
Jul 27, 2006 00:45

No, it's not another pointless request this time! I actually have a story! As my friend would put it, "slightly melancholic"

Author: inourblood
Rating: whatever, just read it
Summary: memories fade in time, but the ones we love never truly leave us...yes I know it's a crappy summary, I suck at these
Disclaimer: erm...yeah, the implied characters aren't mine...
Author's notes: This was supposed to be a vammy drabble, but you could probably pick whatever pairing you want for it. Dedicated to my wonderful novacaine because...she asked if I'd written anything lately, so I wrote this for her.


How can you capture the delicacy of a rose, or the purity of a child’s laughter? How can you forever seal in your mind the warmth of being held in the arms of a lover? How can you record the greatest memories, as feelings rather than words? Because that is all they are: memories of feelings that I never want to forget. The past that can never re-write itself. And I know that one day, when I try to think back to those moments we spent together, my memories will have faded into a darkness that cannot be re-lit, and all I will have to remind me of you is a single photograph, torn and made unclear by years of holding it, clutching It when life becomes unbearable without you. And one day, in the hopeless future of my existence, I will have forgotten those hours we spent in each other’s arms, forgotten the beautiful sound of your laughter that lit your face with a smile so joyful it set my soul on fire. I will have forgotten everything that made our love so strong. But I promise you, my darling, I will never, ever forget you.


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