HERE I AM!!!!!

Sep 19, 2006 21:13

HERE I AM, ALIVE AT LAST! AND I'LL SAVOUR EVERY MOMENT OF THIS! Sorry for the long long long looooong delay! I return bearing a gift! Another chapter of 'Friday, I'm in Love'? ...uhh... no. Not yet anyways. ^^" But I do have a oneshot! This story idea has been caught in the back of my head for quite sometime now, and I just HAD to get it out. Do tell me if you like it!
Also, I kinda came up with something. Wouldn't it be interesting if we could read interviews from all the authors here on the VAM community? I thought about this about 20 minutes ago... I'd be happy to conduct an interview with a few authors here on the community, just so we can get to know each other a bit better. Bad idea? Sorry... But if you like the idea, please tell me! Thanks and enjoy! =)

Title- Lovers in Life, Partners in Death
Author- PlayXDead07
Sumarry- Bam Margera and Ville Valo are madly in love with each other. But their parents don't take too kindly to their relationship, and force them apart. Ville is so desparate to be with his love, that he does something drastic...
Highschool fic, angst, deathfic, oneshot
Disclaimer- Oh please! Everyone knows I don't own them! They own each other. =P But no... really. All I own is the story line.
Rating- PG13 - R
WARNINGS: Death, selfharm

I smiled as I heard the unmistakable accented voice of Ville Valo: Finnish foreign exchanged student, my best friend... and boyfriend. I quickly ran to embrace his skinny frame, and he greeted me with pecks on the cheek.
We pulled apart quickly. We couldn't be seen kissing and hugging here on school grounds, or the principal would call our parents, even if school had just ended. And that's exactly what neither of us wanted.
My mom, (I just called her April... or Ape.) hated the idea of me being with Ville, and his mother, Anita, was the same way. Anita hated me because of my reckless behavior... and because she had already set up a girl for Ville. Luckily, that girl still lived in Finland.
A few of the remaining students had been watching us and sniggered a bit. I frowned, but Ville placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. My frown melted away as I saw the smiled reflected in his beautiful green orbs and I had to smile as well. He nodded his head towards the school exit and I nodded. We held hands as we walked out of the school yard, away from staring eyes.

Ville and I always walked home together. We lived on the same block. He actually lived only a few houses away from me! Thank God for that, because otherwise, we would've never met. Well, we probably would've met in school, but our relationship would probably only be like an acquaintance. Living close to each other really helped us get to know each other.
We came to Ville's house first. We faced each other, and he wrapped his skinny arms around my neck. I pressed my lips to his softly, and ran my fingers through his dark shoulder-length ringlets of hair.
Reluctantly, we broke our kiss, for fear that Anita would see us from her window.

"See you tomorrow." I said, giving him another short peck on the lips.

"I love you." Ville whispered against my lips as they parted from his.

"I love you too, Willa." I grinned. We said another goodbye before he turned and walked inside the house. I stood and watched him walk inside before starting off towards my own house.
~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
I walked into my house and threw my backpack on the floor next to the window. I looked around and luckily, saw no one around. I began to slink as quietly as I could upstairs, but just as I thought I was safe...

"You were with that boy again, weren't you?"
I groaned and turned to face my mother, who had probably heard me come in and was now standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me.

"Mom, I'm tired. Can't I just go without being asked a million questions?" I tried to excuse myself, but my mother pressed on, this time, a little angrier.

"Ville Hermanni Valo! I told you never to see that boy again!" she snapped. "He is a wild child, and I do not want my son influenced by that!"

"Mom! I know what I'm doing!" I snapped back.
Another voice joined the heated conversation, and the tone was very gentle and patient.

"Anita please," my father began. "Our son can choose who he wants to love. Leave him be."

"Kari," my mom said in her threatening voice." Jonna is coming to visit tomorrow! We can't have-"

"Tomorrow?!" I spat, surprised. "Why?!"
My mother turned to me.

"She misses you." she said. "I think she'd be a perfect match for you, Dear! She's so nice and pretty and... and... not wild."
In anger, I spun around and stomped upstairs, shouting along the way; "No one even asked me if I wanted her here! No one ever asks me what I want! It's my life! Shouldn't I be allowed to choose?!"
By this point in my rant, I had already reached my bedroom. I walked inside then slammed the door shut, and looked around for something to calm my nerves. My eyes fell upon a pack of cigarrettes that I kept hidden under my pillow. I pulled one out, lit it up, and inhaled deeply. I coughed a few times, but I was pretty much used to it. I sat down on my bed and pulled my acoustic guitar on my lap. I strummed a few chords and began to sing something I wrote for Bam...

"Would you Die tonight for love?
Baby, join me in death..."

~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
"Hey Bam Bam!" My older brother, Jess, greeted as I walked through the door. "How's life?"
I tossed my backpack over my shoulder and greeted my brother with a punch in the arm.

"It's not bad." I answered. "What about you?"
Jess shrugged, but didn't say anything. I knew he had probably had a bad day, so I let it go. We talked for a while about everything that crossed our minds, like a lot of brothers did, except for anything dealing with love and relationships. I knew by the way that he was avoiding the subject that he had probably just been dumped today... again. But I was feeling generous, so I didn't tease him. This time.
The kitchen door opened, and Ape and Phil, my dad, walked in. Ape eyed me suspiciously.

"Were you with that foreign kid today?" she questioned. I sighed.

"Hello to you too, Ape." I grumbled.
April sighed heavily and put on her "Angry Mother Face".

"Brandon Cole Margera! I thought I made it perfectly clear that you are NOT to see that boy anymore!"

"Ape chill!" I shouted back. "You know damn well that just because you say something, doesn't mean I'm actually listening." This part I said cooly. I watched as Ape's face turned pale pink, then crimson with anger.

"That's it!" she shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. "I've fucking had it with you and that boy! I was going to wait until the end of the school year for this, but now you've left me with no choice, Brandon!"

"Ape, please." pleaded Phil. "Let him finish the school year. He's actually doing quite well this year, and-"

"Phil," April said in a warning voice. Phil quieted, and Bam, for the first time in ages, looked nervous about what his mother had to say.

"What are you talking about?" Bam asked, dreading to know the answer, but aching to know anyways.

"Pack all your shit up!" Ape shouted. "We're moving outta here! Away from this boy!"

The next morning, Ville was standing on the corner of the street, waiting for me. He beamed when he saw me, and leaned in for a kiss. I gave him a halfassed kiss, and never once cracked a smile. I couldn't help it! The thought of leaving Ville scared me more than anything! Plus, I had stayed up the whole night either screaming and yelling with Ape, or crying in my pillow.

"Babe?" Ville asked, concerned. "Are you ok?"
I sighed. I had to tell him. But as I looked up into his eyes, I saw all the love and admiration he held for me shining back at me. I sighed. It would break his heart just as badly as mine... I couldn't tell him just yet.

"Nothing's wrong, Vil." I lied. "Everything's going to be ok..."

~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
After school, I walked home with Bam, as usual. I could tell there was something off about him today. I could tell since I first saw him this morning! Why did he keep lying to me? I must've asked him 20 different times if he was ok, and each time he lied right to my face, telling me that he would be just fine. I know Bam, and he hardly ever acts like this. Something really bad had to have happened to get him so upset.
I looked down at our clasped hands and sighed sadly. His hand felt nearly lifeless, as if holding my hand was some gruesome chore that he was being forced to accomplish. Then, I mentally gasped.
'What if he's cheating on me?!' I thought frantically. 'What if now he's starting to feel guilty about it?!'
I pushed the tears from my eyes. I refused to let him see me cry!
We reached my house. Bam turned to me and took a deep breath.

"Ville... I have something to tell you."
My heart flipped. What do I do? Do I wait for him to come out and tell me he's cheating and look stupid, or do I accuse him now of cheating and look like an asshole? Hm... decisions decisions...

"Ville... my mom is moving me away from you."
My eyes bugged out, and I swear, it felt like someone had stabbed my heart with a pencil.

"Y-you're... moving...?" I choked.
Bam looked as though if he were to open his mouth, he'd probably puke, so instead, he just nodded slowly.
I couldn't hold the tears anymore. They came spilling out of my eyes in a whitehot fury.

"N-no... Bammie... I l-love you... you can't l-leave me like this..."
Bam pulled me close to his chest and stroked my hair softly. I knew he was crying too, and that made me want to cry more.

"When I'm 18, I swear, I'll buy a car and come visit you. I will spend every waking moment with you from that moment on. But for now, we're just gonna have to settle for what we'll have. You could call me, and we could write..." Bam trailed off. He knew just as well as I did that it wouldn't work. He sighed.

"It won't work, will it?" he asked, and I shook my head. Tears sprang to Bam's eyes again, but he turned away.

"I have to let you go then..."
I shook my head.

"No! I'll wait for you! I'll always wait for you!"
Bam shook his head.

"That's not fair to you." he said. "I think you should be able to be free to meet other people, and..." Bam choked back a few sobs. "But I'll always love you, no matter what."
I pulled him against me and kissed him hard on the lips. He kissed back just a hungrily. We sat for a few moments, kissing passionately before pulling away, our tears still flowing down our faces.

"I'll always love you, Bam." I whispered, and he nodded.

"I love you too..."
I watched as he began to walk away. When he was a good 10 feet away from me, and idea began to sprak in my head.

"Bammie!" I called. He turned, waiting for me to say something more. "How much do you love me?"
Without hesitation, Bam answered; "I'd die for you, Ville Valo..." before turning and walking out of sight.
I still stood there outside my house, only this time, I had a small smile on my face. Bam had just given me and idea, and I was positive it would work!

~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
That night, tears were still falling freely down my face as I threw all of my clothes and possessions into a cardboard box. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving Ville! Never seeing him again... never being able to experiance true happiness...
Surprisingly, April had left me alone. I guessed that Phil had talked to her about that. Plus, I was sure she didn't want to go another fight with me.
I gazed out the window at the full moon and stars that littered the sky. It seemed so wrong that the night could be so beautiful when something so horrible had happened. My room had all been packed away. Everything except for my bed. I layed down in the middle of my bed and pulled my covers up to my chin. I was tired, but I knew sleep would probably never find me. We were leaving first thing tomorrow morning... Hm, maybe I could slip away for a few minutes to go say one last goodbye to Ville before we left...
I closed my eyes and layed in silence for a full hour, trying desparately to keep my mind blank... But it wouldn't work. I sat up and began pacing the room and wringing my hands. My thoughts drifted back to when I was in junior highschool and I'd get depressed... I still had the horizontal scars across my wrists from the pain.
The more I thought about my scars, the more that seemed to appeal to me now. I ripped open the cardboard box, dug around for a pair of scissors, then brought it to my forearm. My mind went blank as I carved into my skin, staining the scissor blades with crimson liquid. It took about 20 minutes, but once I was finished, I set the scissors down and viewed my work...
There across my forearm in bright, bloody letters, were the words "Killing Loneliness", and that's exactly what I was trying to do just then... kill my loneliness...
Just then, I heard a soft tap on my window. I looked out, and my heart skipped when I saw Ville standing there, dressed in tight black pants, and a black hoodie. I rushed to my window and tried my hardest to open it without making a sound.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Ville brought his lips to mine for a brief kiss, then stood back.

"I know how we can be together..." he said in a voice just above a whisper. "You said you'd die for me, right?" Then, half to my horror, he pulled a sharp silver knife out of his hoodie pocket. I gasped.

"V-Ville... what are you doing?" I asked nervously.
He took a step forward, still holding the knife. He began to sing softly, and suddenly, I understood.

"Would you die tonight for love?
Baby, join me in death..."

His eyes fell to my arm, and he smiled slightly.

"Killing loneliness?" he asked. "That's beautiful, Bam... but trust me, you'll never be lonely again. I promise." He took the few remaining steps towards me, closing the distance, and pulled me into a kiss. There was something different about the way he kissed me now. It was filled with desparation, and pure love.
Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my chest. I tried to scream, but my voice was muffled by Ville's lips. I could feel everything around me fading, and me falling... the last things I saw was the silver knife piercing my chest, and Ville's beautiful green eyes filled with tears.

"I love you Baby..." he said. "I'm coming after you..."

~x~x~x~x~x~The Next Morning~x~x~x~x~x~
"Bam Margera! Wake up! We're leaving now!" April Margera shouted into her sons' door, but she heard no sounds of movement inside. She sighed heavily. "Probably still asleep." she thought.

"Brandon! You had better be awake in 5 minutes, or-" she stopped short when she opened the door. There was a pool of blood on the other side of Bam's bed. Cautiously, she walked over to the pool of blood, and screamed at what she saw...
Her son, Bam, lying on the ground, a silver knife pierced through his heart, and lying on his chest, was Ville Valo: Foreign exchanged student, Bam's best friend... and lover, also lying with a knife pireced through his heart. Beside them was a note reading; "We were lovers in life, and now we are partners in death."
~x~x~x~x~x~THE END~x~x~x~x~x~

Soooooooo, tell me what you think! Was it bad for my first day back? Do tell! Also, be sure to tell me if you like my interview idea, and if so, then go ahead and ask to be interviewed. =) *blows kisses*
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