Under the Summer Rain...

Aug 02, 2006 20:10


Call me UNORIGINAL! How many of you missed my songfic because you thought i was ranting? Sucks to be You!

Beauty and the Beast
don't like, don't read, don't own, don't know.
link behind el jay cut

Fuck, i Couldn't get the link to work and now i'm all pissed off...if someone could find it and put it below...that'd be amazing....if not..well then...you're looking through the calendar aren't you? I can tell you I think i posted the first chapter around July 22nd or 23rd. Sorry. I'm totally not dealing with it.

Chapter 2

Years later...around Seven years in fact....

“Sister? Sister?” Poking his head through the trapdoor to the basement. “Sister! I’m going into the bookshop.”

“Alright Ville. I’ll be here! The fair is tomorrow!” She giggled excitedly and there was a small explosion.

“Are you okay?” he asked, gazing into the smokey basement.

“Just fine!” her voice was airy and bewildered.

“Alright, I’m going.” He stood and walked out the door. Instead of walking to town, he climbed on his sister’s bicycle and peddled to town.

Ville knew the people whispered about him. About how he was odd and strange, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to learn and read books all day. He dreamed of a different life, with different people, just something different, with someone that understood him. Upon entering the bookshop, he called out to the owner.

“Monsieur Burton?” The long haired brunette popped up from a pile of books.

“Ville! It’s so nice to see you! I just got some new books in, would you like to take a look?”

“Always!” Ville dug into the books with his friend and helped him organize them on the shelves. “Looks great!”

“Here, I left this out to loan to you, I knew you’d like it.” Burton handed him a thick book that was leather bound.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Yes it is. It’s quite expensive, but it’s all of the fairytales throughout this region and the surrounding ones, I thought you’d like to read it.”

“I would! Thank you.” Ville hugged the bookshop owner and bounded out the door, he was headed for his favorite spot in the woods. It was so quiet and peaceful, he knew he could read there.

Sitting beneath a shade tree, overlooking the village from a hill, Ville stroked the leather cover of the book before opening it. It was blank. He ruffled through the pages and found they were all blank.

“Monsieur Burton must be going senile, he’s not even that old.” Ville sighed and stroked his fingers over the blank yellowed pages. “Oh what wonderful stories I thought you’d tell me. Of princes and kings, knights, enchantments.”

“I will tell you.” a soft, disembodied voice cooed to him. “I will tell you everything, Ville Valo.”

“Who are you?” He asked, the book clutched to his chest.

“I am the book you hold so close.” The voice replied and he dropped it in front of him. From between the pages rose a face, pale and smooth. Bright pink eyes opened and blinked slowly, a pair of full lips smiled slowly, a straight aristocratic nose sniffed the air lightly. “It’s been so long since I’ve smelled the air like this.”

“I think I’m really as crazy as the townspeople think I am.”

“You are not! No! I am destined for you, I will tell you things that no other book can! Let me tell you one of my newer stories! It happened not too far from here....”

Ville listened to the book talk on an on about a beast prince who tore his castle to shambles every night, just to have it returned to normal everyday. Then at night, he repeated, his rage never quenched. His time slowly running out.

“How much time does he have?” Ville asked, biting his lip, the Storybook, as she liked to be called, frowned and replied.

“A few months at best. Poor thing. He’s barely a man.”

“Can you tell me how to get to his castle?”

“Why? Why would you want to do a thing like that?” The book asked.

“He’s sad. He’s alone, even with all the servants, no one is around to talk to him. I want to, I want to see him. I want to know that magic is real.”

“I am not enough?” The book asked, her lips twisting into a smile.

“You’re only the first taste! I want to see more!!!” Standing up quickly, Ville plucked the book from the soft grass. “Tell me how to get to the castle!”


Well..how was that? hmmmm??? well Grundy says it was effing amazing. and IRON AIDEN RULES!!!!! *insert snickerfit here* Going to Cleveland with Slashers is FUN

Loves and Kisses,
Skullfucks and Gangbangs.
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