Kosto Chapter 9 "Games"

Apr 09, 2007 09:43

Kosto (Revenge)

By VillesPrincess

Summery:  when Ville was 7 years old, he was hit with the trauma of his mother's death.  Soon after he is sent away to The Tuoni House, a foster home for orphaned children where he meets Bam.  Together the two of them go through a living hell there, fall in love and then end up batteling a demon from his past.  * Kisses y’all for being so patient with me *

Paring: Vam 
Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story... and a few of the characters that I made up in my own head
Length: unknown thusfar

Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoy this!  I know it’s a bit depressing, but that’s the way I like it.
Rating: PG  this chapter.
Editor:   for this chapter  annulo_peccatus

Chapter 9 “Games”

Ville reached out to take Bam's extended hand and pulled himself up off of the bed.  Bam smiled at him and Ville smiled back, happy that he finally had someone to talk to.

They walked quietly, their fingers intertwined. When they entered the adjoining room, Bam dropped his hand and ran over to Jonne and the boys, leaving Ville alone just inside the doorway.  Taavetti and Jukka were playing make-believe with Jesse.  Taavetti was playing with a 'truck', which was really nothing more than a rectangular cardboard box, and Jukka was pretending to be a frightened town's person as Jesse was being a giant monster coming to attack the city of people.

Inbetween roars and stomps on the tiny people, Jesse giggled happily.  Jonne sat cross-legged on the floor and watched in amusement.

Jukka picked up an imaginary phone and called the men in the 'truck'. "Hurry, please!  He is almost here!" He shouted.

"I'm nearly there!  I can see the monster!  He's HUGE!"  Taavetti shouted back.

Jesse giggled and asked Jonne how big of a monster he was.

"50 feet tall!"   Jonne said excitedly.  Jesse pondered this and then asked, "How big is 50 feet?"

"Bigger than this room." Jonne replied.  "Bigger than this whole building!  You are so big that you could squish the Tuonis' with your feet!"

Jesse's eyes grew as big as saucers. "Wow!"

Jonne nodded, telling them to continue.  That's when Bam looked around and noticed that Ville had not followed him.

"Ville?  What are you doing?  Come watch TV with us."

Ville smiled and nodded.  He skipped over and sat cross-legged, like Jonne, next to Bam.  The smile stayed on his face as he watched his little brother 'on TV'.

They each took turns putting on shows for one another, and soon Linde and Mige joined them.

As Bam had said, Linde was shy.  He didn't want to be 'on TV' today and decided he would just sit and watch. Jukka had been in nearly all of the shows and wanted a break so he sat with Linde as Ville, Jesse, Bam, Taavetti and Jonne all performed.

Far too soon, the rest of the children began to file in and get ready for bed, forcing them to stop their fun.  No one spoke as they washed their faces, hands, and brushed their teeth.  Mostly there were just small whines about how cold the water was and happy sighs once they lay in their beds.

Everyone was in bed when Mrs. Tuoni came in to check.  She tapped the end of each bed as she passed it, as if counting.  Once she was satisfied she turned off the two dim lights, one in each room, and left.

Through the darkness Ville could just make out the dark figure of his little brother.  He knew that Jesse was exhausted so he wasn't surprised to see that he was already asleep.

Turning over, he searched for evidence that Bam was still awake.  After finding none he decided to try whispering his name.  "Bam?" He waited a moment and tried again, "Bam?"

"What?"  He whispered back.

"I. I just wanted to know what's gonna happen tomorrow."

"Well, probably the same thing as today.  I mean, we are both stuck in here tomorrow, with nothing to do. the rest of the guys probably won't come up 'til near time for bed. We should really go to sleep now, Mr. Tuoni likes to do random checks to make sure we are all quiet and sleeping."

"Oh, okay."

"Goodnight, Ville."

"Sweet dreams, Bammie."

Bam smiled at new nickname and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Ville stayed awake a little longer, thinking things over.  Soon he fell into an uneasy sleep, nightmares filled with the events of the past week and things his mind made up...  none of which he would remember in the morning.


The next morning Ville awoke a bit startled.  Mrs. Tuoni had come in, yelled shrilly for them all to get up and then slammed the door behind her.

"Come on, Ville, you gotta get up.  Mr. Tuoni left you some clothes.  You'd better get changed fast, 'cause we've gotta get downstairs to eat and then start chores.  Remember, don't eat until Mr. Tuoni says so, or you'll get in trouble again."

Ville nodded and Bam started to leave. "Hey, wait!  Mr. Tuoni said that Jesse and I have to stay here. We've still got 2 days left."

"Oh, yeah." Bam paused for a moment, thinking, then said, "Look, I'll try to sneak some food up here for you as soon as I can. maybe at lunch time. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, Bammie."  Ville sighed.

Bam started away again and waved back.  Ville looked over at Jesse and noticed that he had fallen asleep again on top of his covers, in the middle of getting his jeans on.  Ville smiled before resigning himself to wandering around the room.


A few torturously boring hours later, Ville heard faint footsteps, as if someone were sneaking around and immediately knew it was Bam. He rushed over to the door and waited for it to open, not opening it himself in case he was wrong.  He watched as very, very slowly the knob on the door turned and a soft, brown, curly mop of hair poked through the crack.


Excitement bubbled in his stomach.  "Bammie!"  He bounced in front of him and pulled him through the door.

Bam smiled up at him and presented him with the little bundle he had in his hands.  "It's not much, but it was all I could sneak away without getting caught.  Where's Jesse?"

"Thanks, Bambam."  He smiled and hugged him. "Jesse is in the other room exploring.  Mostly just looking under the beds.  So far, all he has found are a few rather large dust bunnies and a rock." He paused for a second and then giggled.  "Come on, we'll go see if he has discovered anything new."  Ville put the little bundle in his right hand and grabbed Bam's hand with his left.

Quietly they walked together to see what Jesse was up to.  When they got into the room, Jesse was nowhere in sight.  Of course, Ville knew that there was no where he could go, but that didn't stop him from worrying.

"Jesse?"  He called out, but there came no answer.  Shoving the food back at Bam and dropping Bam's hand, he came down on his knees and looked under the line of beds.  His worry vanished, there he was.  Fast asleep, yet again, curled up in a little ball. He was holding a doll he had found in his arms, on the floor, underneath a bed near the far wall.

Smiling, Ville got up and walked over to the sleeping ball.  "He sleeps more than any kid I have ever met!  Better than being bored, I guess."

Bam walked over to them as Ville shook Jesse's shoulder to wake him.  "Jesse? Wake up, Bammie brought us some food!"

Jesse rolled over to face them and opened one eye as he asked, "Food?"

"Well, some bread and two apples."  Bam laughed.

This time both of Jesse's eyes opened and he smiled broadly. "I like apples!"

Ville giggled and nodded. "They are his favorite."

"What's your favorite?" Bam asked

Ville replied with a shrug and said, "I dunno, I like all kinds of fruit."

Bam smiled more brightly and handed the bundle back to Ville so he could open it.  Ville gratefully took it from him.  He quickly unwrapped the bundle and handed Jesse one of the two bread rolls and an apple.  It honestly wasn't much, but they enjoyed it nonetheless.

Bam sat and watched as they ate and when they finished he announced that he had to go before anyone missed him.  Ville nodded that he understood, but it was at that moment that he remembered that Bam was supposed to stay here as well.

"Bammie, aren't you in trouble too?"

Bam looked at him quizzically for a moment and then smiled. "I guess they forgot. No one said anything about it."  Then he shrugged and said he would be back soon.

Ville and Jesse spent the rest of the day playing quietly.  Bam didn't come back until just before bedtime.  He explained that Mrs. Tuoni had been watching him like a hawk ever since he came back from the room and that the moment he was done with one chore, he was given another.

Everyone had gone to bed, exhausted, except Ville and Jesse.  Jesse had already slept more than enough for that day so he wasn't tired at all, and Ville hadn't been put to work, so he still had enough energy to run around for a few more hours.  Unfortunately, they were forced to get in bed and be quiet.  Jesse protested at first, but after being warned by nearly everyone there that if he didn't get in bed, he would get in trouble, he gave up.  He plopped himself down onto his bed and fidgeted.  He didn't want to go to sleep.  He had no need.  Eventually though, he stopped moving so much and fell asleep.  Ville, on the other hand, couldn't get to sleep for hours.  He tossed and turned, sang songs in his mind and thought about Erkki and how he wished he could have stayed with him and his family.  Having met Bam, though, he felt a little guilty about such a wish.  There was no way that he was going to leave without Bam, ever.  He somehow felt connected to the quirky little brunette, even... safe, with him.  He was even still awake to see Mr. Tuoni doing one of his checks on all of the children.  He had pretended to be asleep so that he wouldn't get in trouble and when he left.  All was quiet again.  As with his brother, he eventually clamed down enough to clear his mind and drift off.


Thankyou all for being so pateint with me.  This chapter was kind of a pain in the ass to get finished, but I think it turned out all right.  Comment PLEASE!
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