
Aug 02, 2006 23:34

Chapter 20 / 20
Author: Jordan
Pairing: Vam of course!
Rating: PG- 13 for language
Summary: Bam kissed Ville after saying that he'd been waiting to do it since they met. Bam then follows Ville back to Finland, for the new album, staying with Ville in his apartment... but will Ville ever find out what Bam meant, and how he feels?
Disclaimer: Yeah, I dont own any of the people in this fic. Only own the crazy idea. Get it, got it, good.
Notes: This is it you guys. This is the ending. Over 6 months, 23,000 words, 20 Chapters, over 64 pages in word, sweat, tears, and a lot of time went into this. I hope you all enjoyed the ride, I know I did.
Thank you to everyone who has read and commented this. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all, and because of you, I've kept writing.

The song used in this chapter, "Broken and Shattered" was written by me. It's not even close to being a HIM song, but I wrote it 4 months ago, forgot to write it down, and forgot it. So I had to re-write it. Please don't steal it, or I will be forced to kill you slowly with a spork.

Chapters 1-19

“Waiting” - Chapter 20

The rest of Monday and all of Tuesday for Ville, was spent in his eight by ten soundproof office reading over the new lyrics incessantly, making sure they were perfect. As he read them over, his mind began to wander back to the inspiration for the lyrics he had so passionately written, how it, or he more like, was less than fifty yards away, and yet so far out of reach for Ville.

More than two months after the event, and Ville still had no clue what Bam had meant when he said, “I’ve been waiting so long to do this” before kissing him in the airport. No matter how many attempts Ville had tried to get Bam to rectify the statement, it never turned out well, only in more torment for Ville.

“Am I ever going to find out?” Ville said to himself as he banged his head on his desk.

- - - - - -

It was another boring day in Helsinki for Bam on Tuesday. He woke up at around noon, lazily walked into the kitchen, and poured himself a bowl of cereal. As he sat at the table in silence, the only noise was the crunching of the sugar coated flakes between his teeth, his mind began to wander.

The thoughts of a few months past seemed to flash before his eyes, every wondering surrounding a green eyed Finn. It started from the kiss and with every blink of an eye, moved to the present. He saw himself negotiating with a man, the flutter of an eyelid and it was gone. For the first time, he saw the car barreling towards him, threatening to take everything from him, including his life. The screech of tires resounded in his ears, and then the wail of an ambulance siren. The many attempts at trying to tell Ville the three words that he wanted to say, and then have them repeated back to him.

“Am I ever going to be able to tell him?” Bam said to himself, the spoon clattering to the ground, forgotten.

- - - - - -

Wednesday morning came bright and early for the two, waking up at nearly 8, so they were ready when Migé picked them up at 9:30.

“Waking up this early should be illegal.” Said Bam, wiping the sleep out of his eyes as he shuffled into the kitchen in his pajamas.

Ville laughed, “Sit down, I’ll get you a cup of coffee. It’s gonna be a long day, that’s for sure.”

Bam murmured a thanking as the singer set a cup of hot black liquid in front of him, a few sips from awakening.

“Don’t take too long, you still have to shower and dress before Migé gets here in little over an hour.” Ville advised as he took a bite of a cherry pop-tart.

He took a few slurps of the caffeinated liquid, “I know that Willa, don’t worry, everything’s gonna be fine, I promise.”

“You’ve promised a lot of things Bam.” Ville snapped back, his hand shooting up to cover his mouth after realizing what he said.

“Where the fuck did that come from?”

“I’m sorry Bam, I’m a little stressed is all.” He apologized quickly.

Bam gave him a look as if he didn’t quite believe him, but went back to his coffee anyways.

The skater tried to pretend that Ville’s words didn’t phase him, when actually, the words bit into him and stung repeatedly. He knew what Ville meant by what he said, how he’d promised him so many times they’d talk this thing through and yet still hadn’t, their feelings pent up in their souls, waiting to burst out.

He got up from his seat at the small kitchen table and made himself a couple pieces of toast to eat, his hunger suddenly disappearing with his thoughts. After eating, he went back into the guest bedroom where he was staying and picked out what he was going to wear that day. After a few minutes decision, he finally picked a pair of blue jeans, a black Adio shirt, and since it was cold out, his CKY IDR hoodie to go over the tee. He then padded across the wooden floors to the en-suite bathroom, the cold white tile making him shiver as his bare feet collided with them. A few seconds later he was discarding the only article of clothing he was wearing, a thin pair of pajama pants, and turning on the hot water to the shower, stepping into the cloud of steam shortly after. He breathed in the warmth deeply before starting to lather his body up with his peach-mango soap.

Fifteen minutes later he stepped out of the shower, refreshed, awakened, and smelling fruity. He wrapped the white towel around his waist preceding going over to the sink and brushing his teeth before running a hand through his damp curls and after a quick shave he began to dress. A few minutes later he was walking out of his room towards the living room, but stopped when he heard a noise coming from Ville’s office.

“Broken and shattered when you walked out that door,
Broken and shattered when you left me on the floor…” Ville sang while strumming Sylvester.

Bam cleared his throat, trying to gain Ville’s attention as he stood in the doorway.

Ville looked up from his guitar and was met with blue eyes looking at him intently.

“I see you got dressed.” Ville said.

“I see that you haven’t.” Smiled Bam, seeing as Ville was still in his pajama pants and an old beat up Iggy Pop t-shirt.

“I should go get dressed, huh?”

“Unless you want to go like that.”

“I like to be comfortable when I record, but not that comfortable.” Replied Ville with a smile, as he rose from his chair, setting Sylvester in the corner carefully.

Ville brushed by Bam slightly as he left the room to go get dressed, leaving Bam in the office alone. Blue eyes scanned the room slightly as he turned to leave also, but stopped at the black notebook on the desk.

“He wouldn’t… would he?” Bam asked himself quietly.

He looked all directions to make sure nothing was watching him before moving quietly to the desk and picking up the notebook. He was about to open it and read it when his conscience took over.

Don’t you dare read that Brandon. He told you not to, and he’ll be more pissed off at you than he already is. Plus he said you can see them after they started recording, they start in forty-five minutes… ask him in an hour, since it is after they started recording. A wicked grin spread across his face as he put the notebook down, knowing that bothering Ville was more fun than just reading the lyrics.

- - - - - -

Migé arrived twenty minutes later to pick up the two and go to the recording studio. He and Ville ran around the flat like two chickens with their heads cut off, making sure they had everything. Bam just sat on the couch, making sure his Ipod had enough battery to make it through the day.

Ten minutes later they were in Migé’s car, and headed for downtown Helsinki. The ride was tense, Ville kept his hands banging on his knees, forcing out the tune that kept playing in his head, humming the beats as he slapped his knees.

“Rakohammas, calm down. It’s going to be fine, I don’t know why you’re stressed, it’s not like we haven’t done this before.” Migé advised as he pulled into the parking lot, trying to find a space.

After parking Migé’s car, they got out and headed towards the entrance, Ville still humming the tune of the song. They were greeted by the three other band mates and Seppo, lots of hugs and smiles were exchanged, everyone happy to be in the studio once again. Everyone that is, except for Ville, who faked a smile and gripped onto his notebook for dear life.

Seppo then lead them to where they would be recording, and Bam followed until they were in the studio’s waiting room, which was adjoined with the producing box.

“Stay in here Bam.” Ville advised.

Bam did what he was told as Ville left him to himself and his Ipod.

The band headed into the box and met again with the producer, who was overly cheery for it to be 10 in the morning.

“So Ville, you ready to start?” He asked.

“Yeah, I guess.” Ville stated half-heartedly.

“Well then, let’s do it!” Replied the producer, getting up from his chair and showing Ville into the recording booth, as the band settled into the box.

Ville was soon left alone by himself into the booth; he took off his coat, and set his notebook on the stand.

“So Ville, what song are we starting with?” The producer’s voice came through the feedback.

“Broken and Shattered.” Ville replied, speaking into the mic.

“Okay, let me know when you’re ready.”

Ville took a swig of the bottled water that was on a stool in the corner, got the tune in his head, and was just about to start when he felt those eyes on him. He couldn’t see the blue eyed skater in the box, but he knew that he was there, could feel his gaze burning holes into him.

He must’ve bugged Lily until he caved and let him in. Ville mused in his head.

He cleared his throat once before giving the signal to the producer to start recording, and began to sing.

“Broken and shattered when you walked out that door
Broken and shattered when you left me on the floor.
You left me there with not one regret,
Your lips on mine I can’t forget
You haven’t let me know how you feel,
Since you left me…
Broken and Shattered
Broken and Shattered…” Ville continued to sing, with all of the passion he could muster, knowing his inspiration could hear every word he sang.

- - - - - -

Bam sat in the box, after bothering Linde so much that he let him in, waiting for Ville to sing. As he started Bam listened, really listened to every word pouring so passionately out of his lips. And then he finally heard it, all of the stress about their situation put to a melody that Ville had created. Everything that had happened was said simply in words for the next three and a half minutes. Simply hearing the song brought pricks of tears to the back of blue eyes.

Ville finished the song and silence was within the box, and a few mouths agape until the producer hit the button and said, “Brilliant, that was a one-take song, let’s get the band in there.”

Ville nodded in response, gathering up the bottle of water and his jacket, heading through the door and into the box, knowing he’d have to face Bam. His ears were greeted with acknowledgements and praises of how he did, and how much the other band mates loved the song, before they headed into the booth to set up their instruments.

A half hour later the band started to play, the producer and Seppo hunched over the boards, making sure all of the levels were correct.

“I gotta talk to you.” Ville whispered in Bam’s ear.

They rose from where they were sitting and went into the waiting room where Bam was supposed to be. Ville quietly closed the door behind him and asked Bam the question he’d been waiting to ask.

“So, what did you think of the song?”

“I loved it… it’s about us, isn’t it?”

Ville took action at that moment, taking Bam by the shoulders and slamming him into the wall behind before nodding in response.

“What the fuck was that for Ville?” Bam asked, bewildered at Ville’s actions.

“I have one question for you Bam, and then I’ll let you go.”

Bam nodded.

“What did you mean by, “I’ve been waiting so long to do this”?”

Bam sighed, seeing there was nothing to distract him before replying, “Ville, I love you. I always have and always will.”

“I love you too Bam.” Ville said smiling before kissing Bam.

They broke a few moments later for oxygen.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that.” Ville said before kissing Bam once again.

A/N: Again, thank you all.
Personally, I'm not sure this needs an epilogue, I personally like where it ended.
Hehe, I quoted that lady from Madeline for the cut text, lol. (If any of you have ever watched that cartoon)
Lots of love, and I hope you all enjoyed the ride.
♥♥♥♥♥♥ x 1 bahjillion - Jordan
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