Look! *holds up proudly*

Apr 22, 2006 02:00

Look at this!! *runs around in circles*

I wrote fluff! They didn't die! There was no major angst resulting in suicide!

But...it's crap...

Anyhoos, the inspiration hit me in the face when I was having fantasies about what will happen when I go see HIM at London Brixton Academy on the 25th. Since I'm currently hyper about it, I thought I should post this now instead of waiting until Monday night. *Hits inspiration back* *runs around in circles*

Title: umm... find me one?
Author: who do you think?
Rating: pg-13?
Summary: unexpected things can happen at HIM gigs...I suck at summaries so badly
Disclaimer: If I owned them, they would be performing this in front of a camera for me.

April 25th 2006, London Brixton Academy.

I winked at Bam standing in the middle of the crowd. He always preferred to be down there instead of waiting backstage for me. I think he liked the atmosphere more or something along those lines. Several girls surrounding him swooned, each thinking the wink was meant for them.

“Won’t you die tonight for love,
Baby, join me in death,” I sang, staring at my boyfriend.

The closing notes rang through the close air of the hall, multicoloured lights following them down. I was just about to open my mouth again for the ‘thank you, you’ve been a brilliant audience’ when a commotion caught my eye. Someone was trying to force their way past the security guards to get up on stage, and by the look of it they were putting up a good fight.

“Hey, Ville, will you tell these assholes to get off me?”

I recognised the cute accent at once. My eyes flicked to the place where he had been standing before, but he wasn’t there. Some people stared and pointed. No one had left yet; all of them were to interested in what Bam was trying to do.

Of course, none of them had any idea that we were together yet. I had been tying to get Bam to tell someone for about a year now. The secret love had been fine for a while, stolen kisses when no one was looking, running off together when everyone was busy. Bam had acted the same way he normally did, and if any of my band mates had noticed a difference in me, they hadn’t mentioned it.

But eventually it got tiring, having to disappear away from everyone if we so much as wanted to whisper ‘I love you’. Having to conceal our relationship from those we loved. I couldn’t break things off with Jonna without anyone finding out, and that technically meant I still had a fiancé. I had been trying so hard to postpone the wedding. I couldn't marry her now I knew I loved Bam.

Finally he persuaded me to do it. I can still remember her screaming, throwing things at me.

“Listen, Jonna, there’s something I have to tell you,” I began. She stopped crawling over the bed towards me, and sat up on her knees, still staring at me in that lust-filled way. “I can’t marry you,”

For a moment there was silence, like the calm before the storm, and then came the gale that destroyed so much.

“What do you fucking mean you can’t marry me Ville Valo?” I ducked a vase that smashed into the wall where my head had been resting a moment earlier. “I thought you loved me. I thought you said you would die for me? Or was that just another lie?” I jumped out of the way of a beautiful ornament I had bought her for her birthday, which smashed just like the vase. “Who is it? WHO FUCKING IS IT? What makes her so much better than me?” She used my silence to throw the phone at me. It hit me in the side of my head, making little stars pop before my eyes. “Why do you always fucking lie to me? How long has it been going on, Ville? How long have you been fucking her brains out?”

“It’s a he, not a she,” I said almost inaudibly.

“What?” Her voice was deathly silent. I didn’t reply. “WHAT DID YOU FUCKING SAY?!”

It was terrifying how a woman’s anger can make any man tremble, but when it’s another man it wouldn’t remotely worry me.

“I said it’s a he, not a she,” Now it was her turn to remain silent.

For a moment only.

“You fucking fag! I can’t believe you Ville! It was so fucking obvious, you’re a puff! You like sucking cock? Want me to do something to help you with that?” She took a carving knife from the kitchen. Jonna advanced towards me, holding the knife in a threatening position. I did what any sensible person would have done. I ran.

We hadn’t told anyone since.

I waved the guards aside, and Bam came up on stage. He looked so beautiful with his hair ruffled up, adrenaline rushing through his body. I stood in stunned silence. What was so important that he had to tell me like this? Still, no one had moved. I realised the microphone was still on, but the roadies seemed frozen in place.

Suddenly, he kissed me. For a moment I just stood, frozen in place, then my automatic reflexes took over. I ran my hands up his back, tangling my fingers into his hair, my tongue seeking entrance to his mouth. I heard gasps and whispers of shock from the crowd. His mouth opened, and our tongues swirled together in an elaborate dance.

Then, just as suddenly he pulled back. I could see Linde and Migé behind him looking at me as if I had grown two heads. He grabbed the microphone and pulled it over, so it was facing us. Then he produced something from his pocket that I couldn’t see.

“Close your eyes,” he instructed. I shut them tight, worried that this would be some sort of joke.

“Bam Margera, if this is a trick, I will fucking kill you,” I heard a couple of people laugh slightly.

“Open your eyes again,” he said. I did. He was down on one knee in front of me, the small something opened to reveal a beautiful ring, shaped like a heartagram and engraved with black, green and blue jewels in a wonderful twisting, twirling pattern. I couldn’t catch my breath.

“I love you Ville. I want to be with you every moment of my life. I want to wake up by your side, and fall asleep knowing that I’m holding you in my arms. I would die for you. I would do anything you ask me to.

“Ville Hermanni Valo, will you marry me?”

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. My breathing was shallow and quick. Bam looked up at me, blue sapphire eyes meeting my own emerald green. There was something of desperation flickering in his gaze.

“Oh god Bam, yes! Yes I will marry you!”

This was the happiest I had ever been in my life. I could hear cheers and screams and applause coming from the audience, none of whom had yet left. I wrapped my arms around Bam and led him to the edge of the stage, throwing their hands up in the air to more screaming. Some girls were crying, and one man was yelling, “Go to hell, bloody fags!”

Bam made a hand gesture and the man fell silent.

“I love you Bam. So much.”

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