(no subject)

Apr 04, 2006 18:25

Title:Do It Like A Whore (Just Business) Chapter 4
Author: war_of_ataraxis
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG-13 this chapter, NC-17 later
Summary: Ville is a street whore, running low on business for the night, when a cute guy in a nice car offers to pay him for his company. Ville accepts, and goes home with him - how much does this cute stranger have in mind, and how much is Ville willing to give?
Disclaimer: Do not own, don't sue me, I have no money, and god knows the RIAA wants me more for the 13,000 songs on my computer...
Previous chapters and writing archive found at love_sex_angst

Waking up the next morning, needless to say I did not spring out of bed in hopes of quickly seizing the day.

I didn’t want to seize the day; I wanted it to just drift away. So, as long as I thought well I continued staring up at my cracked ceiling, counting the thin lines; trying to visualize the pictures that could be made from them.

Anything to distract me from what I had to do yet again today.

But then there was a loud, brutal knocking at my door, and I sat up automatically, my eyes scanning around the room, opening even wider as they landed on the clock.

Shit it’s two in the fucking afternoon… that’s Maxwell.

I slid out of bed quickly, knowing that if I kept him waiting there might be hell to pay. Grabbing the money from the table I opened the unlocked door, and came face to face with the hulk of a man standing before me.

He faked a sweet smile, pushing into my apartment, and shutting the door.

“So, how’s business been doing, love?” he asked, glancing down at the fifty in my hand, then frowning. “I hope that’s not all you have for me,” he gave me a shiny toothed smile. “There might be a bit of a problem if that’s all you have for me, love. And we don’t like problems.”

He spoke as always, his rhythm never changing, tossing in ‘love’s like normal people tossed around ‘uh’s and his eyes scanning the filth in which I lived.

“But, it’s all I have,” I muttered, looking down, frustrated at the once crisp bill in my hand. “It’s been hard, Maxwell.”

I knew this wouldn’t do it.

“Oh? Are you really that much of a worthless whore that even scumbags won’t pick you up?”

My mind automatically darted to Bam, his sweetness, his kindness, and bit his lip, my teeth being jarred into the soft flesh as Maxwell slapped me across the face and sent me reeling slightly into my battered kitchen table. The bill fell from my hand and he looked down at it as if it wasn’t good enough to wipe his ass with.

“Look what you did, you dumb fuck. Pick up that bill and give it to me, now,” he spat at me. “NOW!” he echoed as I bent down to pick it up, and he dealt another blow to the back of my head. I bit my lip again, blinking back tears as I straightened up to see him. He always dealt the heaviest blows to areas no one could see.

After all, why would you damage your business?

Taking the bill from my hands, looking into my teary eyes, he grasped my chin and grinned. “Now, be a love and get me the rest of it.”

I blinked. I needed that money, so I lied even though I knew it would cause trouble. “I don’t have anymore, I swear, that’s all I could make - men don’t want the whole thing when they can just get a blow job for - “

I was cut off as he slapped me once again and I cried out, my body collapsing to the ground, a tear finally streaking down my stinging cheek. “Don’t fucking lie to me, you worthless cunt. You’re just like your fucking mother, she always tried to lie to me. She always wanted to keep it for herself, the ungrateful bitch. Fine, keep it, but keep in mind, you fucking owe me.”

As soon as the door slammed I allowed the choked sob to escape my lips. I never let him see or hear me cry, even though I think he knew he always made me. He was like a master who abuses his pet… No matter how much abuse they take, if you lock them in the house, they can’t escape.

I can’t escape.

So many would say, just walk away from it, but they don’t understand. It’s not that easy. I’m trapped, I owe him. As shitty as it was, this apartment was set up to be rented to me by him. As abusive as he was, he protected me from others.

You don’t let others destroy your property; even if it’s something you destroy yourself.

Unable to control my sobs, I crawled back towards my bed, collapsing half way there in half-frustration and half-surrender to the deep waves of tears that still consumed my body and rendered me immobile.

That’s where I fell asleep, laying on the dirty floor until I finally calmed myself, falling into a soft but fitful sleep.

I awoke with a start, looking around in blind panic. It was dark outside.

Eight? How the fuck can I sleep so fucking much?

I scrambled from the floor, rushing to find something decent and hopefully attractive to throw on. It wasn’t time for the best wave of costumers, but any costumer was necessary now. After throwing on the clothes, I grimaced as I faced myself in the mirror. My eyeliner from the previous night was streaked and smeared around my face, my hair in disgusting tangles.

It’s not like they really care what I look like.

But I combed the tangles from my hair, washing and fixing my makeup before practically running through the door towards my street.

It was cold again, and I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself, and staring at the ground. And then, looking up, my heart leaped, and I stopped in my tracks.

That car? Is that him?

I squinted, trying to will myself not to hope, when the car began to move towards me, it was almost like I couldn’t breathe. He pulled up to the curve and I could see my slack-jawed reflection in his window for a short while before it was rolled down.

“Hey, beautiful, need a ride?”

I couldn’t breathe, I just stared up at his cocky grin, and then at the bill laying in the seat; a hundred.

If I wasn’t in dire need of money I would have felt cheap, but instead of feeling anything but exhilaration, cold and confusion, I opened the car door, picking up the bill and sliding in beside him. He gave me a sheepish but smug smile as I slid on my seatbelt and then pulled away.

He came back…

He came back.

As usual, I ask for your thoughts and opinions =)
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