(no subject)

May 10, 2006 19:56

Title: Do It Like A Whore (Just Business) Chapter 10
Author: war_of_ataraxis
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG-13 this chapter, NC-17 later
Summary: Ville is a street whore, running low on business for the night, when a cute guy in a nice car offers to pay him for his company. Ville accepts, and goes home with him - how much does this cute stranger have in mind, and how much is Ville willing to give?
Disclaimer: Do not own, don't sue me, I have no money, and god knows the RIAA wants me more for the 13,000 songs on my computer...
Previous chapters and writing archive found at love_sex_angst

I awoke in the midst of soft, shallow comfortable breaths, to the soundtrack of Bam's light snores. I smiled at myself, oddly comforted by the weight of his arm slung across my bare waist and the feeling of his skin against my back, a slight sheen of sweat from out body heat, the pulled slightly when I moved to climb out of the bed..

The snores stopped immediately and he yawned, blinking at me. "Wher'ya gonn?" he garbled out, rubbing his eyes and sitting up to look suspiciously at me through blurry eyes.

I smiled slightly. "Bathroom."

"Oh," and then he fell back onto the bed. "Good."

He probably thinks I'm going to run again, I thought, after I had finished my business and stared intently into the mirror, wiping at my face. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to get it to straighten, and disliked the feeling of the last few days greasy buildup between my fingers.

I looked longingly at the shower, debating, and then shrugged.

He probably wouldn't even notice if I just showered... he'd probably already fallen asleep again anyway.

I leaned in through the open glass door, turning the knobs to start the shower, testing the warm water on my arm; the feeling was amazing and I quickly slid out of the boxers and into the jet of water. A sigh of pleasure escaped my lips and I quickly rinsed my hair, smiling from just sheer relief.

The water heater at my apartment hadn't been working properly for quite awhile, and this had to be one of the best feelings I'd ever experienced, next to the feeling of Bam's lips, and the comfort of his bed.

Smiling slightly, I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair, turning so that my eye caught a dark shape through the fogged glass, I was startled at first before sliding the door to the side and peaking my head out of the shower and looking to see Bam leaning on the door frame with a bemused expression on his face, one hand scratching his lower stomach.

"Making yourself at home?" he questioned sleepily, and I only nodded.

"I was dirty."

He snickered slightly at my response and moved to the mirror, raking his hands through his hair much like I had done before in place of responding, though I'm sure his mind had come up with a million things to say. "Do you want to go somewhere and get breakfast?"

I almost turned down this request when my stomach growled angrily. "Sure."

He smiled. "Okay... I'll put some clothes out here for you... and we'll go get something."

No less than ten minutes later I had climbed out of the shower, much to my distaste and dried myself on a towel, quickly slipping into the oversized jeans and Element shirt Bam had laid out for me. The shirt seemed new, and it felt strange to be wearing something so masculine. I looked into the mirror and noticed that the strange feeling was also a strange look, one which Bam quickly realized as I emerged from the bathroom.

"Damn, did you drown in there, I was about to call the - whoa. Don't you look... normal." He raised and eyebrow and I laughed slightly at this, tugging at the hem of the shirt in uncertainty. "Is that a bad thing?" I questioned him and he shook his head, standing from his place on the foot of the bed and coming towards me. I twitched slightly, and then relaxed into his welcoming arms as he kissed my cheek softly, catching a small drop of water that had been trailing down my skin. "Not at all."

"Good," I managed, attempting to almost sound sure and certain, but that attempt was drowned out as he pushed his lips lightly to mine. My mouth opened automatically, and we shared a slow, sensual kiss.

He pulled back with a slight laugh and I could imagine the offended I had just given him.

He shook his head, rubbing his lips. "We need to brush our teeth... Even the cutest ones have morning breath."

Thirty minutes, a brushing of teeth and some more sweet kisses later we were pulling from his driveway towards town, feeling overwhelmed by just how normal this all felt. How simple it had come to me.

But an overbearing voice in the back of my mind told me not to think about it, so I shoved it out of my mind just as we pulled up beside a rather nice looking diner, a contrast to the one the night before. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in, smiling warmly to the hostess the greeted, and I figured he must come here often.

Maybe I can start coming with him.

I smiled slightly but shook the thought from my head and enjoyed my meal, afterwards allowing Bam to drive me around town, pointing out things that I hadn't even known existed. After a bit of a drive, we pulled up outside of the mall, Bam reaching over to jerk a beanie over his head after retrieving it from the backseat.

"Trying not to be too obvious," he muttered, then leaned over and pressed a kiss to my lips. "Try not to get separated from me... cause I really don't feel like having to chase after you again..."

Even though I was rather confused by this statement, I followed him into the mall anyway, shrugging it off. We were part of the way to some random destination when I finally understood what he had meant as a small girl, no more than fourteen, stopped in her tracks, dropping her bag and starting to shiver violently, mouth opening like a fish for a few seconds, no sound coming out.

"B-B-BAM!" she finally let out an ear piercing shriek that caused me to cover my ears. Bam's eyes darted around, just in time to see a large group of teenagers dressed in clothes smothered in his name stop their lazy walk through the mall. My arm automatically reached over, clinging to his forearm and he let out a small laugh.


I only heard the word, and then I was obeying, running from a screaming hail of teenagers, the girl's voices ringing high above with emotion and the boys screaming loud obscenities. We ran into Sears, the nearest department store, and dodged through the clothing racks, footsteps muffled on the carpeting of the women's section. "Dressing room!" he whispered loudly and grabbed my arm, flinging me into the small indent in the fall, and into a small cubicle.

Breathing heavily, I looked over to see him pressing an ear to the door, hearing the confused voices of his fans outside. "Shit, man, I need a better fucking disguise I guess," he grinned dumbly at me, as I heaved, searching for breath, amazed by everything that had just happened within ten seconds of walking into the mall.

"Does this happen all the time?" I asked eyes wide. "I mean - that... do they always - "

He just smiled and cut me off with a soft and unexpected kiss, before muttering. "Yeah, they're crazy."

I hadn't even been into a mall in a few years, let alone been mobbed by screaming fans of a man I had only met a few days earlier and who now held my hand in a warm, reassuring manner, though laughing at my shock.

"Ville, s'all good, I swear. They go away, we just have to wait them out."

"How long does that take?" I questioned and he shrugged.

"Sometimes it only takes a few minutes, sometimes longer. Gotta say the company is better than my last time stuck in a dressing room," he smiled, then "I was by myself," he explained when I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh... okay," I blushed slightly at my stupidity and looked down at the floor just in time for Bam to move over and pull me to his chest with one arm, the other tangling into my hair and bringing my lips to his in a kiss that caused my body to almost go limp. Tingles and shivers swept my body, and I mused at the fact he could still make me feel this well with the same action.

When our kisses finally subsided an immeasurable amount of time later, he pressed his ear to the door again.

"I think we're clear..." he informed me, grasping the door knob in my hand in his hands. "Now, lets go get you some clothes that fit properly."

"You don't have to - " I began to protest, but a shake of his head silenced me, as he lead me to the men's department up an escalator.

"I do... you can't keep wearing my clothes... they don't fit you... at all," he took this time to pluck at the oversized jeans I was wearing as we stepped off the escalator. My eyes looked down at his hand, just in time to distract me from my step and I stumbled forward, blushing stupidly before I had even fallen into his arms.

"Try not to kill yourself, okay? We don't want that..." he lips graced my cheek softly before setting me back upward, eyes darting around the almost deserted department while my heart fluttered in my chest. "Alright... no more running up here, good?"

I just nodded and followed him, though I really knew I didn't mind running with him away from a million screaming fans as long as he kept kissing me like he had in that dressing room.

A/N: This chapter was a bit awkward, but I wanted to let you guys know I'm still hear writing this, no matter how slow it comes. We've glimpsed Ville's life, and now we've gotten a bit of Bam's life. I think eventually the fact that Bam is famous will actually sink in... eventually.

God, this is so OOC, but really, I don't care, I don't think you guys do either.

PS You should all send me money so I can go to Germany, Switzerland and Austria, and then the Bahamas and Cancun. No? Okay, damn, well it was worth a shot. =)

Leave me a review, and let me know how you liked this. Oh, and I'm looking for some more/new and interesting LJ friends -- so, if you wanna, you know. ;) lol.
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