(no subject)

Jun 12, 2007 14:44

Title: Heaven Tonight

Pairing: Vam

Rating: PG-13 now, NC-17 later

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.

Summary: The year is 1730, Ville is royalty. Bam is a stalker. (kind of)

chapter one:

Ville smoothed back his hair and dashed out the door to the dining room.


“How nice of you to join us.” Anita-Ville’s mother-said laconically.

‘Us?’ Ville thought, confused by the use of this term. ‘There is someone joining us this morning?’ Then he spotted him, the father of the girl he was being forced to marry. ‘Oh god, why is he here?’

Ville tried his best to give out an exceptional smile to the damned man. The said man was about 5” 10” with a head of salt-and-pepper hair and matching beard. His eyes were a deep brown and radiated greed, Ville thought. He was rather fat, and clad in the usual attire of suit and his red sash that marked his rank in society. His collar was adorned with precious stones that he didn’t deserve. His hands had rings on every finger and Ville thought he was a complete wanker.

“You know Silvia’s father, Tapani?” Ville’s mother asked.

“Yes, of course.” Ville replied and strode forward to shake the multi-colored sausages that were Tapani’s hand.

“Ah, Ville me boy!” Tapani babbled, his fat neck jiggling. Frankly, this entire being that was Tapani made Ville sick to his stomach, but he spoke up nonetheless.

“Yes, yes, how are you Tapani?”

“Jolly good! Jolly good!” Tapani laughed, his belly bouncing. He had a voice like an opera singer, loud and echoing. It hurt Ville’s ears.

“I trust that you know your future wife?” He bellowed, stepping aside to reveal the daughter he had been hiding with his immense body.

‘Oh my God! She’s here too?!  Why didn’t mother warn me!? Why God?!  Why?!’  Ville thought frantically while kissing the hideous girl’s tiny hand, taking his all not to grimace while she swooned.

The girl in question had mousy brown hair that was pulled back into an elaborate bun, with ostrich feathers and pearls. Her skin was oily and looked unwashed, her nails had dirt under them. Sometimes Ville wondered if she really was royalty and not an imposter. She had deep blue eyes with a near mono-brow and a mole on her cheek.  Her dress was of white and pink silk, overly puffy sleeves and a ridiculously large skirt that was adorned with so many sparkles it would practically blind you if you set sight on it in the light.

Ville looked her over with visible disdain, however instantly regretted it as his mother cleared her throat and Tapani gave him a slightly expectant look.

Silvia held out her hand for Ville to take it in his own as she smiled, making her yellowed teeth appear and her fat cheeks puff out. Ville took it anyway, shuddering on the inside and sat down at the table. Tapani and Anita followed suit with Jeeves and Margarette-Anita’s maid-right behind them serving breakfast. There was so much to choose from, as there always was. The table seemed to glow with pastel colors, as did the rest of the castle, with all the food that was served. Not really paying any attention to what he was picking up, Ville piled his plate high, determined to eat the entire time and not talk at all.

But to his misfortune, Tapani spoke up, about the dreaded wedding. “So Ville, when are you planning to have the wedding?”

Ville spat up his orange juice in a violent wave that cascaded over the table like a sneeze.

“Oh my.” Silvia’s overly high-pitched voice squeaked while patting Ville on the back with a gloved hand.

“I know that look, not wantin’ to have the wedding?” Tapani’s now pompous voice called.

Ville wanted to shout at him at the top of his lungs: “Of course I don’t want to have a wedding! I refuse to take part in this monstrosity’s life!”  But of course, he knew that he couldn’t say that. The Ylijumala family had a lot of money and his mother would sever his head for disrespecting them.

So instead he replied perhaps a little too hastily. “No, no sir, it just took me by surprise at the suddenness of your question.” Ville wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

Tapani laughed at Ville, making him angry and uncomfortable.  So he continued with an action that may please the bulbous man. He took Silvia’s hand in his own, nuzzled it and kissed her cheek while she giggled and squirmed.

“I thought that I would leave the wedding up to my darling wife-to-be.” Ville said overly sweetly, almost with sarcasm. Tapani was too wrapped up in himself and his plate to catch his tone. Ville made a mental note to wash out his mouth with soap from getting a mouthful of the caked-on powder that resided on Silvia’s face, he was beginning to feel it grit in-between his teeth. Tapani guffawed at Ville’s reply and made him feel insulted. He scoffed under his breath at him and rubbed his sleeve hard up against his mouth, ridding it of the surface powder.

“Jolly good!” Tapani started, waving his hands. “I know my Silvia will do a wondrous job!” His gluttonous mouth opened widely in another laugh. Ville felt disgusted and looked to his mother for possible reassurance, but to no avail, she had her face buried in a cup of tea, purposely obscuring the view of her son.

Ville sighed, running a hand through his hair. This was complete madness it was! He rested his head in his hand and looked out the window.

Ville’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open in a gape. Outside the window, looking in at him, was the boy from his dream….!

aha, cliff hanger.

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