Frozen To Lose It All- Chapter 102

May 27, 2007 23:07

Title: Frozen To Lose It All
Pairing: Vam, Vonne
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ville has been with Jonne for two years now and they want to start their life together. But, when Bam gets in the picture will it stay the same or will everything fall apart?
*Note* This will end up being a MPreg in later chapters. Also, Jonne is a few years older in this since I didn't want Ville to be considered a molester. :p
Disclaimer: If I owned Ville, Bam, or Jonne do you really think I'd be writing??

“For the last time,” Ville groaned, walking through the door. “No ones seeing that tape!” Jonne cocked his head, looking up from reading some mail in his hand.

“What tape?”

“Nothing…how’re the kids doing?”

“Fine, they just ate a little bit ago…”

“Good,” Bam sighed, taking their bags into their bedroom.

“How was Vegas?” Jonne asked. Ville snuffed. “That good, huh?”

“Oh yeah…it was fun, though. It gave us a good break…listen, I have to talk you about something.” Jonne furrowed his brow, putting the mail down and nodding.

“Y-yeah, I do, too…” Ville sat down on the couch, Jonne following. “You go first.”

“Well, when we were in Vegas we were talking about some things…and decided that it’d be best if we moved back to West Chester for awhile. Now, you can come with us, or you can live here. Whatever you want…” Jonne bit his lip. “Too much shit has happened over here, that we just need a break for awhile, you know?”

“Yeah, um…Ville…”

“What’s wrong?” he asked, honestly concerned.

“I’m moving back to Tampere…”

“Oh, okay…I thought there was something wrong,” Ville sighed, getting up. He nearly made it into the kitchen before Jonne blurted it out.

“With Christus.” Stopping dead in his tracks, Ville whipped around, eyes wide. “Ville-“

“You’re what?!” he yelled, Jonne jumping. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

“Ville, you don’t understand…”

“I don’t understand?! I understand that he beats the hell out of you! I understand that he gave you a miscarriage, I understand that he tried to KILL YOU!”

“He’s changed…”

“Nobody changes like that, Jonne! He’s an abusive prick, you can’t change that!” Jonne looked down and took a breath, not wanting to look his ex in the eye. “How could you put Katja through this? What makes you think he won’t hit her?!”

“He has no reason to…”

“Oh, but he has a reason to smack you around?” Blushing, he slowly handed Ville a letter he had gotten from the court. “What’s this?”

“I dropped the restraining order,” he whispered. “The one for you guys still goes, but…” Ville stared at it, laughing slightly.

“You know what…you deserve to be killed by him. Get out.”


“Get out!” he growled, pushing Jonne to his room. “If you’re gonna be with him, I don’t want you here!”

“So, you’re kicking me out because of who I date?” he asked appallingly.

“No, I don’t want to see you kill yourself!”

“I’m not gonna die! He’s changed!” Ville gritted his teeth and suddenly punched the wall roughly. “Ville stop!”

“Get the fuck out! I don’t wanna get the call that you’re fucking dead, alright? Now, go!” Jonne’s mouth hung agape as he watched Ville throw his belongings into empty suitcases, getting a strange déjà vu.

“So, what, is this some sort of payback for what happened with us? That was different, Ville! You cheated on me! I had every right to kick you out!”

“I don’t give a shit about that!” Ville shouted back. “I’m glad I got out of that, now I don’t have to deal with your whiney bullshit!”

“I whine? Look at you, you have to pump your body full of drugs just to get up in the morning! You can’t even function without popping some Lithium, and you think I’ll end up dead?! I didn’t try to kill myself, Ville!” Ville’s eyes turned dark as he walked to the door and faced him.

“No…but, maybe you should.” Tears sprung to his blue eyes while Ville walked out, leaving him in complete shock. How could he say that to him? Maybe it truly was best if he left and went back to Christus. Deep down he knew it wasn’t healthy to live with Ville since he was, in fact, still madly in love with him. There was no chance in hell he would ever admit that fully, though. Packing the rest of his things, Jonne grabbed Katja and walked out, leaving his key on the table.

“I don’t wanna hear it, Ella,” Ville said, taping up a card board box. She whined, stomping her foot.

“But why can’t Jonne come back with us?” she huffed.

“Ella May Valo, for the last time, I don’t wanna hear it!” Shoving an empty box, she stormed into her room just as Bam came into the kitchen.

“What was that about?” he asked.

“The same thing she’s been bitching about for the past week.” Saying no more, Bam started to move some of the packed boxes to the door while Ville loaded more things into empty ones.

“Have you talked to him since then?” Bam asked quietly. Ville looked up, tilting his head.

“Why would I?” He shrugged, continuing to stack boxes. “I never wanna see that cunt again…”

“Don’t you think that’s a little harsh?”

“No, I think that’s putting it in a nice way, actually.” Bam raised an eyebrow. “Don’t look at me like that…”

“Well, Vil’, I mean…c’mon…he’s just lonely.” Ville groaned, lifting a box.

“He’s not lonely, just stupid…and even if he was lonely, he could find someone, not go back to that fuck.” Bam rolled his eyes and went out into the hallway. “What was that for?”

“You say that you hate him and that you don’t care about him, but then you bitch that he went back to Christus. So…which one is it?” Glaring, Ville put the box down and went into the kitchen. “I take that as a ‘you don’t know…’”

“No,” he called from the kitchen. “Take that as ‘you should know better than to ask that.’”

“Right,” Bam chuckled. “How stupid of me.”

“Fuck you, Brandon.”

“You have, Rakkahammes,” he smiled, going into the bedroom.

“Goddamn it, I don’t have gapped teeth!” Bam laughed to himself as he went over to the window to grab Ville’s wooden chest.

“Fuck, this things heavy,” he groaned through gritted teeth. Propping it on the bed, he picked up one end, but accidentally tipped the other end, sending all of its contents to the floor. “Ugh, shit…” He immediately began to place everything back in before Ville came back in to avoid bitching from the Finn.

First, were a few books, mostly classic poets like Edgar Allen Poe and Charles Baudelaire. Then, came mounds of pictures that were either in bulk or in albums. His lyric book and journal were also there, which Bam quickly put away. The last item, a tiny keepsake box, was something he had never seen before.

‘He’d kill me if I opened it,’ he thought to himself. ‘But…’ Looking over his shoulder, Bam slowly opened it to find a small, black and white ultra sound picture. ‘What the…which kid is this?’ He glanced around it to look for a date and found it on the bottom.

‘17/5/95…what the fuck?’
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