Burning Ambers part2

May 10, 2007 21:44

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Steve-O came with Johnny Knoxville to Bam’s house early the next

morning.  Knoxville quietly opened the front door to Castle Bam.  He and

Steve-O had done this so many times.  Come in, do some random thing

to Bam, run like hell laughing the whole way out.  Last week, they had

drenched Bam in flour, doing his face last.  Bam came up sputtering and

spitting a white pasty substance for hours!  Today, they planned on just

shoving him off the bed.  That was always funny!  Seeing Bam on the

ground, pure shock plastered to his face before it quickly turned to


priceless!  Steve-O stifled a laugh as they slowly pushed their way in

through the now slightly ajar door.  Steve-O was semi-shocked to find

Bam on the couch, and even more shocked to see that Ville was there


Steve-O and Johnny knew the two were best friends so seeing them like

that wasn’t a shock.  Johnny, impatient with the hold up, shoved Steve-O

the rest of the way in.  “Get your hairy-…” Johnny started but stopped

mid sentence when he saw that the skater and singer were on the couch.

They both snickered, figuring the two had gotten themselves drunk and

then crashed as soon as they got home.  They always did that when Ville

came for a visit.  In a kind of creepy way, Ville and Bam looked cute.

Over the course of the night, both men had shifted in their sleep.  Bam,

the usually dominant one, had an arm slipped around him as if he were a

big teddy bear.  Ville had his face subconsciously nestled into Bam’s wavy

hair.  Since the two were on the couch, pushing them off would be much

too hard and the two would probably wake up before they had fallen.

“Scream.” Johnny whispered, sneaking quietly over to the couch.  Steve-O

grinned, liking the new change of plan.  The Steve-O and Johnny’s faces

were mere inches from Ville and Bam’s.  The soft smell of cigarettes was

noticeable this close to the Finn.  Holding up three fingers, Johnny did a

silent count down: 3…2…1… a small breath intake and then,

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!”  Johnny and Steve-O screamed simultaneously

jerking their heads back just incase one of the sleepers jumped.

Bam’s eyes snapped open and he let a short yell, shooting up into

a sitting position.  Ville’s eyes bulged from the sudden noise and motion.

Realizing what exactly was going on; he leaned back down not realizing

that he had sat up in the first place.  Immediately, Bam’s eyes locked

onto Johnny, then Steve-O who were both doubled over laughing.  Bam,

still pretty tired, took a step toward the two in an attempt at scaring them

a bit.  Thankfully it worked, and Steve-O and Johnny quickly ran out of

the house still laughing of course.  “What the hell is wrong with them?”

Ville yawned.  Bam shook his head “Your guess is as good as mine.” He

took a seat back on the couch next to Ville who had turned so that Bam

had room.  Bam stretched and stood up.  “Want anything to eat?” He

asked, scratching his side as he made his way to the kitchen.  “Naw, I’m

fine.” Ville replied, smiling at the thought of the skater trying to cook.

Bam came back in with a box of cereal and plopped down on the couch

again, leaning back into the cushions.  Reaching his hand in, pulled out a

fistful of cheerios, and started eating.  Ville watched silently for a couple

minutes before he finally spoke.  “Do you do that with all your food?” He

questioned, watching Bam’s hand disappear back into the box.  “Do

what?” He asked, grinning through a full mouth.  Ville shook his head

and leaned over to Bam and snatched a few cheerios from the box.

“Thought you said you didn’t want anything to eat.” Bam pointed out

moving the box away from Ville’s hand teasingly.  Ville stuck out his

bottom lip. “You’re not sharing with me?” He asked playfully sounding

hurt.  ‘Damn! That’s so cute!’ Bam thought, taking in the cute pout Ville

was sending his way.  Bam quickly regained his composure, “Nope, not

sharing with you!” He said arrogantly closing his eyes in a slightly snobby

way…all joking of course.  Ville did a half dive for the cheerios and

managed to grab part of the box.  “Hey! My cheerios!” Bam laughed,

trying to pout.  Quickly standing up, he pulled the box but Ville wouldn’t

let go.  Ville gave another tug and the box ripped at a ragged angle.

Cheerios went flying!  Most of them landing on Ville, the floor, or the

couch.  Bam stumbled backwards, falling to the ground with a loud thud.

They both stared at each other for a second, slightly surprised by what

just happened.  Bursting out into laughter, Bam held his gut and rolled

on the ground, laughing hysterically.  Ville’s laugh was a bit deeper and

richer.  When the laughter had died down a bit, Bam looked up at Ville

“My poor cheerios…” He said with a smirk before grabbing a nearby

cheerio and popping it in his mouth.  Ville pulled a face, “You started it,

and it’s your entire fault these poor cheerios have been evicted from the

boxy home.” He stifled a laugh as best he could, watching Bam clumsily

stand up and brush off a few cheerios from his pants.  He took his seat

next to Ville and leaned back, so glade that his friend had made the

surprise visit.  Ville absently scooted closer to Bam so that they were

nearly touching.  With a roll of his eyes, he pulled a cheerio out of Ville’s

hair and stuck it in his mouth.  Ville made a face at Bam “You’re sick.”

He said, not really meaning it.  Bam grinned, “I know, tell me something

new.”  Ville shook his head, sending cheerios flying, a few hitting Bam.

“Watch where you’re firing those! You almost hit my perfect nose!” Bam

complained, sending them both into another laughing fit.  Ville couldn’t

remember how long it had been since he had enjoyed someone’s company

this much.  The Finn, swept up in the moment, pulled his knees up to his

chest and rested his head under Bam’s chin.  He let out a content sigh, not

realizing how awkward Bam started to feel.
Meh, I tried to fix it up and I think it's better (as far as ability to read) than the first part...yeah...sorry for the delay.
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