(no subject)

Jun 18, 2007 00:39

Title: Heaven tonight

Rating: PG-13 now, NC-17 later

Pairing: VAM

Summary: Ville is royalty, Bam is a stalker (kind of)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.

chapter one:

chapter two:

Ville’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open in a gape. Outside the window, looking in at him, was the boy from his dream….!

The boy that called himself Bam had his palms pressed up aginst the window pane, his breath making a foggy cloud form on the glass. His blue eyes had an inquisitive look as they stared into Ville’s.

“Ville dear?” Anita asked, waving her hand slightly.

“Hm? Oh yes, excuse me. I seemed to be having a moment.”

“That’s quite alright dear, but its time to depart. Duty calls.” His mother made a small noise, like clearing her throat as she rose from the table.  In return, the men…and Silvia, stood. It is usual when a lady stands, that the men also do, an act of respect. When Tapani stood, his fat stomach nudged the table, making the silverware clatter and his glass tip over. Ville snorted, trying to cover it up as a cough.

He turned his gaze back to the window, the boy-Bam-had disappeared, not even a hint of the fog he had made with his breath remained. Nor were there any hand prints…that he could see anyway.

Ville was utterly confused, but he didn’t have time to ponder such things because Anita, Tapani and Silvia were already walking-well, Anita and Silvia were walking, Tapani was waddling-out the door.

Ville tore his sights from the window and sped to a trot to catch up to the small party, grabbing his coat and top hat from Jeeves as he waited for him by the door.  He thanked him with a nod, and Jeeves seemed unfazed. Ville ignored it and stopped beside Silvia, repulsed when he felt her hand snake its way into his. He snapped his head away from her, refusing to meet her gaze, but it was like a trainwreck, you really don’t want to look, but you just HAVE TO. He was literally jumping out of his skin when he saw that she was smiling at him, and squeezing his hand lightly. She thought he was a shy love-struck boy. How wrong she was.

Ville forced a smile on his face to help her believe it to avoid any ‘collisions’. He watched as Tapani loaded onto his carriage, making it tilt and the wheels and bolts groan. Ville laughed inwardly, covering his mouth. He couldn’t imagine anyone so pig-like being inside something so dainty.

Ville’s thoughts were interrupted as Silvia kissed him on the cheek and squeked out a small “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” Ville mimicked her farewell, kissing her hand, his gag reflexes acting up when he saw the hair on her knuckles. Silvia giggled and turned to board the carriage.  ‘Monster.’

Ville’s mother must have been thinking the same thing he had, because they both turned to look at each other with the same look.

“How is there room for her with him in there?”

But both persons’ thoughts were erased as their carriage rolled up, the footman opening the door for them. The exterior of their ride was adorned with gold designs, with black ostrich feathers crowning the top four corners. The carriage was white with gold tacks that swirled into what seemed to Ville, an elaborate withering tree. It was all something he had seen before, so he faintly acknowledged it with a node and stepped into the carriage. His mother was next, her dainty feet appearing like toy cars underneath her immense skirt. The lace ruffles spread out all over the floor and her seat. Ville sat parallel to her, watching his feet that were inside his pointed shoes.

The footman shut the door with a ‘click!’ and their ride began to lurch forward. Ville could hear the wheels clattering against the cobblestone streets. The first few minutes of their journey were quiet, only interrupted by the sound of the horses and the wheels clattering.

“…Ville?” Anita asked, leaning forward to catch his eye.

“Yes?” Ville jerked his head up, hands in his lap.

“Dear, are you all right?” Her voice sounded concerned.

“Oh yes, completely fine!” Ville shouted, waving his hands in the air, eyes wide. Anita raised an eyebrow at him.

“…” Ville sighed and slumped his shoulders, pouting slightly.

“You do know where were going, don’t you?” Anita asked, the feathers on her hat wiggling.

“Oh yes, I always know everything everyone doesn’t  tell me.” Ville glared, obviously clueless, and disturbed by the image of Silvia.

“Oh…Jeeves didn’t tell you?”


“Well, were going to a show. Tapani is paying, and I suppose he expects you to have Silvia tonight…” Anita winced as Ville screamed his reply:


People on the street outside the carriage stopped and stared.

“HAVE HER?! HER?!  I’LL BE DAMNED IF I HAVE TO EVEN BE SEEN WITHOUT CLOTHES BY THE LIKE S OF THAT-THAT THING!” Ville voiced his opinion loudly, his teeth bared and eyes wide.

“Ville! You’re marrying her! You’ll have to see and be seen sooner or later, you will have to produce an heir!”

“Screw the heir!” Ville spat, his mother gasped at his remark, her gloved hand covering her mouth.

“Ville!” Anita said in a sharp tone, “Like it or not, you will marry her! Ever since your father died our money has been dwindling! Were disappearing in society! To keep the bloodline going you will marry her!” Anita’s eyes were watery and her hands were clenched in fists at her sides.

“And why is our money gone mother? Because you ad to bye all you could and waste it all on clothes! You didn’t think once about anyone but yourself, and I’m not going to repent for your mistakes!” Ville yelled, making violent hand gestures and slamming a fist down on the door, knocking it open.

Anita was shocked at Ville’s outburst, but she didn’t deny anything that he had said, and looked down at the floor, the water in her eyes threatening to fall as tears.

“Agh! Don’t give me that!” Ville ground out, and pushed himself out the door, slipping slightly on the wet cobblestones. He ran, and all Anita could do was watch him, unable to do anything but shut the carriage door, curl herself up the best she could in her dress, and cry. She knew that she had been selfish and used the money to buy away her sorrows. She felt the bitter tears slide down her face, but hastily began wiping them away with her handkerchief. She didn’t want to smudge the makeup she was wearing and look bad for the Opera.

As if the fact that she thought she looked good could conceal the issue of her missing son.

To be continued…

More Bam in the next chapter, PROMISE :]
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