Kosto Chapter 7

Jan 08, 2007 14:13

Kosto (Revenge)

By VillesPrincess

Summery:  when Ville was 7 years old, he was hit with the trauma of his mother's death.  Soon after he is sent away to The Tuoni House, a foster home for orphaned children where he meets Bam.  Together the two of them go through a living hell there, fall in love and then end up batteling a demon from his past.  * Kisses y’all for being so patient with me *

Paring: Vam 
Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story... and a few of the characters that I made up in my own head
Length: unknown thusfar

Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoy this!  I know it’s a bit depressing, but that’s the way I like it.
Rating: PG 14 (for language and a bit of abuse)  also note that this rating is only for this chapter.


Chapter 7 “Treasure of Sorts”

Mr. Tuoni grabbed Ville and Jesse’s wrists tightly.  “How dare you!  How dare you fight against my wife!  Come with me, NOW!”  He said, as if they had a choice in the matter.  His hold was so tight on their arms that it was cutting off circulation to their hands as he spun them around and dragged them out of the dinning room.  They were moving so fast that Ville couldn’t tell where they were anymore, much less how to get back to where they were before.  He knew that they had gone up a flight of stairs but he wasn’t sure if he had gone up another.  Then he felt his wrist being released, the blood flowing back into his hand and the terrible pin prinking, tingling feeling every time he moved it.  The door they stood in front of flung open and Mr. Tuoni’s hand flew to the back of Ville’s neck as he shoved both of the boys inside the room and then spun them around to face him.  His breathing was harsh, as he looked at both of them.

“Your first day here and already you have broken a rule and fought back against my wife!”  He roared, “Don’t you ever, EVER do that again!  You are to stay here, in this room, with no food and only water to drink for the next 3 days unless either my wife or I come in here to get you.  But don’t count on it.  Don’t even THINK of escaping or I promise you, your punishment will be far worse!”  He slammed the door shut behind him and Ville and Jesse were left in silence.

Jesse ran over to the bed that had his name on it and jumped onto it and buried his face into the pillow.  Ville heard Jesse’s muffled cries and slowly walked over to his bed.

“Jesse?” he asked tentatively.

“Ville I wanna go home!  I want Momma!  I don’t wanna be here any more, please Ville?  Please can we go home?” he sobbed.

“I’m sorry Jesse, I’m sorry, but we can’t go home.  We have to stay here.  Maybe… maybe if we stay here, Momma will find us… maybe she will take us home.  But we have to wait here for her, okei?”

Jesse nodded but continued to cry.  Ville crawled up onto the bed next to him and Jesse curled up into his side, his head on Ville’s shoulder.  Ville held him close as he cried.  Tears sprang up into his eyes as well, but again he wouldn’t let them fall.  He couldn’t, not now, not while Jesse was so upset.  It would only make things worse.  He promised himself then that he would allow himself to cry when he was sure he would be alone.

It made him feel so weak that he even had to cry at all, but he did and in a way, he wanted to cry.

Then Ville heard two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall.  He held Jesse closer as the sound of the footsteps grew louder.  The footsteps stopped and the door was again flung open.  Mrs. Tuoni shoved Bam through the doorway, revealing a bandaged arm in the process.

“No food for three days!  Nothing!”  She screeched at him and then slammed the door in his face.  That seemed to be something that they liked doing.

The moment the door was shut, Bam spun around with a smile on his face.  He searched the room briefly before his eyes feel upon Jesse’s shaking form in Ville’s arms, the smile dropping like a ton of bricks.

“Hey, is he okei?”

“He’s… he’ll be okei.  I think he is just tired and misses our momma.” He paused for a moment and then looked back down at Jesse, “Jesse, why don’t you go to the bathroom and wash up?”

“Will you come help me?  The sink is high.” He asked.  He hiccupped once at the end and Ville sighed but nodded his head that he would.

They got up and Ville looked back at Bam, “I’ll be back in a minute.  Just gonna help him and then get him to take a nap.”  Bam nodded and walked over to his own bed; where he lay down to wait.

Ville took Jesse’s hand and led him to the end of the room where the bathroom was.  The empty doorway held only hinges, leaving the room wide open and easy to spot.  They walked in and Ville flipped the light switch but nothing happened.  Jesse yawned and Ville turned the handles for both the hot and the cold water.  He put his hand in the ice-cold stream and waited for the water to get warm.  After about three minutes of freezing his hand off and Jesse fidgeting around, he finally gave up hope for warm water and just lifted Jesse up so that he could wash his hands and face.

He wasn’t exactly surprised that he couldn’t get the water to heat, just disappointed.  Cold was the only kind of water that they had at his house, but he had hopped that maybe he would be able to at least have a semi warm bath once in a while at this new place.  He sighed again as he thought of Jesse whining again over how cold the bath was and begging Ville to get in with him to help keep him warm.

“K, I’m done.”  Jesse announced and Ville gratefully lowered him back to the ground.  He shivered as he took Jesse’s icy hand in his and led him back to his own bed.

“Okei, you need to take a nap now.”

“But Ville, I don’t wanna.”

“But you need to, you are sleepy.”

“No, Ville, please, no, I don’t wanna go to sleep.  I wanna see Momma!” he said as he began to cry again.

“We can’t see Momma right now cause she doesn’t know where we are yet.  She is still looking for us.  Please go to sleep.” He explained once more.  Jesse always did that.  He would just begin to understand and be okei with it, but then, seeing as he was only three, he would forget and demand what he wanted again.  Jesse cried a bit more but finally yawned and relaxed.  When at last he was asleep, Ville got up and went to his bed, which happened to be right next to Bam.


“For what?  You didn’t do anything.  So um… you said your mom is gonna find you here?  Why are you here if you still got your mom?”  Bam asked innocently.

Ville looked away and was silent.  He was trying to decide weather to tell Bam or not.  He thought for a moment that he should tell him the same lie as he had told Jesse, but he couldn’t come up with a good reason for why they were even there in the first place, so instead he told the truth.

“Momma is dead, she… I just can’t tell him what happened.  He wouldn’t understand and if he did he would never get over it.  I can’t tell him that momma died.”

“Oh, man, I’m sorry.  But do you really think that it is a good idea not to tell him?”

“No.  But I just can’t tell him.  I promised him that she would find us.  He just won’t understand now.  I’ll tell him eventually, but not now.”  Ville sighed and looked back at Bam’s concerned face.

“Well, I guess.  I promise I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”


“So what happened to your parents then?”

“I don’t wanna talk about that anymore, okei?”

“Sure, um, oh hey!  I know something that might cheer you up a bit!  Did you see the bandage on Mrs. Tuoni’s arm?  You bit her hard, but not hard enough to really need a big thing like that but she is such a baby that she just flipped!  I wish you had had been there cause it was so funny.  She was yelling at Mr. Tuoni that she needed rabies shots and stuff now.”  Bam laughed a little at this then went on. “All I did to get thrown in here though was get up to see where he was taking you and then accidentally spill my food on the floor.”  He had a twinkle in his eye that Ville knew meant he had done all of that in purpose, though why he did it, he had no idea. “Gross food anyway right?”

Ville shrugged.  He wouldn’t know weather it was bad or not.  He didn’t even get to touch it.  His stomach growled loudly at him.  Bam’s eyes shifted to Ville’s tummy.

“Oh, sorry.” He laughed nervously.

They lay there quietly for a while.  Silence their buzzing in minds and the soft sounds of Jesse sleeping filling their ears.  Then all of a sudden Bam bolted upright and snapped his fingers.

“I nearly forgot!”  He got up from his bed and kneeled down next to it.  “I was saving this for a time when I wasn’t allowed to eat anything for more than, like 6 days or something cause I am used to that, but since you just got here and already you can’t eat, well, I figure you can have it.”

Ville turned over onto his side and looked over the edge of his bed as Bam crawled under his own.  The sound of him removing a floorboard and a few other rustling sounds later, he emerged with his treasure.  It was just a simple loaf of bread, but it was the most delicious thing he had ever seen at that moment

I am sooooo sorry for the long wait for this chapter, but I have been so busy lately that I hardly had anytime to type anything.  Especially over the holidays.  Forgive me?

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