My Sweet 666 chapter 5

Aug 11, 2006 00:10

My Sweet 666
by Nii
Pairing: Do I really need to say it? Vam all the way!
Raiting: um.......PG13 for now. Afterwards, NOTHING LESS THAN NC17 :D
Disclaimer: Never happened *snaps fingers* dammit, probably won't and I don't own anything. I'm so broke *opens wallet and fly comes out*

Summary: Bam has been subjected to a Catholic boarding school for his wreckless behavior. He dosent give two shits and a fuck about his surroundings until the new exchange boy comes in....

read the first 1 through 4 chaps so that you wont be lost

Chapter 5

P.E class
12:43 pm

Bam yawned loudly. His eyes were dark and dull today. He had dark rings encirculing his stunning blue eyes. He was pissed that he thought he could get back to sleep from last night but he couldn't. The kiss he gave Ville last night still bothered him. He could have sworn that he heared Ville telling him thank you and Goodnight a few minutes after he thought he found sleep. It made him panic on the inside, worrying if Ville remembered that at all. They didn't see eachother in the morning. Bam decided to sleep in and ditch his first three classes. Were as Ville was up and left after grumbling something in Finnish. The skater became a slight bit familiar with some of Ville's Finnish vocabulary, knowing that he was complaining something about the red haired girl who grabbed his butt on his first day of class and how he had to sit next to her in Math class. Bam giggled quietly as Ville closed the dorm room door when he left, then Bam went back to sleep for a few more hours.

But none the less....That kiss was killing him.

He wanted to ask Ville about it but didn't know when was a good time to bring it up.

Bam was in the locker room, getting dressed in his long black gym shorts and a white T shirt with black trimming along the collar and edgings of the shirts. The other boys were getting ready and dressing, talking about how hot some girl was and if they could sneak into the girl's locker room to get a peak of her in the showers. The skater shook his head, knowing that the guys that he was forced to go to school with were fucking stupid. He could hear Ville in the shower room, changing his clothes, not to comfortable with changing in front of other guys. Bam didn't blame him. He could also hear Ville, singing his song again. The same song he was singing just before fate made him kiss him. It sounded better every time he heared it, as if the Finnish boy has added more lyrics to it. Bam was hypnotized with Ville's voice, never wanting to hear anything else but his voice.

"I'm losing my faith in you
You don't want it to be true
Though there's nothing you can do
There is nothing you can do
Yes, I've lost my faith in you-"

"Shut up, you faggot!" One of the boy's yelled aloud, destroying Ville's singing and Bam's temporary trance. Ville stepped out of the shower room, not sure who the boy was reffering to. The kid who yelled out the insult was a rather overly buff blonde kid. Tall, to boot, with short blonde hair and Dark brown eyes. He high fived a few of his slightly shorter friends as Ville appeared out of the shower room, fully dressed for P.E class.

"what's that?" Ville asked in pure innocence. The rather buff teenager, only clad in a pair of black gym shorts, stood infront of Ville. Being a few inches taller than the already tall Finnish boy. At this point, Bam peered his head out of the right corner of the locker to see what the fuck that steriod bastard was doing. The buff teen spoke again.
"You heared me, you satanic foriegn fag."
Ville's innocent features instantly turned into rage. His green eyes shining in pure hate. He stood up straight and looked at the guy dead square in the eyes.
"Fuck you!"
Bam giggled at Ville's reply to the muscle head's insult.

But it only got worse.

The muscular teen's friends walked over to the scene that was being played out, encirculing Ville and pushing him around, pulling and ripping at his white T shirt. Ville too dizzy to actually fight back. Bam looked stunned and furious at the same time. Ville didn't do anything to them and these fuckers were picking on him. The muscular teen grabbed harshly to the front of Ville's shirt, readying to punch Ville in the face with his other hand. Bam jumped up from his position and dashed to the encirclment but not in time to save Ville from getting a sharp punch to his right cheek. Ville was thrown by the impact and landed on the ground near the shower he was dressing in. Ville gasped quietly as he wiped passed his mouth and saw blood in the palm of his hand. He rose to his feet, ready to kick the kid's ass even though he knew danm well that he was no match for him. Ville balled his hand into a fist, ready to strike th blonde child. His fist was barely in the air before Bam sped ahead of him with lightning speed and threw himself onto the buff teen, knocking both of them to the ground. The two landed on the ground with a hard thud as the encirculment of children scattered to dodge being attacked by the angry skater. Bam stood above the blonde child and repeatitivly punched him mercilessly in the face. Bam's nuckles were starting to drip blood as he haucked up flem and spat it out in the kids bleeding face.

The blonde, slightly dazed, raised his fist and punched Bam on his cheek, sending Bam directly to the floor, on his back. He immediatly felt his cheek and winced slightly at the pain. He could feel that the force of the blow caused his mouth to bleed. Now he was pissed. His blue eyes holding in an icy rage. Ville still in the corner, near the showers, trying to fight off the blonds ountorauge of friends from taking advantage of him again. The blonde stood up now hovering over Bam, readying to throw another punch....

"Mr. Mc Siren, thats enough!"

All commotion in the locker room went to a hault as the gym teacher walked in. She was a very attractive woman. Way too pretty to be a woman of celebacy. She was in her mid twenties. She had slightly dark skin, assumed that she had some kind of african desent with long black straight hair to her lower back. She had eyes that were black as ebony and a figure that would make any guy want to marry her. But none the less, she was a devout nun to the school. She walked into the locker room, to where the action was and shook her head, not pleased at what she saw.

"Sweet Jesus. You're at it again, Mc Siren? Thats the fourth fight this week."

The blonde child. who obviously had an attraction to her, stood up straight and tried to correct the situation.

"But sister, He was singing something satanic." The boy pleaded and pointed to Ville, who was still fighting himself away from the boy's friends.

The nun shook her head, cutting the young man off from finishing his plea. She glanced over at the skater, still sitting on the ground, his right eye was brusied while blood dripped from his nose. He had moved over towards the Finnish boy and rubbed Ville's bruised arm while Ville wiped up the blood from around his own mouth. She could tell that they both needed some medical attention.

"Mr Margera, Mr. Valo, are you two alright?"

Ville moved himself in a little more closer to Bam's touch. The skater could feel Ville's shoulder legnth hair against his bare arm. He looked down immediatly to conceal his speedy blushing. As soon as he knew his flustering for Ville subsided, he looked up at the instructor again. Even Bam coud admit that he was attracted to the nun, not because of her physical beauty, but because she never badgered him for anything, thus her being the only school authority he had a great amount of respect for. He felt Ville place his head on Bam shoulder as he replied.

"I don't think it's that serious on my part but Ville got hit pretty badly."

The nun smiled as Bam placed his hand on the Finnish boy's back, keeping him close. She has never seen the skater being so caring with anybody before. But glad to see a change.

"Well, you look like you've taken a good knock as well. I'll write you and Mr. Valo a pass for the nurse." She then glanced around angrily to the rest of her male students, even the ones who played no role in the fight that occurred earlier, "As for the rest of you, get out there and start warming up. Mc Siren, you will have the duty of cleaning the bathrooms with the janitor after class."

The other students began to walk out of the locker room, giggling at Mc Siren's disposition, him following behind his classmates, thurouly dissapointed. The nun watched as the room was empty with the exception of Bam and Ville. She walked over to the pair of injured students, still sitting on the floor, with the Finnish boy's shirt ripped into shreds. She knelt down beside them and handed Bam a small pink peice of paper.
"Here's your nurses note and I excuse you and Mr. Valo from class for the next three days, okay?"
The skater, with the note in his hand, with his other still secured on Ville's back, he nodded and smiled at the nun.
"Thank you, sister."
Ville looked up at her and nodded too.
"Thank you, sister."
She stood up again and walked towards the door.
"You're welcome boys and God bless."
and with that, she walked out of the door, leaving Ville and Bam by themselves.


I know, I know. Such a short chapter from such a long wait, and still no smut. But hang tight, I'll make it up, I promise. Bad moods have been delaying this chapter. I apologize for that too.
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