The 9th Circle

Dec 26, 2006 23:38

Title: The 9th Circle
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ville/Bam(of course)
Disclaimer: Don't own this never happened, and so on and so forth. I think you all know this by now... of course we all do we read/hear it all the time these disclaimer things...
Summary:Summaries give away the story, so read it if you want.



I don't even know why I'm pitying Lucifer and Azrael, maybe it's because I have some secret admiration to Lucifer for braving against God. I would never have had the courage. Like many of us Angels no matter what rank, and what division we are in that ranking of Angels most or many of us Fear God and are in great respect of his glory, we contemplate God and know his "energy", not his "essence".

Since I am not that close to God, nor have I been around him, I am to respect the higher ranking Angels as a substitution for God so they can take our adoration for him. I would never know, since I belong in The third Rank, which is made up of Principalities, Archangels and Angels. I belong in the very last category of the Third Ranking. One of the lowest Angels to reside in Heaven. The odd thing is though, is that they only have a few of the highest level in the First Rank of Angels, which are Seraphim, and they have six wings, two to cover their face, two to fly, and two to cover his feet. It wasn't to hide what they looked like, more to say it was to cover their radiance, or shall I say, to keep them from harming others. For they did not do it on purpose, the Seraphim are powerful creatures, ones that when you look at you will burst (or burn) into flames. They hold a great beauty though, I have still yet to try and get a glimpse, the only 'glimpse' I'll ever get are these paintings all over the place.

Every thing about this place is too happy, to bright. We hide things from the souls that wander around here in Heaven. The actual truth is though we may not feel the emotion of Jealousy and Competition between one another, we do feel everything else. Though our purpose is to have one will, that of which is to serve God and only God. All the souls of the human bodies that have made it up to Heaven, have had their memory removed, except for a few things, like their name and knowing what gender they are and all the such.

Yes we erased their memories, for what they thought was good reason to be doing, for when we erase their memories it keeps them from breaking the peace that is in heaven and having all the other souls from trying to go back to the ones they left behind and leaking unneeded chaos upon this place.

Originally Angels were to not have ears or tongues, so the way we communicated was by interchanging thoughts, and our food was the theoria. But all that changed in due time, and God had given us the gift of speech and tongue, we were able to hear, and taste among many other things.

Advantages though in being an Angel is that we are weightless, which gives us the advantage to fly, and are made with heat. We are supposed to be created in the image of our maker, in order to be attracted to Him and to serve Him.

He thinks he can control all of us? Well that pretty much proved him wrong when Lucifer unleashed an all out war in heaven against him, angels fighting angels, our own kindred slaughtered in the massive bloodshed, just so Lucifer could over throw God and destroy the new creations(humans) that he had set before us to bow down to.

I know I shouldn't be thinking ill of any Angel here or our Creator, but I sometimes wonder what If I wasn't born an Angel, 'what if I was created something else?', or that I had another use, one that didn't have me as a low ranking Angel. Maybe things for me would be different. Maybe I wouldn't be the ones having these dreams, that these dreams would be plaguing another instead of me.

How I wished to try and walk on Earth, experience things I could not in my body. I want to actually feel how heavy the human body is and the gravitation they are limited to. How much pain I could endure as a Human, for Angels could endure much more than the weaker of the creation, that God had created.

Maybe I should have sided with Lucifer and get cast down to hell, for then I would have a better chance at being amongst the living. Then again I do not want the humiliation that Lucifer had taken and being ripped of his pride and dignity. He is hardly mentioned in the Bible that God had some followers of him and his son write. As said according to the prophet Isaiah: '"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.' Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit"' That was one of the very rare things said about Lucifer in the bible. Another was from the Prophet Ezekiel (where he was partly mentioned) who symbolizes the king of Tyre with the fallen Cherubim: '"Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, thou hast been in Eden the garden of God... Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou has been created until iniquity was found in thee ... therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God, and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire ... I will cast thee to the ground" Besides that he was completely ignored, only to be blamed for many things that humanity does.

Though this fallen Cherubim attracted to him a number of angels of different ranks, some from the higher ranks, and he took them with him. They were expelled from paradise, so they wandered on earth. Maybe if I had been of the higher rank and sided with Lucifer I could wander the earth.

If I ever mentioned these thoughts to anyone, I would for sure be thrown down to the very pits of Hell, for only those who were just thrown down to Earth, were given Mercy form the Morning star and left on Earth, rather than dragging all of them with him. Though he did bring most of them to hell, the lucky ones got to reside on Earth among the Humans, they were Angels still, trapped in a Mortals body, but still had an Immortal soul. He dragged about one third of heaven with him, against the Archangel Michael for defending and proving his loyalty to God.

Turning those angels thrown from Paradise into Demons. Which the word Demon is another form or phrase of the term "the fallen angel." Though wings torn and replaced with those more fitting to bear the conditions of Hell, they were still Angels who let their emotions take over them and followed under Lucifers' order and trust.

Sighing I jumped off the balcony going to the circle of mirrors where I could watch life down on Earth. These mirrors though were mainly used for the humans Guardian Angel to watch over them. From time to time I like to see how things are, or were, going on down on Earth.

Though, before the fall of Adam, Lucifer was wandering the sky having within him a feeling of great emptiness. God allowed him by His great compassion and mercy to enter the paradise of Eden in order to contemplate its beauty and give him a chance to repent. But he was jealous of Adam and Eve, tried with all his force to cast them out of paradise, and succeeded in casting Adam and Eve out of paradise and even bringing them under his control. In that way Lucifer lost every hope of ever coming back to God.

For he had tainted their innocence, and thus causing them to sin. The down fall of every Man and Woman is their Sins. Having them under his control he brings them down to hell and tortures them for his revenge against God. He tortures one of Gods most beloved creations just so he could let out his frustration that has been building up over the millennium for being cast out of paradise.

Funny thing is though, what Lucifer doesn't realize that he is doing the will of God, because every evil ends always with goodness. Lucifer had then become an instrument to God's trial towards Man-kind. Even though Lucifers intentions were to try and make humans sin.

My thoughts drifted off towards my dreams again, as I tried to piece them together, seeing if they were connected in any way. No luck though, that or I am very slow. Standing before one of the many gold mirrors I placed a thin hand against the clear material.

I looked to see the one particular human I have been watching for over a month now. The people around him called him Bam, but that wasn't his real name it was Brandon. I found it amusing that he didn't want to keep his original name and go with something simple as Bam but humans work in odd strange ways.

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