Graffiti - Ch.3

Apr 19, 2006 00:35

Hello Sweethearts!!

Wow, I so shocked myself. First I posted a new chapter to Forbidden Love last night, now this!! I'm so proud of myself. Well, I won't keep you waiting!! Read and Enjoy!! *smiles* Oh, previous chapter links inside as well!

Title: Graffiti
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Two worlds, one city. Your rule breaker. Your typical, average being. What happens when you put two and two together? (I know, the summary sucks. Just give it a chance)
Disclaimer: Down own them, but a girl can dream, right? I only own the idea.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

The hallways were empty as he quietly made his way through them. It was still early and he didn’t want to wake any of the people that lived within these apartments. They weren’t the pleasant of people when disturbed. As he passed different doors, he read off their numbers. He was close.

A familiar door finally came into view after a short walk. Sighing softly, he ran a hand through his hand before taking that same hand to the door. After looking up and down the hallway, he quickly tapped at the wooden door. Adjusting the strap on his shoulder, he waited for someone to answer the door. Seconds passed and he began to become impatient. He knew the person that owned the apartment was home. So raising his hand, he knocked again but a little bit louder.

“Alright. Alright. I’m coming.” the familiar voice brought a frown to his face. Immediately he heard clicking sounds as the locks were undone. A grunt followed as the person pulled open the door. Standing before him, with an unhappy look upon their face, was a brunette that stood a little shorter then him; and he stood about 5’11. “What are you doing here?” her voice showed no emotion, but her face said it all.

“I came to retrieve the rest of my things.” he answered, showing her no remorse either.

She remained still and quiet as she studied him. “Fine.” she spoke with a sigh while taking a step backwards. “Then I want you out.” she added sternly before walking away from him.

Shaking his head, he stepped into the apartment and gently closed the door behind him. He watched as she headed into the kitchen, most likely to go back to her morning coffee, before making his way to the bedroom. Pushing open the bedroom door, he realized how easy this was going to be. All of his things were already in a pile, in one of the corners of the room. Sighing softly, he stepped up to the small pile of his belongings. A couple articles of clothing, a beanie or two, and a couple other things was what made up the pile of belongings.

As he began to shove his things into his duffle bag, he spotted the bathroom out of the corner of his eye. Stopping his actions, he leaned up a little and glanced over his shoulder. He knew she wouldn’t mind if he took a fast shower or not. So carefully placing his duffle bag on the floor, he stood up straight before crossing the bedroom towards the bathroom door. With one hand, he pushed open the half opened door while his other hand flicked on the switch. Light quickly engulfed his body as he stepped further into the bathroom. He was just going to make this quick.

Turning on the faucet, he waited until the water was at the right temperature before stripping himself of his clothes. Pushing back the shower curtain, he quickly climbed inside and closed the curtain. The moment the hot water hit his body, he felt it instantly relax. Sighing softly, he closed his eyes as he allowed his body to relax some more. Even though the shower was really relaxing, he did not want to be in this apartment much longer. So with a quick wash of his hair and body, he rinsed off before turning off the faucet. Then sticking his arm out of the shower, he grabbed a towel and pulled it into the shower. Wrapping the cloth around his waist, he pulled back the shower curtain and stepped out of the shower. Instantly he felt the coolness of the bathroom dance against his wet body. Shivering slightly, he noticed that he had left the door open. With his foot, he pushed the door closed before undoing the towel. As quickly as he could, he dried himself off and pulled his layers of clothes back on.

Feeling the heat return to his body, he ran a hand through his damp hair. Afterwards, he turned off the bathroom light before exiting it. Shoving the rest of his things into his duffle bag, he manage to retrieve one of his beanies before pulling it on over his wet hair. With one last check over the bedroom, he stepped out of the room. “So I take it you’re leaving now?” she asked once she saw him leave the bedroom, a hint of concern within her voice.

He always thought it was funny how one minute she would hate him, then be the complete opposite in the matter of minutes. “Yes, Missy. I am.” he answered softly as he looked at the shorter girl.

“Bam.” she started with a sigh. “Why are you doing this? Just stay here with me.” she insisted carefully as she tilted her head to the side.

Bam shook his head in protest. “Missy, I already told you. We’re over. That’s why I came for my things.” Bam replied gently, not wanting to stop a fight. Lifting the duffle bag a bit, he shouldered the strap before sidestepping her and began to make his way to the front door.

“Bam, wait.” Missy pleaded after him. As he came to a stop in front of the door, he heard her footsteps shuffle across the carpet. “Please don’t do this.” she begged as she gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

At the simple touch of her hand, he felt his body shiver. Not bothering to look at her, he reached out for the door knob. Turning the knob and tugging on the door, he pulled it open without a word. “Missy. You have to understand me when I say this. We’re over.” he spoke calmly before taking a step forward into the hallway, her hand slipped from his shoulder as he did so. Without looking back at her, he continued down the hallway in the direction he had come from. There were no words of protest from her. It was complete silence.

As he turned down a different hallway, he could make out the front main doors. His escape. Before he knew it, he was pushing on the glass door and was instantly hit with a gust of cold air. Shivering slightly as the door closed behind him, he reached in front of himself and quickly did up his zipper. Instead of thinking of where to go, Bam just let his feet take him on his journey for the day.

While the sun climbed higher into the sky, it began to chase away to coldness that tried to dominate the climates. As the time continued to pass, Bam found himself growing hungry as his journey continued further into the city. Scanning the area he was within, he spotted a small café. Then glancing up and down the street for cars, he quickly crossed it. A bell had echoed through the café as he pulled the door open. Once inside, he found a small booth by the windows and made his way towards it. Placing his duffle bag on one side of the booth, he seated himself on the other. Two menus already laid on the table, so picking one up he began to scan it’s description of meals. Deciding to keep it cheap and easy, he ordered a sandwich.

Sitting silently in the booth, he turned his attention to the window that was to his right. Gazing out the window, he scanned the grounds. Mostly just buildings, offices and small department stores. However, it wasn’t until he noticed something in the distance that caught his eye. Making a small mental note, he came to the conclusion that he’d make a quick stop there on his way out.

Within the matter of minutes, his food arrived. Thanking the waitress before she walked away, he then began to eat his food silently. After satisfying his appetite, he pulled out his wallet. Grabbing enough money for the bill and a tip he left it on the table. Then sliding out of the booth, he retrieved his bag before making his way out of the diner. Making sure the coast was clear, he crossed the street again and began in the direction that had caught his attention earlier.

Walking the few blocks that stood in the way, he soon reached the fenced in area. Reaching out his hand, that was closet to the fence, he dragged it along the metal fence as he walked past it. Letting his fingers gently race across it, he stared at the contents within the fenced in area. Inside sat a decent size skate park. Most of it was cemented and man-made, which made it perfect if you were a street skater. Skateboarding was a hobby he took up when he was younger, but as he grew up he also grew away from the hobby. Staring at the park in awe, he made his through the entrance. This hadn’t been the first time of him seeing the park, or being within it, but it always made him think about how much he missed the sport. As he made it further into the park, he noticed some graffiti that had been done on the cemented pavement and walls. Some of it belonged to his crew while a piece or two belonged to him.

“Well if it isn’t Bam-Bam Margera.” a familiar voice said behind him.

Coming to a stop at the sound of the voice, he turned slightly to see who the voice belonged to. Dressed in pink and black fishnets, along with a black skirt, he quickly recognized the person standing in front of him. Her long black hair hung a little over her shoulders. Her traditional pink bangs stood out as well as the pink coloring underneath the black. “And if it isn’t little miss Pinkie.” he replied with a soft smirk as he used her tagging name.

Sticking her arms out, she spun in a circle. “The one and only.” she laughed as she came to a stop. “So what brings you here?” she asked, a smile still upon her smile, as she stepped closer to him.

With a shrug of his shoulders, he began to led her in the direction he had been heading. “Just happen to be in the area.” he answered as he glanced over at her. “How about yourself? What brings you to the skate park of all places?” he questioned as they neared a back cemented wall.

She let out a soft giggle at his questions. “Actually, I saw you and followed you in here.” she answered with a wink as she watched him drop his duffle bag on the ground. “I take it you and Missy are done?” she asked curiously as she eyed the bag.

Nodding his head slowly, he hunched down to his bag. “Can’t get anything past you, Ryan.” he joked softly as he unzipped a side pouch to the duffle bag. Digging around the small compartment, he finally found what he was looking over. A can of black aerosol paint.

“You’re better off without her, sweetie.” Ryan stated, showing that she took his side of the breakup. She then waited until he zipped his bag up again before taking a hold of it.

Standing up straight, he began to shake up the can to mix up the contents within it. “She tried to get me to take her back.” he added with a shrug as he watched Ryan take his bag. She had moved it a few feet away before taking a seat on the ground. Then leaning back some, she used it as a pillow. He couldn’t help but shake his head at her actions. She was always something different.

“Women. I’ll never understand them.” she spoke with a smirk as she looked up at him. Her hazel eyes sparkling with vivaciousness.

“Same here.” Bam laughed before he turned his head to the cement wall. If you were a tagger, you couldn’t stop by the skate park without putting up a piece. Everyone saw your pieces if you put them here. Shaking the can again, he began on a small piece. This time he was simply just going to Wild Style his tagging name. “So you still hang at Cadillac Customs?” Bam questioned, trying to start up a conversation.

During the short moment of silence, Ryan had begun to pick at her long nails. “Of course. I like live there. Remember?” she answered with a laugh while her attention still stayed on her nails as she crossed her left leg over her right knee, bouncing it slightly.

Bam let out a laugh as he went over his ‘B’ again, making sure he didn’t miss a stop. “How are the guys?”

Ryan was silent as she thought about the guys that worked at the tattoo shop. “Monster is still the same. Paul is still getting in fights with his woman. Oh John broke his hand, but it’s healing now.” she explained, trying to remember everything that took place in the shop since the last time Bam had been there. “They did get a new guy though. Haven’t met him yet.” she added with a shrug.

“They actually hired someone else?” Bam asked, slightly surprised, as he looked over his shoulder at her.

Ryan nodded her head to Bam’s question. “He’s suppose to be good.” she stated as she glanced over at him. “It’s his first night tonight. You want to go scope him out with me? That way we can tell John if he should keep him or not.” she suggested before bringing a nail to her mouth and quickly bit a piece of it off.

As Bam started on the ‘M’, he began to think of anything that he might have to take care of that night. When nothing came to mind, he began to like the idea. He hadn’t seen the guys in a while, so why not pay a visit? “Sure. I’m up for it.” he replied with a soft smile. Then putting his attention back on his tag, he continued to work on it. The whole time he was at the skate park, he and Ryan kept up light conversation as they both left small tags around the park. Even if it was little designs, they didn’t care. It helped pass the time until they were to make their way over to the tattoo shop.

And this is Ryan. So you have an idea what she looks like *smiles*

Whatcha think? Love? Like? Hate?
This chapter would have been longer, but I have to get up in four hours to be at work by 6 o'clock-ish. Well Feedback! It's always loved!! And it keeps the story alive!! Until next time!! *hugs*

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