Not Who you think he is Chapter 3 Train Spotting.

May 27, 2007 23:05

Title: Not who you think he is,
Author: Amaroqwolf_inc.
Rating: PG-13 for now, will most likely go up later.
Pairings: Chad/Bam, Vam of course a bit later.
Synopsis: Bam Margera isn't exactly who we all think he is, come with me on a journey of a lifetime and find out exactly what is hidden behind eyes so blue.
A/N: This fic is mine originally written on another site over a year ago, this is the reedited, rewritten MUCH better version of that same fic. I have to incorporate the old with the new and such so as a half ass hack your enjoying one of my original works. Also thank you to my new Beta johnnie_ann. Come on Folks! Please reveiw, I know the chapters are short for now, but belive me once I get past the next chapter, their gonna get hella long. So PLEASE reveiw so I know your interested.

Love and Hugs,

Chapter 1-What he

Chapter 2-Sister Mary’s Home for Orphaned and abandoned children

The buzzing of the alarm clock next to his ear woke him up almost instantly. With his heart pounding he slammed his hand down on it, silencing it quickly. He sat there in silence listening to the creaking of the house above him. Breathing heavily he finally took a deep breath. The room above his head was still silent, thankfully, so he slowly crawled off the old mattress on the floor and yanked on his clothes. He carefully tip toed up the stairs and listened at the door.

He listened for what felt like an eternity and almost started getting to him, the image of someone listening to him from the other side of the door popped into his head. He swallowed and slipped out into the hallway and looked around quickly then practically sprinted for the front doorway.

He was almost there when a hand grabbed his arm whirled him around slamming him into the wall. The space between his shoulders struck something hard and the air rushed from his lungs. He gasped for air his eyes wide starring at the man pinning him to the wall.

“Where ya going boy?” The man hissed.

“S..School,” he stammered out softly.

“Oh you are, are ya?” he growled. “Going to get that education you prize so much?”

He closed his eyes then as the man moved in closer his hands sliding along his skin, revulsion ran rampant through him and he held his breath praying for this to end. The man groped him for a few more minutes then released him chuckling. “Get the fuck out of here.”

He pushed himself off the wall and darted out the front door and onto the streets. He hunched his shoulders against the cold wind as it whipped into his thin frame. He shivered and hurried down the streets avoiding a few icy puddles that littered the sidewalk. Finally reaching his destination, he slowly climbed the stone steps upwards. He slipped around the corner and hopped the metal fence and slumped against the stone wall to watch the trains fly by on their never ending journey to where ever they were going.

He buried his face in his knees, taking deep, shaky breaths trying to regain control of himself, he shuddered his stomach rolling.

“Hey, Chad,” someone called.

He jerked his head up looking to his left he sent a shaky smile to Tina, the old woman who ran the ticket booth. “Hey, Tina.”

“You alright honey?” the woman asked.

“Never better,” he called back pulling a notebook from his backpack and started writing trying to ignore the cold and knowing as soon as he had enough money he’d be on the next train out of this shit hole of a town. And as far away from his father as he could get. He ignored the tears leaking from his eyes and smacking down on the pages of his notebook as his pen raced across the paper
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