Aftermath: The Nightmare part 4

Jul 18, 2006 19:54

I've held this off long enough...enjoy.

Previous Story Links:
Dream Weavers

Title: Aftermath: The Nightmare
Author: MGSSnake
Rating: I don't know, it will change...
Summery: Bam and Ville are now married, and life seemed to be calming down for the young couple, however their dreams were shattered one fateful day, when Bam was kidnapped. (Again)
Disclaimer: Don't own anything, yet I wish I did...

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

"Alright, contestants...duel!"

As the referee quickly stepped out of the circle, Ville quickly crouched down into a defensive position, his saber at the ready. Smiling, Valentina held out her saber, so that hers and Ville's blades crossed. They then proceeded to circle each other, waiting for the other to stike first.

"What's the matter Ville?" Valentina taunted. "Afraid?"

"Not on your life," Ville replied.

He flashed a sinister smile before he lunged, scraping his saber's blade against Valentina's before poking her shoulder enough to make a small indent in her suit. The virtual scoreboard added a point under Ville's name, the first move made.

"You must think you're pretty smug don't you?" Valentina questioned.

"Well I wouldn't say that sweetheart," Ville said as he ducked underneath a strike to his head.

"Don't you ever call me that again!" Valentina shouted as she charged Ville locking their blades together.

Ville gritted his teeth as he followed Valentina's pattern of attacks, her strikes more vicious than necessary for fensing. As time passed Ville's stamina slowly proceeded to fail him as his blocks became sloppier.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Valentina questioned as she struck at Ville again. "Am I too fast for you?"

"You wish..." Ville panted as he pushed her away from him.

After a moment of circling again, Valentina moved in for the kill. Ville gritted his teeth again as he tried his best to parry each strike, however eventually, Valentina was able to disarm Ville, sending his saber flying out of the ring.

"Touche," Valentina called as she relaxed her arm down by her side.

"First round goes to Valentina," the referee said, his voice echoing through the entire gymnasium, earning a thunderous cheer from the crowd.

"Hurry up and fetch your sword Ville," Valentina said sighing. "I don't have all night..."

Ville glared at Valentina before taking off his fencing helmet and turning to fetch his sword. Throwing his helmet out of the ring, he returned with his saber in hand.

"So you've finally decided to rid yourself of that silly helmet," Valentina noted. "Well don't think that it'll do you any good..."

"More than you know..." Ville said as he prepared himself for the next round.


Bam glanced around at his surroundings again for the millionth time, becomming increasingly bored of how dim it looked. He then sighed as he glanced over at his kidnapper, the bitch herself Jonna. In a different light she was probably one of the most pleasant people you would want to hang around with on a Saturday afternoon or something, however with the current situation, he could care less if she were to get run over by an 18-wheeler. He then glanced over at her partner in crime. He wondered exactly how that guy could stand to be around her, heck Bam couldn't understand how Ville managed to love her. Either way there was somthing about him that Bam found to be, oh what was the word...rebellious. He was hoping that someday soon, that guy, what was his name? Oh yeah, Sierge could help him escape and find his Ville. Bam sighed before a loud rumbling noise erupted from his stomach.

"I'm hungry..." he said more to himself.

It had been a while since he could remember ever eating, and the only thing that Jonna ever gave him was water, which was probably not the cleanest of beverages, but he didn't care, it was enough to keep him hydrated. And speaking of hydration, he also noted that he had to use the little skater's room. He whined and crossed his legs.

"Shut up over there!" Jonna's harsh voice shouted.

"But I have to go to the bathroom!" Bam shouted back.

"Tough," Jonna replied as she went back to her computer, researching other tasks she wanted Ville to complete.

Sierge sighed heavily before he stood and walked over to where Bam was locked in a cell. Flipping through his keys, Sierge located the one for Bam's cell and opened it, ushering Bam out of the dingy thing and down the hallway.


Bam sighed as he washed his hands after using the facility. Waving his hands about rapidly, he shook off as much water as he could, sending numerous droplets every which way in the room. He then sighed before wiping his hands on his jeans. Actuallly he wasn't even sure whos jeans they were moslty because he was thrown the clothes he had on and was instructed to dress after he came too that horrible day.

"Are you done yet?" Sierge questioned irritably.

"Yes," Bam replied as Sierge ushered him back into the hallway. "Hey can you by any chance get me something to eat too? I'm starving..."

Sierge chose to ignore Bam's plea, thus causing he skater to wrap his right arm around his ferociously growling stomach.

"I miss Ville..." Bam whispered as he was more or less pushed into his cell.


Ville coughed as he leapt away from another stike, the sweat now pouring off of his face. Valentina on the other hand looked like she did in the very beginning except for a few loose strands of hair that laid against her forehead. Ville was finished, he knew he was, mostly because he just couldn't keep up. It was still only the second round, however the score was 12-14 with, of course, Valentina leading. All she needed to do was strike any part of Ville's body to win, or disarm Ville again, which wouldn't be too hard anymore. With every stike Ville parried, another tear cascaded down his face, knowing that if he lost, Bam was a goner. Valentina growled as she crossed her blade with Ville's again, this time however she started up a circular motion with her saber's blade around Ville's. Ville furrowed his brow as he watched, the next thing to happen ultimately stunning him.

"Don't blink," Valentina said as she stopped her saber's blade and quickly pushed it up, sending Ville's blade flying once again.

"No!" Ville cried as he charged for his saber.

Jumping up he reached for the blade, Bam's life riding on the chance that he'll catch it and continue, however the blade was just too far away and by the time Ville's hand came close to snagging it, he fell back onto the floor, a loud thud resulting. A split second later, his saber joined him on the floor, a loud clattering sound resounding behind the defeated challenger. Ville glanced behind him as his saber came to rest on the floor, mere inches from his aching body. Closing his eyes, he buried his face in his arms, sobs now racking his body.

"Valentina is the winner!" the announcement rang out, cheers following.

Valentina held a firm grip on her saber as she continued to stare over at Ville's sobbing form. Pity and sorrow etched across her features as her defeated challenger remained where he lay, the referee soon walking over to see if he was alright. The next person she noticed was the kid that was with Ville when he entered into the gymnasium. She caught sight of his glare before he walked over to Ville and helped him up.

"I failed...." Ville whispered through his sobs. "I failed...."

"It's okay buddy..." Ryan comforted as he slung Ville's arm around his shoulders. "You did your best."

"I failed...." he repeated over and over.

"Let's go bud," Ryan said as they slowly made their way over to the main doors.

Valentina sighed as she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Jonna's number.


Jonna smiled in anticipation as she answered her phone.

"So Valentina," Jonna answered. "Who won?"

"Ville did," Valentina said in a serious tone. "He did well, much better than I could have expected.

Jonna groaned in disappointment before sighing heavily.

"Alright, put him on..." Jonna said as she walked over to where Bam's cell was.


"Ville!" Valentina called as she sprinted over to the parked Lancer.

"What do you want?" Ryan questioned venomously. "Didn't you hurt Ville enough already?"

"Here," Valentina said as she held out her phone in front of Ville.

"I don't want to hear it..." Ville said as he turned away.

"What, you don't want to hear from your friend?" Valentina questioned.

"Bam?" Ville said as he quickly grabbed the phone and placed it against his ear.

"Here, make it quick," Jonna's voice said irritably.

"Ville?" Bam questioned.

"Bam, oh God are you alright?" Ville questioned, desperation in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Bam noted. "Hungry but fine. Oh and congrats on winning the match!"

"What?" Ville questioned as he glanced up at Valentina.

Valentina smiled and winked at Ville, earning an ear-to-ear smile from Ville.

"You know, the match...fencing..." Bam explained, making Ville laugh.

"Oh yeah, well thanks..." Ville said smiling. "I know this isn't supposed to be allowed but...where are you? I mean what do your surroundings look like?"

"Well...I was in a cell..." Bam explained as he proceeded to walk around. "And uh, this place doesn't have many windows...and it's dirty as hell...reminds me of some kind of dungeon or-"

Ville was starting to think of possible places in the local area that, on the inside seemed like a dungeon or a prison, however as Bam continued his story, a sharp cry of pain soon resounded over the connection, the sounds of sobbing soon following.

"Bam! What happened?" Ville shouted as panic coursed through his body. "Bam!"

"Sorry Ville, but clues will only be given after each five challenges you successfully complete," Jonna's voice said.

"You sick fuck!" Ville shouted. "What did you do to Bam?"

"He's being punished," Jonna replied as she nodded to Sierge. "For being the little rat that he is."

"Leave him the fuck alone!" Ville cried. "It's me that you want!"

"Well actually Ville, I just want you to suffer," Jonna replied calmly as she turned to face Sierge and Bam. "And to step it up, I'll offer to give you a clue early...however you're going to have to listen to your whore scream and sob as he's punished. It's your choice Ville, either hang up now and continue with the other rules or listen and get a clue early..."

Ville bit down on his lower lip as his voice failed him, this tangeled web that he was thrown into becoming harder and harder to squirm out of. After a full minute, Jonna laughed.

"I thought so..." Jonna said as she activated her phone's speaker. "Enjoy..."

Ville mentally braced himself as he listened to his lover sob from the previous assault, his sobs soon turning into panicked repetitions of the word 'no'.

"What are you doing?" Bam questioned. ", don't! Stop! Aaaaaaaahhhhh!"

Ville ground his teeth and clenched his hands into fists as he continued to suffer through the torment of hearing the love of his life being tortured by God only knows what. Tears started to pour from his eyes as Bam's screams echoed throughout the room, over the connection, and in his mind. He then furrowed his brow when he thought he heard the sound of a zipper opening.

"Oh God..." Ville whispered as Bam gasped for air.

"No, no preparation," he heard Jonna say over the connection.

Ville pressed the speaker button on Valentina's phone so he would be able to place the phone as far from him as possible, yet still be able to answer when Jonna would fork over the clue. Pulling his legs up to his chest, he placed his forehead against his knees as the audio torture continued. A few minutes later though, the screams had subsided and the clang of a metal pipe was heard, along with Bam's sobbing.

"Shit, I made him bleed," Ville heard Sierge say in the background.

"Don't worry about it," Jonna replied. "So Ville, how did you like that?"

Ville quickly retreived the phone and turned the speaker off.

"You're going to die," Ville said in a voice that border-lined between calm and hysterical.

"Well, I guess we'll have to see about that now won't we?" Jonna questioned. "Anyway, I'll give you your clue, however it will be in the form of a picture..."

"What?" Ville questioned, only to have the phone beep, signalling the call had ended. "The fucking bitch."

Ville was about to close the phone and hand it back to Valentina when it beeped again, this time with a message. Ville furrowed his brow as he pushed the send button and opened the message, its contents causing Ville to vomit onto the ground. The file was of Bam and a small portion of the surrounding room. Ville glanced at the picture again as more tears cascaded down his face, his lover had been rapped, the blood covered rod lying next to Bam's broken form. Bam's face was partically covered by his right arm which was more or less his support during the vicious violaion of his body. His shirt rested at the bases of his shoulder blades, persumably because his back was arched in a way that his rear end was the highest part of his body in that position. His jeans were pulled down to around his knees.

"I'm forwarding this to my phone," Ville said as he wiped away his tears. "I'll upload this back at Castle Bam then to find out more about the background. I'm going to find that son of a bitch and when I do, she's dead. In fact...she was dead the moment she laid a hand on Bam..."

Finishing with Valentina's phone, Ville's phone in the car beeped twice, singalling that the trasnfer was successful. He then handed Valentina's phone back to her.

"Thank you Valentina, but, why did you lie?" Ville questioned.

"Well, let's just say that we're rooting for you," Valentina said. "Oh and by the way, the military cadet you were supposed to face next got called away to serve at Iraq, so you have some time off before Jonna calls you to inform you of your next challenge."

"And who's that against?" Ville questioned.

"Brian Boitano," Valentina informed. "He's an Olympic gold metalist who won said gold metal in the 1988 Winter Olympics for men's singles."

"Singles in what?" Ville questioned nervously.

"Figure skating."

"What?!" Ville practically screamed. "You mean to tell me that my next challenge is figure skating?"


"Oh God..." Ville said as he pulled at his hair.


Ville sighed as he leaned heavily on the bar counter, his fourth or fifth beer held loosely in his left hand. Seeing as how it's been a while since Ville last drank this much, his vision was already starting to blur. Luckily for him, Novak agreed to come along to The Blarney Stone for a binge. So at least he knew that he wasn't alone, even if it was Novak. Sighing he swirled the beer around in his glass before bringing the lip of the glass to his own and, tilting his head back, downed the rest of the beverage. Slamming his glass down on the counter he glanced around for any sign of Novak, only to find him mingling with a few ladies in a corner booth. He smiled weakly and shook his head. Turning back to the bartender he ordered another alcoholic beverage, this time a White Russian.

"Coming right up," the bartender replied.

Glancing behind him again, Ville noticed a pool table in the far backend of the bar. Smiling he figured that he'd play a few rounds before gathering up Novak and heading back home.

"White Russian, straight up," the bartender replied as he placed the drink before Ville.

"Thanks," Ville replied as he took a few swigs, eventually taking it with him as he stood and walked or sauntered more or less over to the pool table. "I'm in."

The other guys that had previously finished playing shrugged as Ville retreived a vacant cue and chalked the end.

"I'll break," Ville said as he placed the white cue ball down over the metallic circle.

Ville's opponents watched as Ville leaned over the edge of the pool table and placed his hand down on the table just before the ball. Sliding the chalked end of the cue stick between his index and middle finger, he aimed for the neatly arranged triangle of billiards. Sighing, he forcefully struck the cue ball sending it barrelling into the triangle, scattering the billiards. Standing up, he stepped around to a vacant spot around the table as a bearded and tattooed man aimed up. Leaning on his cue stick, Ville waited patiently as the other three men finished their turns, one going twice because he got one of the red billiards into a corner pocket. Sighing again, Ville walked around to where the cue ball was. Leaning over the table, he aimed carefully, a purple billiard perfectly allied with the cue ball and a side pocket. He struck the cue which eventually collided with the purple billiard sending it into the side pocket he was aiming for.

"Yes," Ville whispered as he moved around to make another shot.

He glanced at his field for a moment before he found another great shot with a yellow-stipe billiard and a corner pocket. Just as before, he leaned over the edge of the table and took aim. However just as he was about to shoot, he felt a rather strong hand grab his ass. Voicing a strained gasp, Ville's cue smacked into the cue ball sending it astray across the table, ultimately missing his target. An annoyed glare crossed over his features as he turned to the man who dared to violate him.

"What the fuck is your problem you sick fuck?" Ville shouted, causing his pool opponents and a few onlookers to glance his way.

"Nice ass," the burly biker replied as he confiscated Ville's half consumed White Russian and finished it.

"Hey!" Ville shouted as the biker replaced the glass on the edge of the pool table. "That was mine you fucker!"

"No need to get fiesty now," the biker replied. "Or is it your time of the month?"

"Why you..." Ville snarled before he punched the biker square in the jaw. "I'm not a woman you dumb fuck!"

Just when Ville was about to return to his game, the biker's friend ended up returning the favor. Growling Ville returned fire, ultimately starting a bar fight. Moments later as the cops finally charged through the door, Ville had the biker's friend down on the ground with his switchblade knife hovering just over the man's throat.

"Ville!" Novak called just before two officers apprehended Ville, confiscating his switchblade.

"Let go of me!" Ville shouted as the officers forced Ville's arms behind his back, securing them there with a set of silver handcuffs.

"Let's go buddy," one of the officers said gruffly.

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" Ville screamed as he valiantly tried his darnest to break the officer's grip on his arm.

"Ville!" Novak shouted as he clumsily made his way over to the door.

Ville shouted curses in Finnish as the officers loaded him into the back of their patrol car and drove of deeper into town.

"Don't worry Ville...." Novak slurred. "I'll out..."

Well there you go, another chapter down. Wow, and a lot has happened too. I feel that I've been way too mean to poor I'm going to make it up to him next chapter.
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