A bit of a rant.

May 10, 2006 19:53

Mods you can delete this if you want to, and I will respect that. But this is something that should be said.


I don't see anything wrong with writing about real people, but there has to be a line. And the line is getting crossed over and over and over. I know you can't control other people, but sometimes I think it's nice to give them a little wake up call.

The whole point of this community is to slash two real people. Two people, who, no matter what anyone thinks/claims- are straight in real life. It is fantasy, and I don't care how much proof anyone thinks they have, it is not real unless the two guys say it is. This is something most people here understand, but some people ( and I am not just talking about the member who posted about her cousin e-mailing Bam, because they haven't been the first to do this) don't seem to realize how horribly disrespectful it is to e-mail Bam or one of his friends and demand that he come clean about being with Ville and/or anyone else. The RPS should stay in this community (and in other apporiate places), and not be sent to Bam or anyone in his circle, or put on his message baord or web site, because let's face it- it's creepy. Some stars may find it flattering that their fans would love them enough to write about them, but I doubt they would find it flattering if they found out about half the things people make them do in stories. Either way, you don't know who is okay with it and who isn't.

Let's be honest- if you got an e-mail from a complete stranger demanding that you say you're in love with a close friend, or says that you are something you're not- wouldn't that creep you out? I'm sure you'd brush it off if it was once or twice. But this hasn't been once or twice. You think that by asking Bam if he's straight or not, that he's seriously going to answer you? If you seriously believe that he will, then you really need to get a life. (again this not directed at one person)

And yes, I'm sure other people who don't belong to this community do it too. Some because they believe it and others because they are being ass holes. I don't care what people outside this community does. I care what you guys do.

Because you should be adult enough to know it is wrong to harass someone like that- and yes it is harassment. It may be a joke to you, but think about Bam. He's probably getting a shit load of these a day, and you doing it too is only adding to it. I'm asking that you don't add to it. Let the idiots be idiots.

There is a reason why it is called "fiction" It is not real. The moment you seriously believe this is real is the moment you've crossed the line. No matter how much any of us wish this were reality, it's not. Not until one of the boys says it is, and I really, really doubt they ever will.

I apologize if this seems like a downer. But everyone has their breaking point, and I've reached mine. Sorry Mods, if this post causes you trouble, ect. To make it clear: this is not an attack on any one person or of this one community. Clearly I like Vam otherwise I wouldn't be here... there just has to be a line.
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