Burning Ambers part 1

May 07, 2007 23:22

Bam rolled over in his sleep, his thick brown hair falling into his face. He squeezed his amber eyes shut tighter as he heard a knock on the door. He squirmed a bit in frustration at being woken. Squinting at the clock, it read 10:27 a.m., untangling him self from the crimson blankets with an annoyed sigh; he stretched lazily before walking out of his room in just his heart-a-gram logo-ed PJ bottoms. Sleepily, he managed shuffled downstairs to see who had intruded upon his sleep. He leaned against the door frame as he opened the door. He had to squint as the bright light flooded into Castle Bam. “Yea?” He asked, unable to see who was standing there. “So glade to see you’re awake.” came a familiar voice, richly accented. Bam recognized who it was immediately, “VILLA! Aren’t you supposed to be touring in Europe?” The skater asked, pronouncing Ville’s name correctly…unlike so many other people. Villa grinned, “It turns out someone screwed up my schedule and gave me this week off instead of next month. I figured you’d be someone willing to put up with me for a week or so.” Bam, now nearly fully awake with this pleasant surprise, stepped back from the door allowing Ville to come in. “Of course, you’ll be staying in the guest room…” Bam said with an evil grin, even though he knew it wouldn’t matter to Ville. The guest room was a basic white room but red was splattered over everything as if a murder had taken place. The walls had sloppy, dripping, painted words of warning or violence. (i.e. ‘Revenge’ ‘Gonna kill you’) Ville grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder as he walked in. “So very kind of you.” He said, slightly sarcastic but really did like the guest room. He tossed his stuff down next to the couch and grinned at his friend. “My gawd, did you cut your hair?” Ville asked, wide eyed. He walked over to Bam and grabbed the now very short hair. It was almost not enough to grab! Bam snickered, “Yea, I cut it so no one would pull on my hair. Seems it backfired on me.” Bam said ducking a bit and backing out of Ville’s grasp. Ville chuckled, it was a deep, rich, throaty sound that made Bam tingle, of course he’d never tell Ville that. Ville hooked his arm around Bam’s neck in a friendly manner. “So, I see you’ve been active today.” The Finn joked, gesturing towards Bam’s heart-a-gram pajama pants. Bam had momentarily forgotten that he was still in his pajamas. “Get comfy, I’ll go change. I was thinkin’ a bar?” Bam asked, already heading upstairs. Ville nodded, “Sounds good to me!” He answered, lounging back on the couch. He and Bam had been drinking buddies ever since they had met. Ville lazily twirled a tassel on the one of the silky pillows he had leaned into. Surprisingly, Bam didn’t take long at all to change. He came down in a slightly baggy ‘H.I.M.’ shirt and loose jeans. He had his hat on and grabbed his dark blue skater shoes with red laces, which were located on opposite sides of the room. Grabbing his keys to the purple Lamborghini, Bam and Ville headed out for a night of drinking. Of course, no night is complete without getting kicked out of a bar so it would be a night of bar hopping.

Bam and Ville were leaning heavily on one another as they walked into the house, laughing nearly hysterically. “And then!” Ville laughed, hardly ably to finish his sentence, “And then she just stared at you like you were gawd or something!” Ville managed to finally say. Bam nodded, eyes squeezed shut from laughing so hard. He doubled over, throwing him and Ville off balance. They both struck, only barely able to roll onto their backs. Both were weak from laughing so much…and of course the beer had a bit to do with it. Bam managed to stand up, only to fall backwards onto Ville when Ville gave Bam’s shirt a soft tug. “Oohf!” Bam gasped slightly, before laughing. Ville’s arm was pinned slightly underneath Bam’ weight, “Bammie! You’re bruising my fragile body!” Ville whined jokingly, sending them both into another fit of drunken giggles. Bam somehow made it all the way to couch, where he lay back lazily, his head spinning slightly. Ville stood up slowly, he had calmed down and only a slightly amused smile played on his lips. He started toward the guest room to relax for a while but was pulled onto the couch by Bam. Ville didn’t bother trying to pull away, truth be told, he liked being close to Bam and since they were best friends this was a casual position for them to be in. Bam scooted over so that Ville laid part on him and part on the couch so it was more comfortable. Bam’s arm started to fall asleep under Ville’s weight, pulling it free he draped it over Ville’s shoulder. Ville leaned his head back, resting in the nook of Bam’s arm. He begins to sing ‘The Sacrament’ softly. Bam relaxed allowing himself to slip into the lyrics and the sweet, haunting tone of Ville’s deep voice. Ville blushed slightly as he felt Bam’s hand gently incase his own. Ville looked up, expecting to see Bam looking at him but only saw a very content looking face with closed eyes. Ville wished he knew what his Bammie was dreaming of. Of course, Bam was not asleep. He figured it would be easier to get what he wanted without Ville thinking he was conscious. What he wanted really, was just to have Ville close, to hear his voice and feel his flawless, milky skin. Most of all, he wanted to get lost in Ville’s enticing green eyes…but that would be awkward and he knew it, even drunk, Bam knew better than to jeopardize his friendship. Ville wiggled slightly, to see if Bam was too stoned to really feel/care what he did. When Bam did move, Ville risked it. “Good night, luv.” He whispered in a thick Finnish voice before gently pressing his lips against the hand that still held his. They both gently drifted to sleep, a satisfied smile shown on both their faces.
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