New Fic

Sep 19, 2006 22:14

Hello Sweethearts!
I bring along a new fic. I was stuck home all weekend and ended up watching Cruel Intentions 1 and 2, but I got an idea for a fic off of it. Well here's Chapter 1, hope you all like it.

Title: Cruel Intentions
Pairing: more
Disclaimer: Do not own and we'll just throw in there that I don't know them as well. But a girl can wish, right!

Chapter One

A bell ringing signaled for the beginning of the first class of the day. Soft voices spoke amongst themselves as the class began. The classroom was a smaller one and held close to ten students, who all had their desks circled around the front of the teacher‘s desk.. “Alright class. Let’s continue where we left off yesterday.” the teacher spoke as he leaned against his desk, crossing his arms over his chest as he did so. “We ended off on poets.” he added, receiving a few groans from fellow students. “Oh come on, give them a shot.” the teacher pleaded as he looked around at his students. He was about to speak again but the door, in the rear of the room, opened causing everyone’s attention to turn towards the said door.

Stepping into the classroom was a brunette of about 5’10. His brown locks just fell into his face, which covered his blue eyes from view. He was wearing the school uniform, sort of. His long sleeve, white button up shirt was tucked into his black slacks. The top two buttons were left undone as the tie hung loosely around his neck. He came to a stop once he noticed the class was looking back at him. A grin instantly crawled onto his face. “Wow. All this attention for little ol’ me?” he questioned innocently as he pointed at himself.

“Mr. Margera. It’s so nice to see that you have decided to join my class today.” the teacher spoke, slightly annoyed at the student.

“What can I say Mr. Merrit. Now why would I miss this class? English literature, oh so interesting.” the student spoke sarcastically as he stepped further into the room.

At his words, the teacher sighed as he shook his head slightly. “And what about the past two days?” he questioned as he eyed his student.

Placing a hand above his heart, he gave the teacher a serious. “I’ve been so sick, sir. I really did not want to give the class what I had.” As he spoke, he took a seat in a random desk that was not within the circle.

Arms still across his chest, the teacher shook his head. “Well if you don’t mind Mr. Margera, I’d like to continue class.” he declared, still annoyed by the students actions.

“By all means.” he replied with a small wave of his hand as he leaned back in his chair.

The teacher said nothing more to his as he turned his attention back to his students. “As we were discussing, poets. Can anyone name off a poet for me?” he questioned as he scanned over his students. At his question, all students remained silent as they tried to think of some poet. Finally a hand was raised amongst the students. “Ah, yes. Mr. Valo?” he asked while pointing to the student.

“Edgar Allan Poe?” a deep accented voice answered, filling the room and catching the attention of someone in the back of the room.

Mr. Merrit snapped his fingers as he pushed himself away from the desk. “Now there’s a poet. Can you tell me anything about this poet?”

“Um,” the student started as they straightened themself within their chair, while at the same time clearing his throat. “Poe had a darkly metaphysical vision mixed with elements of realism, parody, and burlesque. He refined the short story genre and invented detective fiction. Many of his stories prefigure the genres of science fiction, horror, and fantasy so popular today.” he spoke, answering the teacher’s question. The whole time, not one person knew this man was being watched by curious eye’s in the back of the room.

The teacher chuckled softly. “Well it looks like we found your favorite poet, Mr. Valo.” the teacher spoke with a smile upon his face. “Anything else you can tell me about this man?”

Clearing his throat again, the student began to speak again. “Poe was one who believed that strangeness was an essential ingredient of beauty, and his writing were often exotic.” Valo answered, explaining more details he knew about the poet.

“Strangeness is an understatement for that man.” a voice laughed from the back of the room.

All the students, including the teacher, looked back at him. “Excuse me?” the accented voice questioned quickly, ready to defend his favorite poet.

“You idolize a man who married his first cousin.” the brunette declared, still laid back in his chair.

“Which was interpreted as an attempt to find the stable family life he lacked.” Valo defended. He adjusted himself within his seat to stare back at the blue eyed student.

“Whoa.” the teacher spoke, deciding to step in before things got ugly. “Wow, I think I just witnessed my first debate that Mr. Margera has willingly joined.” he chuckled as he moved amongst the students desk. “But please try to be more considerate towards others.”

The blue eyed student just crossed his arms over his chest and looked way.

“And Mr. Valo, don’t take criticism so heavily. Everyone is allowed to voice their own opinion.” he added, deciding not to just take one side on the debate. He opened his mouth to say something else but the sound of the bell echoing through the classroom disturbed him. Within the matter of seconds, everyone was moving their desks back to their rightful spots. “Your homework for tomorrow will be to bring in a poem that Mr. Poe has done.” he spoke over all of the noise within the classroom.

Hearing the teachers words did not mean that he was going to actually do what he was told, the brunette thought as he climbed out of his seat. Not bothering to look around him at the other students walked past everyone and out of the classroom. The hallways were already beginning to get crowded and random students were already bumping into him. Sighing in annoyance, he pushed away any students that had bumped into him. After walking down a few hallways, he finally spotted someone he was looking for. “Missy.” he spoke loudly with a fake smile upon his face as he got closer to the brunette.

At the sound of her name, a shorter brunette quickly turned around to look at him. She was wearing what all the other girls were wearing for the school uniforms. A navy colored skirt that was just a few inches above her knees. A white blouse could be seen under a navy, academy branded, vest. Something he, himself was suppose to be wearing but wasn‘t. “Bam!” she squealed as she jumped at him, instantly wrapping her arms around his neck.

Raising an eyebrow, he carefully patted her back before pulling away from her. “How’s my favorite girl?” he questioned with another big fake grin. Missy just giggled and blushed as his words. “Missy, sweetie, I need you to do me a favor.” Bam started as he absentmindedly swiped a few strands of hair off of his face.

“Yes, anything.” she smiled at him as se shifted her weight and leaned against the locker behind her.

Leaning closer to her Bam raised a hand and set it on the locker, next to her head. “I need you to get me information on a new student.” he whispered into his ear.

Missy giggled at his closeness then registered his words. “Bam, you know I’m not suppose to give that information out.” she stated softly as she turned her head to look over at him.

“But Missy.” Bam whined softly as he closed the gap between them and pressed his body against hers. “There must be something you’d like in return.” he purred out as he licked the bottom of her earlobe. He felt her shiver under his touch and knew he was going to be getting what he wanted.

Swallowing deeply, she nodded her head. “Who is it?” she questioned in a whispered, her eyes closed.

“Last name, Valo. An exchange student I want to say.” Bam answered while he removed his body from hers. He then looked down at her shorter frame. She was biting onto her bottom lip, eyes still closed, as she adjusted to the lack of his body heat against hers. “Thanks babe.” he smirked as he heard the bell ring, signaling that the next class had already begun. “See you around.” he added before walking away from the brunette. As he walked away from her, he could help but think of the exchange student. How could there be a new student in his school and not know about it. Coming to a set of door, he roughly pushed them open and stepped into the next hallway. He was now on a search for someone. A person he could not stand, but someone would have the answers. That someone was his stepbrother.


So? Like? Love? Hate? Feedback please! I want to know what you think.

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