Wicked Game : Announcment

Jul 26, 2006 21:53

Hello all! It's wonderful to be writing here again because I finally have gotten my new charger today! For anyone who still remembers, I was writing a story called, "Wicked Game" and had gotten quite far with it until my old charger broke down on me. So it's been ages since I last wrote, but I'm in the zone again and hopefully I will post a new chapter either tonight or later on tomorrow night.

However for now, I will re-post all of the old stuff for you to enjoy. Thanks for reading! (If you still are) :)

Prologue to Chapter Nine


As the two boys walked into the dean’s office, the small room was unusually crowded. Normally the office would only hold the likes of the dean himself, but with more than four people in the room, the tiny space seemed to be sinking into itself. Standing behind the dean’s large brown desk was Dr. Brown with his arms crossed, dully staring about the room and the two other teachers who had accompanied him and the dean to the office. Ryan Dunn had his face buried in his hands, his robust red hair all over his fingers as his back shook as he sobbed. The dean was merely looming over the boy, watching coldly as he cried softly, adjusting his toupee discreetly.

Everyone’s eyes flew over toward Ville and Bam once the two entered the tiny room. Ville swore softly in Finnish as his foot crashed into the edge of the doorframe while the skater glanced down at the badly carpeted floor, staring at the bizarre green color chosen for the violent blue color on the walls. The skater felt his cheeks burning slightly as pairs of eyes bore into him like a painful needle in his flesh.

“Close the door and sit down,” came the commanding and harsh tone of the dean.

Bam and Ville glanced into each other’s eyes for the faintest of seconds before the skater reached out behind him and closed the cold wood door with a soft snap. There were two more metal chairs right next to Ryan Dunn’s crying form and the skater and Ville walked over to it slowly and hesitantly, as if about to be convicted of a death sentence.

Bam sat down on the uncomfortable cool metal, while Ville was forced to sit next to Ryan, who seemed to be sobbing louder by the second with the arrival of the two other boys. Bam glanced at the kid, thinking he had probably never been in trouble a day in his damn life. Bam leant back on the chair, preventing himself from shivering as the cold material brushed over his lower arm. The skater yawned, trying to be totally nonchalant about the whole situation, while inside he was quite sure his heart was going to rip itself from its cavity and jump from his throat. Ville merely sat with his hands in his lap, his huge green eyes staring down at the ground, his body visibly shaking.

There was a moment’s silence and Bam wondered if the dean (or anyone else for that matter) would even speak up.

“You two have truly outdone yourselves this time,” came the dean’s quivering, indignant voice from above them.

Bam glanced up at the old man, the color in his face rivaling that of a ripe tomato. His badly placed toupee danced amusedly atop his bald, shiny head, and today, each and every deep, disgusting wrinkle seemed more pronounced, reminding Bam for a moment of the sight of a dried up riverbed. His dark, squinty eyes were boring straight into Bam’s, as if challenging the skater to blink or flinch or even breathe, but Bam remained absolutely still, wondering where this conversation was going to go.

Ville was utterly silent and if Bam hadn’t glanced over at his tall, thin frame for a second, than the skater would have assumed there was no one seated next to him. The only sound in the room came from Ryan Dunn’s continual muffled cries, and the occasional grumble or complain from Dr. Brown.

“Did you think we wouldn’t find out?” the dean continued, his voice now a harsh whisper.

“Find out what?” Bam asked innocently, his eyelashes fluttering.

There was an instant uproar in the room; the dean sputtered violently and took a step back in his complete disbelief, almost falling backward when he hit the edge of his desk, his normally nearly-closed eyes now wide open in absolute shock. Both teachers were whispering to each other quickly, their annoying glances flashing from Bam back to themselves, while Dr. Brown was leaning over the dean’s desk, surveying Bam with a glare of intense dislike, his dark eyes darting from Bam’s face to Ville’s and to Ryan Dunn’s.

“Mr. Margera, we know about the alcohol, we are not stupid-” the dean began once he regained his composure, only to be cut off by Bam.

“You sure about that?” Bam snarled, a defiant smile on his face.

Bam growled when he felt Ville’s fist collide with the side of his arm, the skater swearing loudly, knowing there would be a bruise there. The skater stared at the Finnish boy, who looked completely taken aback by Bam’s remark, Ryan Dunn’s head now clearly visible, as it was out of his hands, his shining, teary eyes staring over at Bam in pure awe.

The skater didn’t even hear what the commotion in the room was about, as everyone’s words got jumbled within one another’s, sounding like a foreign language in the end. Bam didn’t even bother to glance over at his dean, who was screaming directly in his face, while Dr. Brown had stepped away from his refuge from behind the desk, the two teachers holding him back from getting any closer to Bam, Ville or Ryan. Bam was merely glancing into Ville’s gaze, neither breaking it until the skater felt someone’s cold hand roughly on his face.

Bam gasped as he felt the dean grab his face violently, the skater suddenly screaming and swearing. Ville stood up instantly from his chair, throwing it backward as he towered easily over every person in the room. Ryan Dunn gave a fearful cry as he ran toward a bookcase, hiding behind it as Bam tried to push the dean away from him as anarchy took over the room.

The skater couldn’t make out what the hell the man was saying, his red, tomato-like face centimeters away from his own. Bam fumbled backward in shock as Ville did not come to his aid, but instead, rushed forward without a word to Dr. Brown, yelling at him violently in Finnish for something the doctor had said amidst all the confusion. The two teachers had let go of the doctor and were staring at each other in disbelief, angered screaming and vicious pushing and shoving going on between Ville and Dr. Brown now.

Bam was staring, entranced, as Ville pushed the doctor straight into a wall, but was snapped out of it when a sharp, stinging slap went right across the edge of his face.

“WHEN I TALK TO YOU, YOU LISTEN TO ME, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” the dean screamed, spit flying onto Bam’s skin.

It took a moment for Bam to realize he had been hit, and as soon as the prickling sensation of the hit registered in his brain, he couldn’t stop the reaction he had.

The skater gave a horrific yell of rage as his hand clenched into a fist, pulled back behind his head and flew straight into the dean’s face with incredible force, a horrible crack and pained, strangled yell coming from the old man lips. The dean fell toward the floor without a word, Bam jumping up from his chair as if he had been burned, his heart racing a mile a minute as he stared down at the whimpering heap that was his dean.

There was a sudden silence in the room as everything came to a halt. Every pair of eyes was glued on Bam, each wide with shock and disbelief.

Bam took a step back, realizing what he had just done, his back clashing painfully with the hard, cold wall behind him. Ville was staring at Bam with his mouth wide open, his green eyes boring directly into Bam’s, the skater suddenly realizing he was shaking slightly.

“Oh my God…You killed him,” Ryan Dunn whispered, stepping out from behind the bookcase, a large encyclopedia clutched in between his white hands over his chest, as if protecting himself from what was happening around him.

“H-he hit me first!” Bam screamed in fear, for the first time becoming frightened when the dean did not move or make a sound.

Bam felt relief flood into him when he heard a faint whisper coming from the heap on the floor. Dr. Brown pushed Ville out of his way as he rushed over to the dean, turning the man over and staring at the slowly large blackening mark on his cheek.

The dean’s eyes were closed tightly as he muttered something again, no one able to make out a word he was saying.

“What did you say?” Dr. Brown whispered, sitting the dean up as his head flopped forward, his hand coming to rest on the cheek which Bam had hit.

The skater jumped with the dean’s eyes opened wide, his furious gaze directly blatantly at Bam.

“EXPELLED!” the dean screamed, Bam’s face suddenly flushing.

“What?” Bam cried, joy rising in his voice.

“ALL OF THEM, EXPELLED!!” the dean yelled, pushing Dr. Brown off of him as he stood up.

“Expelled?” Ville asked, his voice quivering in shock. “Wh-”

“GET OUT OF MY OFFICE! ALL OF YOU! GET OUT!” the dean cried madly, his toupee falling off his head as he grabbed the encyclopedia from Ryan’s hands and threw it straight at Bam’s face.

The skater screamed as he ducked, launching himself out the door and falling onto the hard, tiled floor in the hallway with a loud thud. Bam scrambled up in a daze as Ville and Ryan came bursting out of the tiny room in panic, both boys grabbing Bam’s arms forcefully and hoisting the skater upright.

All three of them sprinted back toward the refuge of their dorms, the angered cries of the dean still resounding freshly in their minds.


Bam stared around the unfamiliar room. It was definitely hundreds of times neater than his and Ville’s could ever be. Everything seemed oddly shiny or gleaming as if newly polished or as if everything had been cleaned minutes before. There was absolutely no rubbish on the floor, no scattered articles of clothing, or sneakers, no broken appliances, no torn papers, old crusty bits of food, or any items for that matter. Each of the two beds in the room had been made neatly, with no messy sheets, or pillows flung about.

Ryan Dunn’s dorm was the stuck-up and polite adult’s paradise and dream.

The red-head was staring out of his only window, watching as trees swayed in the darkness of the night, while Ville had his head in his hands, his green eyes shut, and was seated at Ryan’s desk chair, right next to the equally neat and organized metal desk. Bam was merely entertaining himself by looking about his new surroundings quietly.

They had run straight to Ryan’s room without a word, kicking out the red-head’s shocked and confused room mate and forcing him to stay in the nearby dorm. Ryan locked the door and rushed straight over to the window, before sitting at the windowsill and not saying a word to anyone. At first, Bam was convinced that the kid was going to jump or kill himself, but the boy merely sat there, his hands tracing over the glass of the window mindlessly as he observed the serenity outside.

Bam didn’t know what to think of this whole situation.

A rather large part of him was absolutely ecstatic that he had finally got his wish of expulsion. After two and a half years of trying, it had finally come true. But another, smaller part of him felt guilt gnawing at his insides. Had Ville wanted expulsion? Had Ryan wanted it? Bam knew deep down that by Ryan’s devastated reaction, the goody-two shoes had surely never wanted or expected a consequence this drastic. Bam stared over at Ville, trying to identify what the Finnish boy was feeling, but Bam grew frustrated when he knew he couldn’t.

A sudden rasping knock on the door made each of the boys heads shoot up, each of them snapped out of their individual daze as they stared unenthusiastically at the closed wooden door.

“Somebody get it,” Ryan whispered as there was another knock.

“You get it,” Bam and Ville snarled at Ryan simultaneously.

Ryan grumbled as he got up from the windowsill, muttering something about rudeness and unfairness as he walked past Bam, a slight breeze tickling the skater’s skin. The skater and the Finnish boy stared at each other for a moment, Bam slightly taken aback as Ville smiled softly at him.

In front of them, Ryan had unlocked the door and opened it dully.

Each boy stared at the unwelcome sight of Dr. Brown standing in the doorway.

Without a word, the man pushed Ryan out of his way and stepped into the dim room, staring around at the cleanliness and neatness of the dorm. His eyes landed on Bam and Ville while Ryan shut the door softly behind him, shuffling back over to the windowsill, defeated, with his back hunched and a new wave of tears getting ready to spill from his eyes.

“You are all to pack your things and be ready to leave within the next forty minutes,” Dr. Brown said icily, glancing at each boy in question. “There will be a car to pick all of you up within the next hour and you will each be driven to your homes.”

“Wait,” Ville whispered, his green eyes suddenly huge. “I-I can’t go anywhere-”

“Did I ask you to speak, Mr. Valo?” Dr. Brown snapped, his unpleasant glare focused on the flushing Finn.

Ville sputtered for a moment before Bam snarled a rather loud, “Fuck you.”

Ryan Dunn heaved an exasperated groan, everyone now staring at Bam.

“Let the guy talk, you asshole,” Bam said dully to the doctor.

Dr. Brown pursed his lips together but did not reply to Bam. His gaze went slowly back over to Ville, who spoke up quickly.

“My parents are in Finland,” Ville said, his deep voice straining. “I have no where to go.”

“Well, that’s your problem and not mine, isn’t it?” Dr. Brown said sweetly.

Ville stared at the man in disbelief.

“Y-you can’t just kick me out in the middle of nowhere!”

“You brought this upon yourself!” Dr. Brown screamed, his eyes blazing as Ryan jumped in fear. “Don’t complain-”

“He’s going with me,” Bam said, now standing up from the bed.

“He’s not going anywhere with you!” the doctor yelled indignantly.

“Really?” Bam whispered, now stepping forward as the doctor took a nervous step backward. “Are you actually going to stop me?”

There was such finality in the skater’s tone that it took the doctor a moment to even articulate what he wanted to say.

“I, uh-”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Now get the fuck out,” Bam commanded, his voice shaking as his finger pointed toward the slightly ajar door.

Dr. Brown sputtered indignantly as Bam ordered him to leave, but the man couldn’t seem to come up with anything to say. With an angered yell, the man turned on his heel and stomped out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

“Bam-” Ville whispered, the skater glancing over at him. “I just can’t barge into your house like that-”

“It’s fine man,” Bam said, sighing as he plopped back down on Ryan’s bed. “I don’t mind you coming with me.”

Ville flushed slightly and smiled a bit.

“But what about your parents?”

“Ape won’t mind.”

“Ape?” Ville and Ryan asked at the same time.

“Yeah,” Bam said with a shrug. “That’s what I call my mom.”

The skater blinked as Ville and Ryan burst out into unexpected laughter. The happy noise was a completely odd sound, especially in the situation they were all in.

“What?” Bam asked, unable to help himself as he broke out into a sheepish grin.

Ville shook his head, his curly hair flying about and walked swiftly over to Bam, taking the skater gently by the shoulders.

“Let’s just go pack up and get the hell out of here,” Ville said.


It took less than a half hour for Ville and Bam to pack their bags. Neither boy bothered to pick up the horrible mess that still remained in the room when they completed what they had to do. Neither of them spoke to one another while they packed, but Ville had walked over to Bam and placed a small kiss on the skater’s forehead when they initially walked in the room. They only shoved what they needed into their suitcases before walking out of their room and down the hall toward Ryan’s.

When they opened the door, Ryan was running about in a frenzy, trying to ensure that every item he had was packed and folded neatly into a space in his trunk. Bam and Ville glanced at each other before they both grabbed Ryan’s dresser drawer and dumped the entire contents messily into one of the red-heads suitcases, the boy merely watching them with a slight whimper whenever things didn’t go in his bags in an ordered fashion.

Ryan began to complain but a sharp glare from Ville and Bam shut him up instantly. The red head settled back on his bed as the two zipped up the huge suitcase.

“Let’s go,” Bam said, staring around the boy’s dorm.

Ryan grabbed a tissue from a nearby tissue box on his now empty nightstand, and blew into it loudly, a few tears running down his face.

Bam sighed, exasperated, at the dramatic reaction, and turned around, dragging his two small suitcases behind him, with his backpack slung on his shoulder. He walked out into the empty hallway again, happy that it was so late at night that no ogling boys would be watching the three as they left the school forever.

Ville walked silently behind him, with a still sniffling Ryan bringing up the rear.

They each walked down the halls in silence, their trunks hitting stairs loudly as they dragged it down to the first floor, where Bam groaned when he saw Dr. Brown waiting for them outside in the cool night air. Bam opened the door exiting the school, sighing when a breeze hit his face, as Ville walked out moments later, holding the door open for Ryan who came out, now fully in tears and sobs again.

Feet behind Dr. Brown was a small slick black car, the engine humming softly in the silence of the night.

“Each of your parents have been contacted,” Dr. Brown said, the smirk evident in his voice although no one could make out his face clearly in the darkness. “This car is here to take you back to your homes, where your parents will deal with you there.”

Without another word, the man walked back into the school, the glass entrance door sliding shut behind him.

Bam glanced up at Ville, while the Finnish boy pushed Ryan softly forward as he wouldn’t budge. The small, squat man who was the driver came out of the car, smiling at the three boys, oblivious that they had all just been expelled. He opened the trunk of the car and took Bam’s, Ville’s and Ryan’s suitcases before fitting them in smoothly to the back of the car.

Bam and Ville muttered a thank-you while Ryan merely nodded, his sobs becoming more frequent.

“So, all of you to West Chester, huh?” the driver asked in a nasal voice.

“All of us?” Bam asked, turning to Ryan.

The red-head nodded.

“You live in West Chester?” Bam asked, his interest in the boy peaking.

“Yeah,” Ryan gasped as he blew his nose again.

There was a silence before the driver spoke up, smiling cheekily at the three boys.

“Well, let’s get going then boys,” the driver said, clapping his small, fat hands together. “It is a five hour ride you know.”

Bam, Ryan and Ville groaned.


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