(no subject)

Jul 19, 2006 03:07

Do It Like A Whore (Just Business) Chapter 21
Author: war_of_ataraxis
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG-13 this chapter, NC-17 later
Summary: Ville is a street whore, running low on business for the night, when a cute guy in a nice car offers to pay him for his company. Ville accepts, and goes home with him - how much does this cute stranger have in mind, and how much is Ville willing to give?
Disclaimer: Do not own, don't sue me, I have no money, and god knows there are better things to arrest me for.
Previous chapters and writing archive found at love_sex_angst

I was awoken by the annoying buzz of an alarm clock; I hadn't heard one in so long, since I'd dropped out of school that the noise was alien yet still instantly recognizable. I groaned, like I had as a young teenager, and rolled over, burying myself into the soft warmth that was Bam. He whined quietly and moved around, flinging out an arm to only succeed in knocking the alarm clock to the floor; feeling his body weight shift to retrieve it, my arm shot out to wrap around him in a futile attempt to hold him in place.

"Don't go," I whimpered and I heard him laugh groggily.

"I gotta pick up the damn thing or it won't shut up," he replied cockily and I finally released him, flinging backwards onto the bed in a tired mess.

"That's not what I meant."

The sound finally stopped and I felt the bed shift again and I felt his arm move around my waist. "I know, but I still gotta..."

There was a lull in the conversation as my mind ran over the events of the previous night, and I could only imagine he was doing the same from the way his face twisted slightly when I glanced over at him.

"Bam..." I started quietly, almost bringing it up but he shook his head.

"No... just don't." My eyes watched him as he sat up and ran his finger through his messy dark curls. "I have to catch a plane in two hours... I should be getting dressed."

I nodded despite the fact he wasn't looking at me and every fiber of my being wanted him to stay in bed with me, even if for fifteen minutes more; as if reading my mind, he lay back down and face me directly. "Maybe just a few minutes more with you..."

My lips moved upward in a small smile involuntarily as he nuzzled my cheek lightly, before kissing placing a lazy kiss to my jaw line, followed my a small yawn. His eyes looked heavy, and even though I wanted him to fall asleep, I nudged him. "Don't fall asleep... you'll miss your flight."

He shook his head. "I always almost miss my flight..."

A slight laugh escaped my lips, then a thought. "Have you even packed?"

He shook his head. "Fuck luggage. They always loose it. I'll wear what I got, and carry whatever I need."

I crinkled my nose; I'd been in some pretty dirty situations but I can say that I'd never purposefully allowed myself to wear the same clothes for days at a time. "Gross."

"Oh, you won't care when I get home," I could hear him waking up slowly as he teased me -- "You'll just hug me and be all over me, and it'll take you awhile to notice the smell... though really three days is nothing smell-wise... you should smell it when I haven't changed in like a week."

"Ew!" I exclaimed, playfully scooting away from him, and out of bed as I realized that I had to go to the bathroom to relieve myself.

As I began walking away, I heard him chuckle, then whine for me to come back to bed.

"I'll be right back, hold on."

When I returned, he was standing up scratching his lower abdomen where his boxers hung dangerously low; I allowed my eyes to wander before snapping them back up, to see him smiling at me.

"Like what you see?" he asked playfully, shaking his hips stupidly, causing me to laugh.

"Not now, you ruined the moment."

He pouted, faking confusion, "There was a moment?"

I nodded in a equaled fake seriousness. "A nice one... but you ruined it!"

"I'm Bam Margera... I ruin everything..." he yawned before he held his arms out to me, and I automatically moved to him, nuzzling then placing a lazy kiss to the top of his shoulder.

"You haven't ruined me..."

"Yet... Give me time, I'll have you cursing, hurting yourself and getting arrested in no time," his joking laugh caused me to push him away.

"You really do ruin everything," I scolded, but I couldn't hold back the smile, thankful to have the old Bam back, even if he did seem to be hiding a lot of things behind his clear blue eyes and childishly messed up hair - it was hard to be the strong one in anything. "You need to get dressed."

He nodded, and started rummaging through his dresser while I perched on the side of the bed and watched his lithe body move and eventually become clothed.

"I'm going to miss you," the words suddenly flew from my lips before I knew they were coming, and he turned around from taming his hair in the mirror, frowning slightly at the almost pained look on my face, before stepping to the bed to take me into his arms, cradling me against his abdomen.

"I know... I'm going to miss you too... but, really, I'll be back before you know it... You'll survive, I promise."

An hour later, he was gone, in a cab he had called only fifteen minutes prior, after a final hug on the porch and kiss goodbye out of the prying cabman's eyesight.

"I love you," he kissed me on the tip of the nose, and I could only smile and repeat the words back to him, before watching him walk down the front steps and into the cab, knowing that the next few days until he returned were going to be absolute hell without him.

You'll survive, I told myself resolutely, using his words on my own mind as he disappeared around the corner. It's gonna suck... but you'll survive...

I had resigned myself to being alone the entire time, so when the doorbell rang at around one that afternoon, it startled me. I had been left alone with my only my thoughts and the TV for about four hours since Bam had left. The sound caused an instant turmoil of confusion and slight fright as to who it could be for awhile, before the ring resounded around the house again and I crept to the window to peer through and see Ryan standing on the porch looking rather bored.

"Oh," I breathed and raced to the door, opening it quickly, issuing a sloppy apology that he waved away, handing me the keys to Bam's car which now sat in the driveway.

"Surprisingly, nobody fucked with it; I guess Johnny didn't know what car was Bam's," he smiled a playful smile that I returned only grimly; he wiped the smile away and allowed his eyes to wander around the empty entrance hall. "So, yeah... he left?"

I nodded at him, squirming almost uncomfortably, clutching Bam's keys. "Awhile ago."

"Bored?" he laughed slightly.

"To say the least..." I frowned and he nodded, suddenly question, "So, yeah, you and Bam...?"

I nodded before he bothered to ask the question. "Yeah... sorta... I guess... yeah," I responded, moving my weight from one foot to the other, unsure of how to respond to such a thing, when I myself still didn't quite know -- I wasn't good at relationships, let alone classifying them.

"That's cool... he seemed happier last night, until, you know..."

Once again I nodded, dismissing any further mention of the previous night's events that he seemed to continue bringing up. There was silence, before I finally realized how rude I was being. "Oh, did you want to, you know... come in or anything?" I opened the door wider to allow him entrance but he shook his head, eyes darting toward the road.

"Nah, uh, Raab's gonna be here in a few, so I don't need to go into this place and get all all comfortable ‘n shit. Nice ass house, might never leave."

I finally allowed myself to laugh and he smiled slightly at me. "Really! He's living in this nice place, when he could afford a lot better - I'm living in a fucking shithole with two guys - and it's the best I can afford!"

Another laugh, and he continued smiling lightly at me; then there was more silence. "Where did you live before you got here anyway?"

Automatically my brain shut down - I didn't want to talk about this type of thing with anybody, especially one of Bam's friends. "Uh... around... in a random shitty apartment... this place is like a palace compared to there..."

His laugh was slight and he nodded in understanding. "Yeah... well I getcha there..." There was the sound of a car horn from behind him and the crunch of gravel in the driveway as a messed up Cadillac pulled in. Ryan turned back to me. "Well, there's my ride... I'll see you later. Maybe I'll come by with some beer later on and keep you company... though, knowing Bam he has plenty here."

I couldn't respond since I hadn't really bothered to look for any, and he didn't seem to be looking for a response as he was down the steps and at the car in no time.

"Later," he called back as he slammed the door shut and I only nodded moving back into the house, not really sure if I wanted him to come back or not - things could get awkward if he decided to keep asking questions.

So sue me, I've been having a busy work week and haven't had time or the patience to write anything for you lovely folks. Hopefully you'll forgive me, right. ^.^

Tell me what you thought about this. And I'm sorry if Ville is seeming a little bipolar... I'm trying to get him balanced out right now you know. ;) Once I get my own mood swings figured out, he'll probably be nice and normal, even though I think he's more fun this way.

Oh, and uh, if any of you guys would like to friend me on this LJ, or be a 'fan' over at love_sex_angst feel free. =)

Reviews make me happy... in the pants. Sorta... not really.
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