “You okay? I know it sucks that Dunn and Raab couldn't make it, but is that what the problem is?”

*No, I miss them, but it's Ville. He couldn't come. It's been over nine months since we spent more than a few hours catching up on old times. That was just the past Helldone festival at New Years. But I can't tell Dico any of this.*

“Yeah, I do miss them. I know how it is with a TV show scheduals, filming, and making a siries, can't just up and leave it. And well, Raab is happy. Why not, with a woman who dotes on him? I'd of never believed anyone could actually find love like that y the Internet, not even taking time to get to know who they're marring. Soon I'll be like Raab, staying home or taking Missy with me when I leave the state. Except when I go on tour for the skate parks.” Dico frowns at Bam, “You'll no longer be a free man! The 'ball and chain' attached to your ankle from that day on.” Bam shrugs, “it had to happen someday. It even has a date on it, February 3rd, 2007.” Bam laughed, “It sounds more real every time I say it.” Dico nodded his agreement to Bam. Dico sees the pool table became open for new players. He looks to Bam, “Wanna play pool?” He hoped it would distract Bam and be fun. Bam gets up with Dico to the game table. Each picks up a stick, Dico puts four quarters into the side. Bam starts organizing the stripped and solid balls. After playing 'rock-paper-scissors' to see who went first, Dico broke the framed triangle. A few turns later, Bam knocks a stripped in a corner pocket. Even though he scored first, he didn't show much joy in his victory. Dico noticed, “What the hell?! Being first or winning is part of your happiness, dude! You're not even putting much effort into the game!” Bam cringes as Dico shouts, knowing its the truth, but he just didn't have the strength to act or pretend as well tonight. “Hey, I'm sorry. I can't get focused on much at the moment.” Bam looks at the floor as he said that to Dico. Dico, confused, “Wow, you love her that much? I'd of never thought you'd be this... What's the word? Oh, meloncoly when you are apart.” Bam knows he meant Missy, if he's meant Ville, then he'd been completely right. Bam just nods. Dico, losing heart for the game, agreeing that no one wins. They sit back at their table. Dico bored as hell, gets up again to go over to the juke box. He scans, looking for some rock-n-roll music. Bam drifts back to his dream once again.

Hearing that deep sexual voice shout, “More! Harder! Faster! I know you've got more power than you're using. I said 'all of you'!” Turned on even more, begins in deep pounding strokes. Watching Ville cum, gave Bam joy to know it was because of him. As Ville is cumming, his muscles tighten, causing Bam to cum with the sexy Finn. Bam had been in such a daze, that he'd barely heard Ville's question. Deciding to enjoy Ville more, licks the cum off of Ville. All the way to his new hardon. Bam covers Ville's rod with his lips, sucking a little. Feeling the singer move and begin fucking Bam's mouth. As as last thought, Bam grazes his teeth on Ville's dick, dipping his tongue into its slit. Moments later, Ville releases into Bam's mouth...

Novak stops his visiting with the chicks. He walks over to Bam. “Bam, I've got a girl for the might, I'm heading back to the motel.” Bam grasps onto Novak's words. Wanting to leave desperately, “Yeah, sure. I think I'll join you. With heading back to our rooms, not the woman.” Bam gets up to walk out. Rake and Dico got the message, also following out.

Back in Finland the singer sat at his desk, posed with pen and paper. Planning on writing a new set of lyrics, but had writers block. All he could see in his mind was a pair of dark blue-gray eyes. Shaking his head, trying to clear it, he attempted to write again.:

“To My Special Someone”
You're someone that makes me laugh,
always drawing out my smile.
Distracting and bugging me,
but keeping my attention all the while.

Your face has a special kind of glow,
with your eyes full of light.
I wonder if a person can be addictive?
'Cause being around you seems too right!

I play my part as it's given to me,
watching time just fly on by.
All I can do is play, watch, and wait,
until we're more than what meets the eye.

Do you ever see the clues I've dropped?
I can only say and show some.
I don't know how long I'll wait on you.
Every night, I pray you're not that dumb!

What's wrong with me all of the sudden?!
You've become a part of my thoughts everyday!
You've got me giggling and feeling like a teenager!
The last I ask is, “How did I get this way?”

(By: Me, Gabrielle. I wrote it on Ville's Birthday in 2005. Odd, right?! It was actually from me to a crush I'd had at that time! Lol)

After reading what he'd wrote, he smiled to himself. He saw th truth in his own writing. If only...

The cell phone in his pocket began to buzz against his thigh. Jerkin it out of his pants pocket, he opened it with out looking at the ID caller on it.
“Ville? Hey you there?” It was Bam's voice on the other line. Stunned that Bam had called while Ville had been wishing for it was uncanny to him. “Oh, hey Bam. What's new? What is it, like 4am there? If I'm right, you're 7hrs behind me, and it's llam here.” Bam was now silent nodding, only realizing the Finn couldn't see him. “Yeah it is. Did I wake you?” Ville wasn't fooled by Bam's false lightness to his tone. “What's wrong? You never call around this time, unless you're just now getting ready to go to bed. For some reason I doubt that. Now, be honest and tell me!” Bam sighed into the receiving end of his phone. “Okay, I, I....” Bam studded for words. “I, um, just wanted to catch you up on my party in New York City. If this is a bad time, than I can tell you another time.” Ville heard the quiver in Bam's voice. “No, there's more to this, you're not telling me the truth.” Ville growled. Bam shrugs to himself, “Alright, I couldn't sleep. I have some news to tell you. I can't tell you over the phone. I'd rather it be said in person. Do you have the time to fly here in Pennsylvania? Or if not, then I'll fly there.” Ville pondered for a moment. He'd already planned an excuse to give his manager so he could go to Bam. “No, I'll fly to you. Just give me a few days to get things in order before I go. I'll call when I board the plane, so you'll be expecting me at the airport. Okay?” Bam agreed, “Sounds like a plan to me. Will it be just you or the whole band?” “Why, I hadn't thought about that yet. I imagine not though. Did you want them to come too?” Bam replies, “Not necessary. If they want to, sure. You're the only one I've got to speak with alone.” Ville was now more worried than before, hearing the desperation in the younger man's speech. “So, what kept you from sleeping? Did my Bammieboy have a nightmare?” Bam recalled the possessiveness in the way Ville asked his question. “I'll explain it to you when you get here. I've gotta go, Missy is asking for me. Bye Willa.”
Click. Ville cringed at the reminder that Bam shared his bed with someone else. He had nothing against Missy, only that he envied her. Looking at the clock again, he decided to call Seppo. Seppo answered on the third ring, “This is Seppo speaking, how can I help you?” “Hey, it's Ville. I'm calling to let you know that I'm leaving to go to the States in a couple of days.” Seppo questioned, “Why? We need to get to working on the new album. Are you planning on going to LA, like last time?” “No, I'll be in Pennsylvania. Bam offered his studio and asked me to come by for his shows. Besides, while I'm gone, the guys can do the instrumental parts. If I'm not back by the time they're done, mail it to Castle Bam.” Seppo didn't argue, “Sure. Have a safe journey. I'll keep you posted. Have you told the rest of the band yet?” Ville shook his head saying, “Not yet. If you'd tell them, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.” Ville hung up his phone.

Back in Pennsylvania at Bam's Castle, he'd hung up with Ville. He'd lied about Missy calling out to him. He sat at the pirate bar, alone, just sipping on a beer. How was he going to tell Ville?! Missy had told him to be honest.

*Easier said than done!* He thought gloomily.

I'm so sorry for not posting sooner. I had to work the weekend and couldn't get on. I'm writing Chapter four at the moment. I'll put it up A.S.A.P.! Thank you for reading. I finally named it! thanks for your opinions! Love you all laterz!
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