(no subject)

Aug 11, 2006 01:53

Title-Day Tripper

I own nothing except my iPod and any of the characters I make up along the way.

Warning- HEAVY drug use (most of the story’s about getting high), sex, language, mild violence.

Summary- AU set in 1966. San Francisco, the Mecca for the drug and rock movement. 17 year old Bam Margera has run away from home to find himself, but ends up finding more than he bargained for when he meets a free-spirited hippie named Ville Valo.

Rated NC-17


There was music blaring from windows and people selling abstract art on the street, people were even dancing in the streets at some point. Everything was a blur of colour, music, and freedom.

April really wouldn’t approve of anything going on in San Francisco but Bam was soaking everything in.

“Hey man ya wanna smoke some weed?” a man who looked like he hadn’t bathed in a couple of days asked him.

“Um no thanks I don’t smoke weed,” Bam said feeling awkward.

“You don’t smoke pot?” he heard another man ask with a deep foreign accent. Looking to his left, Bam’s jaw almost dropped as he saw a gorgeous man staring at him from the door way of an apartment building.

“Um no I don’t,” Bam managed to say.

The man smirked “Well mate you’re in the wrong part of the world then.”

Bam blushed, his mother was right he’d never fit in with these people. “I um…well, I need to find someplace to stay first and then well…”

He let himself trail off and the other man’s smirk turned into a soft smile “You’re kinda cute ya know.”

Bam was taken aback by the comment and just stared at the foreign man trying desperately to say something.

The man chuckled and walked towards Bam “You can crash with me if you want.”

The young man nodded and looked over towards the man that had offered him the pot, the man was chuckling to himself as he looked at the two men.

“Trust me sweetheart,” he heard the foreign man say “If you don’t do drugs now you will very soon.”

Bam followed the man up to the fourth floor of the apartment building. “My name’s Bam by the way.”

The man looked over his shoulder and said “Nice to meet you Bam.”

It was silent as the two came to the man’s room, room 42. “You can stay here as long as you want, everyone here just kinda drifts wherever the wind carries them,” the man explained.

“Ok, thank you,” Bam said as he entered the apartment and looked around. It wasn’t neat but it wasn’t filthy either.

“Just put your shit where ever.”

Bam did as he was told and put his things in a corner where he figured they wouldn’t be in the way. “So um, you never told me your name,” Bam said, trying to make conversation.

The man’s emerald eyes sparkled with amusement for a moment “No I didn’t.”

Silence for a moment “Well are you going to tell me?” the young man asked.

“Nope,” the man said as he picked up a record off the coffee table and placed it onto the record player.

Bam sighed and nodded, he had the horrible feeling that he was being played for a fool and this man wasn’t as kind as he had seemed.

Sitting on the worn coach he watched as the man began to shake his hips slightly to Bob Dylan’s Mr. Tambourine Man.

The older man looked at Bam and frowned slightly “You know what?” the man asked.

“What?” the teen asked with a sigh.

“You’re really not cool, you need to loosen up or you’ll never survive out here.”

Bam nodded sadly “Maybe I should just go home, you’re right I don’t belong here.”

The man felt bad for the young man and began to remember how hard it was for him to leave his home and start living his life the way he wanted to.

“Ville,” the man said.

Bam looked up at him in slight confusion “What?”

“My name, it’s Ville,” he said as he sat next to the teenager. “Don’t worry about not fitting in right now, you’re probably from some restrained town and are just experiencing your first taste of freedom. The awkwardness will be gone by tonight, trust me.”

The young man nodded “Thanks.”

“No problem, oh and I need to invite you to my friends, they’re nuts but they’re a great group of people you’ll like them,” Ville said excitedly.

“Alright, oh hey do you have a phone I can use?” Bam asked knowing that if he didn’t call his mother soon she’d think he was dead in a ditch somewhere.

“Yea in the kitchen,” Ville said as he pointed to his right.

“Thank you.”

Picking up the phone he dialed the familiar number and waited for his mother or father to answer the phone.

“Hello?” It was his father Phil.

“Hey dad,” Bam said softly.

“Bam,” Phil yelled happily “Are you alright son? Where are you, your mother and I are worried sick.”

“I’m fine Phil I’m…” Bam trailed off as he heard his mothers voice in the background.

“Here’s your mother,” Phil said.

“Oh God Brandon where are you, are you alright?” April cried into the phone.

“I’m fine mom don’t worry.”

“Where are you, we can’t find you anywhere.”

Bam took a deep breath, he knew she wasn’t going to be happy about this at all. “I’m in San Francisco mom.”

There was silence for a moment before “WHAT?” April shrieked.

“Mom please don’t,” Bam pleaded.

“Don’t what? Don’t get upset that my little boy’s in a God forsaken city full of drugs and that horrid music,” April yelled angrily.

“It’s not horrid mom and I’m not going to do drugs,” Bam said knowing that it would probably turn into a lie later on.

“Well of course you wouldn’t if you were here, but I know those people are going to corrupt you.”

“Mom just stop alright, I’m living my life the way I want to alright, just like Jess.”

“Don’t you dare bring your brother into this,” April warned.

“Why not? He went to San Francisco too and I’m going to find him.”

“I can’t talk to you right now Brandon, goodbye,” April said.

“Mom,” Bam said in a pained tone, but it was too late April had already hung up the phone.

The teen felt a tear slid its way down his cheek as he hung up the phone and turned to walk out of the kitchen only to find Ville standing in the door way with a look of pity on his face.

Bam wiped away the tear quickly and hung his head “Mom’s not really happy with me.”

Ville walked towards him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder “Freedom always comes with a price.”

The teen nodded knowing he was right but it didn’t make him feel any better. “Come on,” Ville said as he took Bam’s hand and began to drag him out of the apartment.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere pain never goes.”

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