Graffiti - Ch.2

Apr 05, 2006 02:44

So we meet again!

Hello sweethearts! I'm still having problems with Forbidden Love, so I bring you a new chapter for Graffiti. Read and Enjoy!! *smiles*

Title: Graffiti
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Two worlds, one city. Your rule breaker. Your typical, average being. What happens when you put two and two together? (I know, the summary sucks. Just give it a chance)
Disclaimer: Down own them, but a girl can dream, right? I only own the idea.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

The annoying buzzing of an alarm clock echoed through his head, wakening him from his sleep. Groaning softly, he stuck his hand out from under his covers to turn it off. However, his hand only touched the smooth surface of the side table. Groaning against at the constant beeping, he slowly opened his eyes. As the focus came back to his vision, he realized that he was laying on the couch. He slowly placed a hand upon his head for the beeping began to give him a headache. Pulling himself off of the couch, he slowly dragged his feet across the living room. Pushing open the bedroom door, he found his friend still passed out on the bed. Shaking his head softly, he made his way across the room and towards the still beeping alarm clock. With a sigh, he quickly turned the device off.

Letting a yawn escape his lips, he walked up to the bed and approached the side his friend laid on. Reaching the sleeping figure, he began to shake him. “Dunn. Come on, man. You’ve got to get up.” he mumbled, but loud enough to be heard.

The figure under his touch began to move at his attempts of waking him. “I’m up.” his friend groaned as he rolled away from his touch.

Not saying a word, just nodding his head, he pulled his hands back. Then watching Dunn pull himself into a sitting position, he decided it was time to leave the room. So headed back in the direction he had come from, he made it back into the living room. Scratching at his untamed curls, he made his over to a black duffle bag that was resting in the corner of the room. Kneeling in front of it, he zipped it open and began to search it’s contents. Finding some clothes that satisfied him, he pulled them out of the bag.

Climbing back up to his feet, he turned around and headed for the bathroom. Once behind the closed door, he began to rid himself of his previous clothes. After pulling on a pair of ripped, faded blue jeans, he began to run a belt through the belt loops. Buckling the belt closed, he slowly brought his hands to his hair. Then running them through his untamed curls, he let out a soft yawn. Shaking his head softly, he reached for the long sleeve gray shirt he had pulled out of his duffle bag. Pulling the neck hole over his head, he pushed his arms through the sleeves. As he finished redressing himself, he bent down to the tile floor and began to gather his clothes.

With all of the articles of clothing bunched up in his arms, he left the bathroom to find his friend walking around the small apartment. “He actually leaves the comfort of his bed.” he joked as he stepped into the living room, where he received his friend’s middle finger as a reply. Shaking his head with a chuckle, he cross the room to his duffle bag. Then shoving his clothes into the bag, he began to retrieve the rest of his attire. A pair of fingerless black gloves. A black beanie, which he quickly covered his untamed curls. Finding his old, black shoes, he quickly slipped them on as well.

“You know. You can stay here while I go to work.” Dunn suggested as he looked over at his friend, who was now pulling on his black coat. A black coat that almost hung to his knees.

“Dunn, you know I don’t like staying at people’s places while they’re gone.” he stated as he began to buttoned up a couple buttons to his coat.

“How long are you going to do this Bam?” Dunn questioned softly as he studied his best friend. The two of them went way back, but somehow Bam’s life didn’t turn out like his.

Looking over at his friend, who was only concerned, he gave a small shrug of his shoulders. “You know I can not answer that.” Bam answered with a soft sigh. Silence slowly fell amongst the two of them. Reaching down for his duffle bag, he closed the main pouch before shouldering the strap. “Well, if you need to get a hold of me, you know how.” he spoke, finally killing the silence, as he grabbed his wallet and cellphone off of the coffee table.

Not saying a word, Dunn had only nodded his head in reply as he watched his friend leave his apartment.

Bam closed the door behind himself as he stepped into the rundown hallway. Most of the lights within the hallway either did not work, or flickered on and off. The walls that lined the hallway either had paint chipping away from them or was covered in different forms of graffiti. Most of them along this hallway belonged to him and his crew. You had to practice somewhere. Adjusting the strap on his shoulder, he left the hallway and entered the stairway. Walking down three flights of stairs, he stepped into the main hallway that led to the front doors.

Nearing the glass door, he placed both hands upon it before pushing at it. Putting a little effect into the push, the older door finally gave in and allowed him to open it. As he stepped onto the sidewalk, he was instantly greeted by the morning cold air. Remembering he had some things he needed to take care of, he walked towards the curb. In order to get around anywhere, without doing a bunch of walking, he needed a cab. Standing on the curb, he saw one heading his way and waved out his hand.

To his luck, it drove right past him. Groaning softly, he stuck his hands into his pockets and waited for a different cab to come by. He knew one would soon, this part of the city was full of them. Not even a minute later, he saw another pull onto this street. Repeating the same actions as before, the cab driver just continued to drive; ignoring him completely. Taking a deep breath, he tried to stay calm. At times, he could become very impatient.

Bouncing slightly on his heel, he tried to keep his body warm as it started to get cold from just standing there. Finally, a third cab came into view and he repeated his actions like before. “What the fuck.” he mumbled as the cab driver drove right past him. It wasn’t like an object was blocking the driver’s path on seeing him.

Only a few yards away, the third cab that had pasted him rolled to a stop. He mumbled under his breath as he watched a man walk up to it. He was starting to get pissed that he had been ignored by that same driver. “Hey! You need this one!?” the man called down to him.

Hoping he heard the man right, he walked down the sidewalk towards the cab. As he got closer, he noticed this man to be dressed in khaki’s, white button up shirt, and a tie; and of course his coat. A business man, maybe? “You need the ride?” the man questioned with a lingering accent, that he could not point out, as he got closer to him.

Shaking his head softly, he looked up at the taller figure. “Are you sure it’s not a problem? I mean, I can wait for the next one.” Bam suggested as he pointed in the direction where most cabs came from.

The man shook his head in protest as he reached for the door handle and pulled the door open. “I’ve watched two other taxi’s, besides this one, pass you. Take it.” he suggested kindly to him. Bam just stared at him, debating to take the cab or not. The man let out a soft sigh. “How’s this? We share? Whoever’s drop off is closest, we’ll head that way.” he suggested, quickly thinking of a way for the both of them to not have to wait for a different cab.

Finally agreeing with this man, because he was getting cold and it wasn’t like he never shared a cab with a stranger before, he placed his duffle bag in first before climbing in after it. Scooting across the seat, he took a seat behind the driver as the other man climbed into the cab as well. “Fifth and Bucklin.” Bam spoke to the driver as the passenger door was closed.

“S. Main and Madison.” the accented man spoke to the driver. As the driver pulled away from the curb into the light traffic, the other man looked over at him. “Well it looks like you get dropped off first.” he stated with a small smile. Bam found himself studying this man’s features. Minus the clothes that he had already seen, this man had shoulder length wavy, dark brown hair that hung loosely around his shoulders. A pair of emerald eyes like he’d never seen before. His complexion was more pale then normal, but it seemed to fit him. Bam would be lying if he said this man wasn’t attractive, because he was.

“I guess so.” Bam spoke with a small smile of his own as he gripped onto his duffle bag. It wasn’t everyday you shared a cab with a completely stranger, especially while carrying a bag that held all of your belongings.

“Ville.” the man spoke, pulling him from his thoughts.

“Huh, what?” he questioned quickly as he looked to his right at this man.

The man could help but smirk at his actions. “My name. It’s Ville. Ville Valo.” he repeated while reached out his hand.

Bam studied those long fingers for a second or two before realizing that this could do no harm at the time being. “Brandon. Brandon Margera.” he replied gently as he removed his hand from the duffle bag and reached it out towards Ville’s hand. Once the two hands connected, they gave a little shake before letting go. As a little conversation continued between the two of them, Bam couldn’t help but think that he made seen this man before. Like recently, but he couldn’t put a finger on it.

As the minutes passed, their ride together came to an end. Finally Bam’s stop came into view and he began to make sure that he had all of his things. With everything in check, the cab soon came to a stop. While reaching for his wallet, a hand on his right arm stopped him. “Huh?” he asked as he looked up at his new friend.

“Don’t.” Ville spoke softly. “I have it covered. So don’t worry about it.” Ville explained kindly.

“Are you sure?” Bam questioned carefully as he eyed the other man. The man only nodded his head in reply to Bam’s question. “Um, thanks.” Bam spoke, hesitating for a second. “See you around then maybe.” he added softly as he reached for the door handle. Pulling on it softly, he pushed the door open with his left arm.

“It was nice meeting you Mr. Margera.” Ville spoke as he climbed out of the cab.

Shouldering the strap to his duffle bag, Bam turned around to look at the brunette. “Same here.” Bam spoke with a smile. “Goodbye, Mr. Valo.” he added kindly before closing the cab door. Walking around the back of the cab, he stepped onto the sidewalk and watched as the cab pulled away. As the cab disappeared onto a different road, he felt himself sighing softly. Would there be another encounter with this man?

Shaking his head softly, he turned to face the apartment building that he was now standing in front of. Clearing his head of any thoughts, he stepped up the front steps before disappearing behind the old front doors.

Bam's Character
Ville's Character
To help you guys get the idea of how I wanted the two of them to look.

So....Love? Like? Hate? Feedback is always Loved!! Until next time!! *hugs to everyone that read this*

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