(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 22:02

My first time posting so I shall post a fic!

Title: Right Here In My Arms
Author: Noodlez1090
Pairing:Jussi/Bam eventually vam
Rating: PG-13 but will go higher
Summary: Jussi and Bam meet and hit it off right away. Jussi decides to take Bam on tour with him but what happens when Jussi's band is on tour with Bam's favorite band HIM? (I suck at summaries but I try! :])

I hope I did this lj cut thing right!

Boring. If Bam can explain the last couple of days at all, that would be the perfect word. There was no excitement or nothing special happening. Just his daily routine: school, skate park, and home. Gladly enough it was the last month of school so he would be out of this hell hole soon enough.

Bam continuously glanced at the clock above the door of his last hour class. He knew once he was out of here he could go skating, so he just tapped his pencil on the desk waiting.

Finally the bell rings and he springs out of his desk and out the door to his locker to grab his board. Once he got that over with, he went to go meet the crew outside.

“Yo Bam!” Ryan Dunn, Bam’s childhood friend, yelled catching his attention.

“Dunn, where’s the crew?” Bam asked looking around.

“Well Novak’s should be here any second. The rest of them decided to bail.”

“What the fuck for?” Bam said slightly annoyed.

“I don’t fucking know, don’t yell at me for that shit. Now do you want a ride or not?” Bam sighed. Dunn was a senior, and the only one who drove. Don’t get me wrong Bam was 16, and old enough to drive, but who would trust him behind a steering wheel?

“What are you ladies fighting about now?” Novak said, walking up to the two boys.

“About who should get your mom tonight.” Bam said laughing, walking over to Dunn’s haggard van. “Shotgun!” He yelled and ran into the passenger seat.

“Fine! Fuck you guys!” Novak said climbing into the back seat.

Dunn simply just sighed, not in the mood to drive but getting into the drivers seat driving over to the skate park anyway. Plus the fact that he had to hear, Bam, and Novak argue the whole ride wasn’t helping any either.


“So this is the crappy state we’re going to be staying until the tour starts?” Asked the Finnish man. The Silence that filled the car caused him to sigh.

“Great” He looked out the window trying to find somewhere worthwhile, than he saw a spot that caught his eye.

“Pull over.”

“Why” The man driving said.

“Cause looks, it’s a skate park!”

“You don’t even skate!”

“So it’s better than driving nowhere the whole day.”

“Fine!” He pulled over and followed the Finnish man out of the car into the skate park.

“Get the hell out the car, both of you. Never again am I hanging out with, just the two of you alone.” Dunn said, kicking them out of the car.

“Aw Ryan, you’re too good to us.” Bam said causing himself, and Novak to break out into a fit of laughter.

“It wasn’t even that funny!” Dunn stormed out into the Park, pulling out a cancer stick, and taking a seat on a bench. Bam, and Novak just shook their heads, and went off skating.

After skating for a good hour or so, Bam decided to take a break. While climbing out of the dog bowl he noticed an unfamiliar man just standing not too far from him awkwardly. Bam being the nice guy he is walked up to this mysterious man.

“New here?” Bam said knocking the man out of his daze.

“Huh? Oh yeah, you could say that. ” He said with a very thick accent.

“Very new here.” Bam said laughing at how thick his accent was.

“I’m Bam.”

“Jussi” Jussi said smiling not very surprised Bam didn’t know who he was since he usually is never in the states.

*Review are always welcomed and are awarded with vammy hugs!
This chapter is short but it's only to test out and see if anyone is interested.*
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